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For a different, but difficult smell, I found this (link at bottom). It is expensive. How about trying baking soda paste on his skin? I don't know about safety of that. For laundry, I've had good luck with adding Borax in the wash for odors.

For that "old people" smell from skin cells: also comes as a liquid.
Helpful Answer (2)
JoyfulOne Feb 2021
Thank you for your suggestion, but baking soda on the skin can be abrasive. Try corn starch to absorb odor without being rough on the skin.
My mother passed in 2017 RIP. Her urine was horrible smelling from meds. Put Dawn dish soap will remove the smell .wash in cold water and hang dry. It really works her aides taught me this in the nursing home. Hope this helps someone !!!
Helpful Answer (8)

Synthetic fabric holds onto odors much more, so switching to natural cotton can help a lot. Air drying clothing is very helpful. I would also line their favorite chair with a washable cover as odor can transfer. A bad urine smell can mean a UTI and it may not be the typical either. I noticed a problem with that with a parent who had acquired pseudomonas while in the hospital. Your client should be checked.
Helpful Answer (6)

If his urine smells that bad he might have a urinary tract infection. It's very common with older persons. He needs to see the doctor and a same sent for a culture. If it is then the doctor will give him a script for a antibiotic. This happens with my mother too so I'm very aware of any changes in order to get it treated quickly.
Helpful Answer (3)

I use sudsy ammonia, about a cup in and soak for an hour or so. Then wash as usual.

it takes the smell of cat pee out of laundry. I used to have an old man cat that would pee on dirty laundry.

hanging clothes outside on a clothes line helps too.
Helpful Answer (3)

Clean out the washing machine first then Try putting a cup of vinegar in his wash.

You might see if he has a Urinary Tract Infection.

He should drink more water to make his urine lighter.

It could just be his meds making the smell.
Helpful Answer (6)

1) Besides the medication that can cause a special smell to urine, diet and spices in the food can cause the problem with urine odor as well.

2) Dehydration could cause this problem too.

3) Also, different fabrics have different tendency to keep the smell. Choose the clothes that are cotton and/or linen.
Helpful Answer (3)

I was brought to this site and finally found an answer to the laundry, at least. Wash in liquid tide. Spray the item well with hydrogen peroxide before putting in laundry. I bought specific Arm and Hammer Laundry "soda" which is a little different from reg, A&H Baking Soda. You add that with your detergent and in the bleach dispenser add vinegar and was on COLD not HOT. In the beginning when my patient had blood in her urine it was specifically bad so I added a tiny bleach in the bleach dispenser and added the vinegar to the fabric softener dispense. As for the body? I don't have any answer other than good perfumy wipes? We bought the adult wipes from Walmart.
Helpful Answer (4)
spoonielife Feb 2021
Um.. Peroxide will *bleach*.... That's why they use it on hair...O.O

"Washing" (NOT baking) soda is awesome for all kinds of things including a laundry booster especially if you have hard water, and for making your own liquid laundry detergent (which we do regularly, TONS cheaper and works just as well as store-bought stuff like Tide). I had to order my last box through Amazon because the Fry's and Walmart around here didn't stock it, but it was only about $4.
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”Nonenal” is the term for aging body odor. I learned that a chemical in aging skin can smell like urine... that won’t go away. Persimmon extra soap is said to help this condition. I think the soap is available online. I hope this helps!
Helpful Answer (7)
kiki22 Feb 2021
I can still remember this smell. My great grandparents house smelled like it. When I smelled a hint of it in my own house, I found Mirai online. It's in your skin cells (I was in my late 50s then), and they drop on the floor and the furniture. I don't work for this company. Maybe there is another brand. Body wash is also available.
Put cheap vodka in a spray bottle and spritz the clothing. It's an old roller derby trick for stinky gear! Also, the vinegar soak is good and Sport Tide for washing!
Helpful Answer (5)
Isthisrealyreal Feb 2021
And you can add an essential oil for extra special fragrance. I like lavender for the calming effect it produces.
Clorox makes a Urine Remove product that can be used on laundry and hard surfaces.
OdorBan, I get it in the gallon size at Sam's Club but I have also seen it at other stores does a great job of removing odor and it is also a sanitizer. Smells pretty good as well. I use it for washing floors even now.
Are you using a light (and I stress light) bit of barrier cream? That does help keep the urine from getting to the skin. But a heavy coating of a barrier cream can be difficult to remove. And if you put it on pat it onto the skin don't rub it into the skin.
Helpful Answer (6)
Isthisrealyreal Feb 2021
Big box hardware stores are great for this item in the gallon size.
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Try oderban at sam's club, and men's shaving cream down below for the last step.good luck .....
Helpful Answer (1)

Persil is great.
Helpful Answer (2)

I do a pre- wash on cold with white vinegar. Then I re-wash with regular amount of laundry soap plus 1/4 cup oxyclean and 3-7 drops of tea tree oil.
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Riverdale Feb 2021
Not sure about the first. YB is younger brother. OS is older sister. While we are on the topic MIL is mother in law. SIL can be son or sister one has to try to figure out the situation. OD is older daughter. Then of course the standards for AL assisted living, MC memory care and NH nursing home.

I know. That catheter has been a blessing and curse. I agree that it's not working right, she shouldn't be filling the bag twice a day with probably 2-3 more cups of urine filling the depends and pads. But I have zero say in her health issues. Beyond zero. Anything I say is interpreted by YB (caregiver/jailer) and he takes it personally.

Maybe I can get my OS to step in. YB gets so angry with me and I really just want peace.

I do know that she always has one bag attached and one 'clean one' hanging up in the bathroom and there is ALWAYS a bit of old urine in the bag. She simply cannot clean it well enough--I think she needs to do a complete flush or something--but old brown urine smells pretty bad. Also, I think she needs new bags every month or so. Again, I am not allowed to weigh in on her health issues. YB has taken over and gets very angry, loud and even scary if any of us broach her care.

In the end, she lives in HIS house, not mine. The smell is HIS problem.

And mother does her own laundry and is fairly stingy with the detergent. No way could she do pre-soaks and such. It's everything in the wash, 1/2 cup of some cheap detergent and cold wash.

But thank you for the time you took to answer. Perhaps it can help someone else who has some control over a situation like ours.
Helpful Answer (3)
bectwin1 Feb 2021
I just wonder how SIL feels about it. I wonder if she is able to talk to YB about ideas of ways to help. Or even step in herself. Of course he might be overly defensive because she is complaining a lot or because he is aware of it and is struggling to deal with it. Possibly because you mom is resistant. Certainly it pays to be very tactful about how you discuss these things. Always start with praising him for doing all the things he does. Everyone is grateful to be appreciated. And ask what you can do to help with the situation rather than just offering suggestions. Good luck!
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Fill the washing machine with hot water and a few scoops of OxyClean crystals. When the clothes or bedding are soiled, put them in the machine and let it soak.
When you have a full load to wash, drain the soaking water from the machine. Now add a few scoops of OxyClean crystals again and three Tide pods with Febreze (for a large load). Those clothes will get clean and they will not stink. Once a month or so, run a wash cycle with no clothes in it (hot water with a couple cups of bleach added) to clean the washing machine. Often times the washing machine also stinks and needs to be cleaned.
Helpful Answer (4)
disgustedtoo Feb 2021
Haven't used or needed these crystals, but how would one do this with a front loading washer? There's no way to "fill" it. Use a bucket or the tub? Lot of work to move larger items that are soaking wet! So, is there a way to use these crystals differently with a front loader?

Just asking for others, have no real need for this (for a few months I did have to deal with kitty accidents with my old girl, who was also forgetting litter box, but I sprayed those towels with Nature's Miracle and let them dry before washing - NOTHING smells as bad as well concentrated kitty pee!!! Washing as normal seemed to take care of it. If weather was okay, I would dry them outside, but usually I do that because I like the fresh air smell AND it's cheaper than using the dryer!)
Mom struggles with this.

She's on a lot of meds and she's diabetic. She wears a catheter full time with a cath bag that always leaks a little, so depends and poise pads are added.

I honestly don't know what causes the smell. Mostly the meds, I'm sure. she has no sense of smell whatsoever, so it's really bad and she has no idea.

At 91, we're not looking for more problems, so we don't say anything. Since her apartment is connected to YB's home, the smell travels. SIL has put some candle wax melt things in the connecting hallway that are VERY strong and it helps to quell the odor in the main house.
Helpful Answer (2)
BurntCaregiver Feb 2021
Hey Midkid58. Your mom should have no need for Depends or Poise pads if she has a catheter bag, and should not be leaking. There's something wrong with it.
Is the bag changed often enough?
Is the tubing changed? Sometimes when the tubing has been used to long the seal to the collection bag loosens up and it will leak.
Do you have visiting nursing come to check on your mom weekly?
There shouldn't be any urine smell if the catheter equipment is in working order.
What I found helped a lot with reducing urine odors with clients who use pull-ups and incontinence pads, is to dust them with baking soda. Plain old baking soda. You don't need to use a lot and it won't bother your mom. It helps.
If you don't want to do that, I've often used a trimmed down baby diaper as a liner in a pull-up. Baby diapers are made from different material than adult one. The surface always stays dry because liquid turns to a gel inside the diaper itself and it doesn't smell.
Is he drinking enough fluids, especially water? Diluting the urine may help with the odor problem.
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Yes, hang the clothes out or on a rack.
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He needs to be checked for a bladder infection.
I swear by soaking clothes in white vinegar before washing. Mix half vinegar and half water.
If the clothes have been through a dryer then sometimes the urine smell is baked in.
Helpful Answer (6)
spoonielife Feb 2021
Definite agreement on the bladder infection / UTI check.

Be careful with the vinegar though!! Even half dilute vinegar is still a strong acid on fabrics, it can weaken the threads. Baking soda is safer for odors, though tbh I haven't tried it for this use. Make sure to be VERY dilute and don't leave it overnight.
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