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Have you taken photos of the sore? if he can't see it, he may not understand just how bad things are. At least show him some pictures, it might help a bit.
Helpful Answer (5)

It's the hospital's care decision upon being released. If no one is at home to care for his medical needs, they will NEVER send him home. Typically, they send the patient to the rehab unit of a Nursing Home. If he's on Medicare, the hospital will have to secure a Medicare bed in the NH before discharging him.
Helpful Answer (2)

I appreciate your thoughts and letting me vent. It's hard to put all the info of what is going on. My dad does qualify for help. He uses the program to pay my brother who doest live or work for him. He has ran off any decent help. Smokes in his house. I quit my job and moved and did caregiving for years after working another full time job on top of it. The agency that came for wound care finally after he finally called the doctor before he went to hospital explained its seriousness. That is why he went. We went through this with a heel wound, but was able to get it healed with wound care at home. I did take a picture and show him in the hospital. He knows he waited too long to get care. The agency doesn't have the staff or any others we checked to do the IV every day. That is where they would train me. Problem is i live and work 100 miles away. He has to have IV every day same time it risk bone infection for 4-6 weeks. I am not lying to the hosoital and the agency. I've tried to find a traveling nurse, places ad for help before this and again now. I talked with the wound agency and it was a good convo. He has burned bridges with other agencies. It will effect their license and the ability to help in future if I'm not up front with them. I'm trying to do the best I can and talk with all to help my dad. I'm sorry if anyone things im not a good daughter or caregiver I don't need you to judge me when you don't know the whole story.
Helpful Answer (6)

Ps cherrysoda that was ugly and I don't appreciate you saying get off my butt. You have no idea how many calls and effort I've put into things over the years and now.
Helpful Answer (8)

Your father is paying your brother? Then brother needs to be the one to man up and live with his father and learn how to take care of the IV. But that's not going to happen, is it?

You have done your homework, and there are no nurses available to come and change the IV. And no one is there 24/7, which is what is needed now, correct?

Do NOT...repeat DO NOT become trained to do ANY of this care. Because then you will end up being totally responsible. We have seen caregivers end up quitting their jobs over and over to take care of a parent. They thought they had no choice. Or they thought it would be just for a brief period of time.

But there IS a choice here. Your father needs to be in a facility to get the care he needs. End of discussion. Do not participate in ANY way if he somehow finagles going home. Do NOT learn how to do any of the IV care. If he insists that your brother lives with him, then you say that is it your brother who needs to learn to do the IV care. NOT YOU.

The best care for your father is going to occur is if you do NOT participate at all in that care.
Helpful Answer (3)

I'm seeing more and more stories here (and I've dealt with it too) that discharge planners are NOT doing their jobs and seem to pressure family members into totally upending their lives to take care of their loved ones. They think NOTHING of telling you that you need to take weeks/months off your job and go take care of your father. They need to hammer him with the fact that he needs to go stay at a facility until his wound is healed. Maybe they can get him off cigarettes while he is there, which would probably help him to heal faster.

DO NOT take this on yourself.
Helpful Answer (7)
Upstream Jan 2019
You are so right. I have learned to be AWOL when my mom goes into the hospital, otherwise they tell me to just take her home and take care of her. I don't think they would do this to a 51-year old man because they would assume he has a career he cannot abandon. But they assume a 51-year old woman can just drop everything for an indefinite amount of time for this. I run a small business and work 6 days a week. If I am absent from my business it will go by the wayside and then what will I do? I figure I have 15 more years of full time work, I can't abandon my business.
My brother who My dad pays is in prison. Made bad choices with drugs. That is what I try to get across its not just a simple situation with My dad on anything. I find me out in the few weeks i haven't been down he bouguy a really good deal truck. While he knew he had this sore and should be getting help. My dad has been moved to a nursing home for rehab!! He is frustrated because he couldn't get me or my aunt or anyone to do what he wanted. My aunt and I talked Friday and were on the same page with things. I'm praying my dad will get settled and this will be his wake up call he can't do this living at home so poorly. I will go help with things and visit. I'm so thankful he is not at home without care. Thanks for your support!
Helpful Answer (7)
CaregiverL Jan 2019
So proud of you for sticking to your guns & not letting Dad or hospital push you around. Hugs 🤗
See 1 more reply
"My dad does qualify for help. He uses the program to pay my brother who doesn't live or work for him."

and then

"My brother who My dad pays is in prison. Made bad choices with drugs. That is what I try to get across its not just a simple situation with My dad on anything."

Your father is paying your brother, who is in prison??? I take it this program your father qualifies for is paid for by the taxpayers? So the taxpayers are paying your brother in prison?

Sounds like fraud to me.
Helpful Answer (1)
Lymie61 Jan 2019
I'm sorry but this is the thing that stands out to you in this posters plight? It sounds like a very selfish, insensitive reply that is totally void of what this forum is for, to SUPPORT one another. I'm not saying you need to agree with or support everyone's actions and opinions but if you don't have something supportive to offer just don't reply. We can all pass on any post we choose to. please use that ability. Just to add an obvious fact; this poster is in no way enabling or involved in what you are complaining about, even if that is indeed what is happening, so why snark at the person saying they are exasperated by the situation?
Is there a way to take my post down?
Helpful Answer (0)
BarbBrooklyn Jan 2019
You can contact the administrators.  Are you worried about the fraud implication?
A while back families pushed to be able to bring sick family members home, and that family member be "trained" to provide care that otherwise had to be done by an RN with an MD on staff. Proof of high rates of Hospital Borne illnesses got the Hospital Community on board, and laws were changed for the benefit of patients and families who desired it. Now Insurance Companies and many Doctors expect patients to have family or friends availabilile and willing to do what other certified home health can't! Don't put yourself in that position!

1) Meet with staff and doctor and say you wish to "stage" agreement to be with him, but then have staff or doctor say his needs are now beyond your abilities.
2) Put on the "staged" show in front of your dad.
3) Start working with insurance and state agencies to get night or 24/7 care when he is released from Rehab Facility...vs Standard Nursing Home.
I was approved ( in Iowa) for Medicaide Waiver In Home Services in April. It took until September for the meeting to determine my needs, which is also determined by their budget. What I get is 4 hours a week and on call RN who asks if I need an ambulance. There is no actual on call nursing available.
You need to save your time for when he is ready to come home, as he will need you then.
Helpful Answer (1)

I feel like most are supportive even if it's hard stuff I need to hear but there have been a few that are just upsetting and mean to me and I don't need it right now. I will reach out to admin thank you.
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anonymous434963 Jan 2019
You are doing right and you know it. Many commenters here have offered support and good suggestions and have confirmed your action.
Sometimes we just have to sort out nasty comments and only be mindful of what helps.
I think people mostly mean well, but all of us are looking at your situation through our own window of experience; and a distorted view can make for an unfortunate comment.
One good thing about this forum is being exposed to other points of view. Whether we embrace them or not, at least it helps us to understand that there are more ways to see a problem than we might have found alone.
Keep strong in what you know is right for you and your dad. God bless you for caring and loving him!
Smile, you have done Everything right, so don't listen to those who have upset you, and don't leave this forum that may be of some assistance to you in the future in the care of your Dad.

As With a lot of Stubborn Seniors, there is only so much you can do, unless you have obtained Guardianship. Remember, opinions are like Azzh**es, Everybody has one!

Hopefully this is the next step in getting his Medical team see that his living alone is not in his best interest, every step we take in the care of our parents is a learning experience, and along the way, it opens up opportunities to get him appropriation care, so keep speaking out, and taking names! You can only do the best you can, and you have done so! Take Care!
Helpful Answer (7)
Isthisrealyreal Jan 2019
Yep, and some of them are really stinky!
Oh smilebeth that is good news. I will believe with you that this is his wake up call.

Well done sticking to your guns.

It is amazing how conniving old folks can get when they are trying to have there own way. It's like the terrible two all over again.

I really hope that his wound heals, those can be so painful.

Keep up the good work and stick around, if people are inappropriate it is okay to tell them so. Including me!
Helpful Answer (3)
smilebeth Jan 2019
Thank you so much your words really helped
Thanks everyone. I won't leave. Just going to take step back. I worded some things wrong. I just meant my dad uses his money not always in the best ways. My brother can't be there because he is in prison, so when my dad tells hospital my brother will be there that's what meant. It would be like my dad paying someone not there. I'm tired, but happy my dad is in the nursing home getting the antiobiotic He needs.
Helpful Answer (7)
Lymie61 Jan 2019
We all word things wrong sometimes, especially when we are upset and under pressure but I think the negative feedback you received here was more about others not reading correctly or carefully enough. Or maybe just about them in general, please you are NOT the one who should be worried about what they are saying or how they say it here. At least IMHO
SmileBeth, I wanted to send you a HUG, but you haven't allowed them. I get it.

So here is a great big sun shining HUG for you!

Have things calmed down a bit? Dad doing better?
Helpful Answer (1)

Thank you for the hug! I took the block off. I was just too tired at the time to sort out the ugly. So much support overall and I'm so thankful. Dad is in the nursing home he doesn't like it but seems to be dealing ok. One day at a time. I know it was the right choice and am going down to help with things I can. Thanks!! You guys are the best!
Helpful Answer (4)

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