
My parents lived in assisted living until my mom fell and broke her hip. She is now in skilled nursing but it seems the facility is more interested in keeping her in SNF and private pay versus helping her get better to return to assisted living. Parents don't qualify for Medicaid but at $25,000 per month, there is no way to sustain this care for long and it appears they will never qualify for Medicaid because one of them receive more than $1500 per month for social security. Not sure what to do next.

I contacted an organization in the state to ask about getting help with Medicaid. I was told they will never qualify because of the amount of their social security. Even if we spent down all their savings, sell their house, because they get more than $1650 per month, they will never qualify. When I asked how do families pay a tab of $25,000 when they only get a little more than the threshold, I was told, you have to make decisions. On what? This resource was not helpful. The facility seems to want my mom to stay in SNF because they make more money on private pay.
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Reply to oneoffour2day

A hip break is often a game changer in the elderly. I’d first meet with the therapy staff for a progress report on how mom’s recovery is coming along. Ask about the chances of her returning to AL. If this is not going to be possible, ask to speak with the business office to see if anyone is knowledgeable about Medicaid planning. Don’t rely on this alone, especially if the person isn’t fully knowledgeable, see an elder care attorney for planning how to navigate the financial planning. Medicaid will happen at some point, but you need to find a plan to protect dad’s money to AL. Believe me, the nursing home has no vested interest in just keeping mom, her space would be taken quickly by another in need. If you aren’t pleased with the care there, it’s your right, and mom’s, to move elsewhere. I wish you well in navigating this
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Reply to Daughterof1930

They will qualify when they need it. Their SS will go, whatEVER amount it is, to their care facility. If they have no other assets other than their home and a car, they will get Medicaid.l

Is the ALF they live in not private pay as well as the SNF?
What reasons are they giving you that continuing SNF care is required?
Would the ALF she was in evaluate her for their ability to return to former level of care?

You are right that once memory care or private pay SNF is needed the funds, even for a millionaire, will not last long.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Have you spoken to PT about progress ? How long has her recovery attempt been ?
Fairly often , elderly who break a hip do not recover to how they were prior and end up wheelchair bound in SNF .

If Mom needs to stay in SNF , Eventually your mother would qualify for Medicaid after spend down .

I’d be more concerned how to keep paying for AL for Dad . Eldercare lawyer who is very knowledgeable about Medicaid in your parent’s state can help with negotiating the process which may include splitting their assets so Dad can be in AL .
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Reply to waytomisery

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