You will have to do this for him. If there are some books that are in good condition you may be able to donate them to your local senior center or hospital. However, since the COVID pandemic, many public places will no longer take donations of books. My mother had many brand new hard cover books when she died and I was able to donate them to the facility where she lived. Other than that, they’ll probably have to be thrown out.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to RLWG54

I will never give up my books! They go LAST. To some of us a life full of good reading is not to be meddled with.

I am curious just why you feel these books need to be addressed? Can you tell me more?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

If you can’t determine what’s important or what is not, it feels risky to get rid of anything. In addition, when you can’t even control your own mind, controlling possessions becomes more emotional. Spoken as someone who has been down the road with older friends and relatives and now on that slide myself. Unless there is a safety reason it needs to be done, it is much easier and faster to sort, donate or discard afterward than upsetting someone who is experiencing so many losses.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to GrandmaKay

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