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When we cleaned out my parents garage..we found coffee cans full of pistachio shells.. never have figured that one out! As for me ,, I have a pill bottle with my DDs baby teeth in it. And an envelope with her chihuahuas baby teeth that got pulled by the vet. Have no idea why we saved that.. but there it is.
Helpful Answer (10)
metoo111 Jun 2019
Cans of pistachios shells? That's a new one to me. Maybe they were used in a garden? My first thought is the bizarre things my mom has tried to keep deer away from her blueberry bush - right now it's coyote urine. Wonder who gets the job of collecting coyote urine?

I am thinking that lots of moms keep their kid's baby teeth - not much different from that first lock of hair. But, I do admit the chihuahua's baby teeth made me laugh. Can't imagine how small those are!!
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I found some love notes my Dad had written my mom during the war and beyond.
He was a very romantic fellow. He wrote things like "My Darling Jean" and just beautiful words. I also found the medals off of his military uniform.

I had known they had a deep love but never got to witness it cause I was very young when he died. But I did see the faraway look in my mom's eyes always and I'm sure it was him that she was thinking about.
Helpful Answer (22)
metoo111 Jun 2019
Those are truly a treasure. What a blessing. I'm so happy for you that you have those to remember them by.
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No need to apologize! I certainly laughed when I found it.

Honestly I had forgotten about it until I saw the posts in this thread today. I know I kept the letter. Not sure where I put it.

Thinking about it made me smile today.
Helpful Answer (8)

When clearing out Mom and Stepdads House I was taking all the pictures off the walls.

In one of the bedrooms was a portrait of the two of them. A photo taken by them by a photographer not long after they married.

I took it down and leaned it up against the wall. It fell over. There was an envelope taped to the back.

I opened envelope. There was a letter addressed to “Whoever finds this Letter”.

The letter started out saying” I guess if you have found this letter I am dead and gone.” “Have fun cleaning out my house”.
Helpful Answer (28)
metoo111 Jun 2019
Guess that's one way to get the last word!
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When my dad died we found dried fish flakes in a leather case with a note stating "keep this with your money it will bring you good luck." The note was sign by someone with a date in the 60's.
Helpful Answer (14)
metoo111 Jun 2019
Never heard of fish flakes bringing good luck...hope it worked for him!! Maybe the smell deterred people from looking in there?
I had already started cleaning out Moms house while she was living there. The best thing is she kept her bank statements so I had five years worth for Medicaid. My Mom was a product of the Depression so never was surprised with things she kept.
Helpful Answer (10)
metoo111 Jun 2019
Those statements were a blessing in disguise.

My mom is one to keep everything also. She has even tied broken rubber bands back together. She moved about ten years ago but kept the drawerful of the address labels from her previous house. My sister and I wrapped her Christmas gifts in tissue paper and then covered the paper with all of the old labels. Fortunately, my mom laughed with us over that one.
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For my parents [late 90's], they kept every single income tax form from the 1940's to 2017. And all of Dad's pay-stubs from work.

My Mom kept the immunization certificate for my polio shot from the 1950's.
Helpful Answer (10)
metoo111 Jun 2019
That's a lot to go through but kind of interesting from a historical standpoint. I can only imagine how much simpler the taxes were in the 40s and the income difference.
Dogs galls stones! Almost spit out my coffee.
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I was a nosy child so I don't think there was anything that I hadn't discovered in my parent's farm long before it came time to clean up. I was always a little disappointed my nephews and niece weren't inclined to go snooping around to discover all the little treasures kids might find amusing - one thing that comes to mind is a little fur wrap? scarf? made so that the head clamped to the backside with the tail left hanging down. Ugly, impractical and definitely not PC!
Helpful Answer (12)
metoo111 Jun 2019
I think I've seen one of those...kinda creepy with the teeth bared?

I was a nosy child too until I found my mom's spermicidal jelly in her bedside drawer!
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No one is going to be able to compete with finding the dog's gallstones!

Luckily the thing I kept finding when I cleaned out my father things was CASH. He had little bank envelopes of cash tucked everywhere. I had to carefully go through every pocket, every suitcase, every bag, every nook and cranny in the house.
Helpful Answer (13)
metoo111 Jun 2019
How lucky for you!! Hope you treated yourself to something fun you wouldn't normally indulge in:)

I only found lint and wadded up kleenex in her pockets!!
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