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I certainly understood the hurt of not being called. Why not just text the granddaughter and say hey your grandpa would love you to call and say hi , just for 5 minutes
The young people are busy themselves and do tend to forget family. Even parents they don’t see that much.
My children were around both sets of grandparents even though the relationship was different with each. Still there should be respect since we only have a small amount of time together. Young people are not understanding how important a little attention is for their families. That’s a shame.
Best to you
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I should have added what others have said . Call your granddaughter
and put grandpa on the phone to say hi. Young people can get busy and forget .
Face time on the cell phone is another way to add a little fun.
Best to you
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i can understand the pain you both have at not being in touch with the grandchildren. With dementia they do ask over and over and getting the same "no" i am sure is sad for them. they don't understand. My father quite often said he was going to remove the one grand daughter from his will because she never came around, etc. granted they (brother/family) only lived 1/2 hour away, they hardly came around. Well he never did remove because I told him that it wouldn't be right. he passed in May 2020 and she is still in the will. funny thing is that I heard her (niece) tell my mother she loved her but has only seen her 1 or 2 times in 2 years. never calls, never sends letters, etc., but yet she is on the receiving end of money each year at Christmas from my mother. wishing you luck.
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It's even worse when the adult CHILDREN don't call, except when they need money.
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That is why she doesn’t call. That was very passive aggressive.
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Many on this forum, choose to stay away from their parents for very real and legitimate reasons. Framing things to your husband + grand-daughter in a deliberately hurtful manner, indicates your daughter +granddaughter have valid reasons to stay away.
Your Passive Aggressive text indicates that your granddaughter should NOT reply. unless you APOLOGIZE FOR THAT HORRIBLE TEXT; the elder is technically responsible for maintaining contact, feel free to text or email your grandchild in an appropriate manner. It's not their job to initiate contact.
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