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How do YOU get someone to listen to you? If someone is tuning ME out-- I whisper. If they really want to hear you/us they will listen-- whomever the person is. As long as their understanding of what is being communicated is in tact & they can hear alright-- It is called "selective mute-ism". When they don't answer a question. And she could be ignoring your bro OR he doesn't help her DO it like you. Tell bro to help her get up & walk w/ her. blou
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Kudo's to OLIVIA. Love Grannie's story.
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I have to disagree with some of these posts due to how i handled things with my mom. I truly believe, had i been aware, I would have encouraged my mom in earlier years to do more exercising. I believe my mom would have been mobile for a longer period of time. My mom did not like using a walker and would prefer to just hold onto someone's arms. My dad had bad knees SI there was not a lot of walking going on. They did everything together. My childten were little at the beginning so my full attention was not on my mom till later years. We were able to keep her strength up so she could help with transfers but that was about it. I feel that my mom could have had a few more years of mobility if we had "pushed" her earlier in her diagnosis. The Parkinsons did not come into the equation until years after the initial diagnosis of LBD. In my opinion it is what it is, enjoy your husband for as long as you have. Everyday is a new day. Prayers and good thoughts to you 😊.
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Sorry meant mom not husband. My dad woke up so I had to stop typing 3x! The life of a caregiver.
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Maybe she drinks and walks for you because she likes you or trusts you. Maybe her not doing these things for your brother is her way of keeping control especially if your brother is more of the "bossy" type. Maybe she likes coddling, and maybe he isn't the coddling type. Evaluate the antecedents, the behaviors, and the consequences (response from you and brother once the behavior has been demonstrated) Just because he is trying to give care doesnt mean she will receive it if it is not given in the way that she wants it or perceives it is being given. Best wishes! ( My mom is the same way. )
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My mother will ONLY ask things of ME... She will not 'inconvenience' anyone else (but, she feels 'comfortable' asking me to do most everything). As for exercise... she feels she doesn't 'need' it and gets 'enough'... hmmmmmmm (you can't change people)
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A lot of elders don't have good listening skills. And why? Because they are formulating what THEY are going to say! This would occur with my now deceased mother. I would say "I'm having salmon for dinner." A minute later she would ask "so what are you having for dinner?!!"
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Heart 2Heart: That's right. Try changing an elder=epic fail!
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