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It is time to leave him cold. Say nothing else to him about his abuse. Seek help from any and all agencies who work with elder abuse casework and attys and pray for the best. This madman needs to be exposed and charged. Stand firm and hopeful!
Helpful Answer (5)

Don't say anything yet. Get copies of EVERYTHING. If you have any joint bank accounts, take everything out of them and put it in an account that is in only your name, set up by you, in a different bank. Then leave, hire your own lawyer, and sue him for divorce and have your mother sue him for fraud. I don't think you'll have any trouble finding a young lawyer to take your cases on cheap for the experience and the joy of sticking it to a real creap.
Helpful Answer (8)

Firstly, don't commit suicide over this or your narcissitic rat legal husband will win at all his covert goals. Listen to Sam Vaknin on youtube as he will open your eyes. Also, please realize that most courts will probably rule in your husband's favor. Get some spiritual support in your life and realize you've been had by a smart con man. You're not the first and not the last woman who has. Be willing to downsize your personal lifestyle to whatever it takes to save your own soul and a shred of your integrity. In other words, humble yourself before God and ask for His help in walking away from this man and his evil ways. May He provide all your need and help you realize that peace is more than stuff. Psm. 23
Helpful Answer (2)
cetude Jul 2020
How do you know "most courts will rule in your husband's favor"--are you an attorney? Are you a judge? Watching youtube is hardly legal council.
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Just like you did this time. Get up. Stand up. Don’t shut up. And don’t back down. As you’ve said she’s your only family. If you won’t stand up for yourself then do it for her. But for you, she would have never known him. Can you live with yourself knowing that you didn’t even try? I don’t think so, because we wouldn’t have heard of you. Look in the community for free resources, they’re out there. What do you have to loose that you haven’t already given up? She’s YOUR mom. Even if YOU didn’t like her, he doesn’t get to abuse her.
Helpful Answer (3)

If you are going to divorce route plan but move fast when you do. You seem to have a controlling husband as others noted. Be careful of computer browsing, passwords etc. you might want to consult with many lawyers who are top notch. Free consult then if it does come to divorce he can’t use them.

good luck.

just get that anger and keep it. Get you and your Mom away from him.
Helpful Answer (5)

You lived in your mom's house and let it fall in disrepair, you thought he would eventually make it right, you knew she was getting short changed when you moved in?

You need a criminal lawyer as notgoodenough has stated.

On the surface of this you and your husband financially abused your mother. You need to do everything you can to make this right, even if it means you do some jail time. Call the police after you find an attorney tomorrow.
Helpful Answer (8)
Clou1313 Jul 2020
Go to jail? Her?
Nice advice for a woman who simply let 3 yrs pass
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Why were you asleep 💤 for all the time he was doing this to your mother?!?!? Why didn’t YOU & ONLY YOU go to those meetings with lawyers that put your mother’s house in trust with conman husband as trustee? You go in person to lawyer who did that & demand it be null & void since you are daughter & he did not have permission to do this!!! I can’t believe you married a crook & let him steal everything away from your mother...her $$$ & house should go to you if she passes.! You must get to work & don’t let him get away with it! This is elder abuse you know! You were conned by a conman crook! You have a lot of work to do to get this straightened out 🤗 hugs
Helpful Answer (5)

or change him back to the man you fell in love with - somemiracles can happen... good luck
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cetude Jul 2020
Bad advice. You cannot change people like that. Miracles very very very rarely happen.
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Your hubby tool total control,.. that's weird. no discussion with all 3 of you?
Did you have an financial adviser? someone outof the family to oversee the finances? get that open talk now with him.


Look at all her accounts. and finanacial advisors that she had prior to your hubby. anyone you trust? If not, I have financial advisors whom my relative has been with for over 30 years now. very nice. Yes, they make their money, probably more that we are, but we are getting a bit too. more than th banks.
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And be sure to log off this forum every time! U don’t want him to know u r onto him and seeking advice!
Helpful Answer (14)
jkm999 Jul 2020
And erase your browser history! Best to use a browser like Chrome that has an incognito mode and doesn't retain your history.
In our city, there is at the senior centers, local library and county library an attorney day each month.

Talk to an attorney about elder abuse regarding the debt owed to your mother that you described above: fair market value rent, personal loans, and trust beneficiary, successor trustee status. Is there a power of attorney or will? If your mother has legal capacity even with dementia she can sign a new power of attorney.

Long ago as a young mother I did not know that my ex was friendly with my mother without my knowledge and borrowing money from her. He claimed that we were having difficulty paying bills due to my stay at home status. That was not true as I had savings and planned for the year off. It was probably one of the worst experiences in my life to discover my ex taking money just not from my mother but my best friend with the same sympathy story. The floor dropped beneath me but through the confusion I just left. I paid his rent until the court made the decision so he would have a roof over his head so he could parent our child. I ended up with full custody and protected my mother and friend from further financial abuse. My ex was looking to exploit anyone in my network of friends or family and moved onto someone new quickly.

I hope you find strength and take care of yourself through your ordeal. Please do the right thing.
Helpful Answer (16)

Long before you seek a divorce attorney, you NEED to consult with a criminal attorney. You say this has been going on for years - however reluctant you might have been, however hesitant, however intimidated you felt by your husband and his behavior. you lived with your husband in your mom's house with him while he swindled her out of money; therefore, unfortunately, you have gained from his criminal behavior. Legally, you are complicit. The court system is not going to take "I was scared of him" as a defense, because, in their thinking, there are services you can avail yourself of to help you get away from him. I understand in the real world, this is not done as easily as said, but from a criminal justice point of view that doesn't matter. Depending on your jurisdiction, you might not even be covered under spousal privilege - ie. not being compelled to testify against him - but again, a criminal attorney would be able to better guide you.
You need to protect your mom; but you also need to protect yourself.
The divorce attorney can wait. Seek a criminal attorney A.S.A.P.
Helpful Answer (18)
Geaton777 Jul 2020
I'm trying to imagine the OP living in the same home while taking Creepo to criminal court. I disagree and (if it were me) think divorce comes first, or maybe simultaneously, to the criminal charge pursuit. The hard boundary needs to be drawn immediately and his access to the OP needs to be severely restricted.
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My marriage ended 6 years ago. One of the hardest things for me to accept is that I was an abused wife. I was not physically abused, but I soon learned there were many types of abuse and I was victim to several of them. It was very, very hard. I thought I was strong, I was a hard worker, I had been in a prior relationship where the one and only time he hurt me I walked.

Financial Abuse, you say, "I no longer have funds of my own to afford an attorney..." Where has your money gone? Are you working? Most credible family law attorneys will give you a free consultation.

You apparently know nothing about your family's finances, otherwise you would have know long ago about your hub's actions. I was in the same boat. My ex was supposed to pay the bills and mortgage, I paid the school fees, all child expenses and groceries. After the end of the marriage I all my utilities were cut off as he had not paid them in 5 months. The mortgage was paid 2-3 days late each and every payment. The property taxes were in arrears too. I was scared silly with only $500 in the bank.

At one point my ex would not get a copy of the family car key for me. Kept saying it was too expensive to order one in. Turned out it was not one of the special keys and it cost $5 to get a copy. Little things that seem reasonable for a while start to add up.

Is there a local Women Against Violence Against Women organization in your community? I was able to get free counseling from the local one and it was a huge help. Is there a woman's shelter in your town?

Gaslighting: This is what he is doing when he tries to shift the blame.

My ex was well loved in the community. But when things came to light, some people's feelings changed too. If you hubs does not have tenure, he could find his contracts are no longer renewed.

Next steps:
Get a free legal consult
Get counseling
Get a job, if you do not have one.
Get your own bank account if you do not have one
Contact your local APS and explain the situation to them, but do this after talking to the lawyer.
Helpful Answer (21)

You can remain in a marriage with a con-man or you can protect your mother from him. Your husband committed the crime of Elder Financial Abuse against your mother.

You can choose to enable his criminal behavior with your silence or you can report him and divorce him. I don't see a middle ground.
Helpful Answer (27)

Before you can even think of protecting your mother you must protect yourself from further abuse. And yes, you’re abused. You’ve lived in fear and intimidation and that’s not a marriage. Please consult a lawyer, one known as a bulldog for women’s rights, and do so without your husband’s knowledge. Tell your story, see how to protect yourself. Then you’ll find the path forward to protecting your mother. I’m glad you’re now seeing things clearly enough to have reached out for help. Don’t assume your husband is fooling everyone. Keep quiet to him while you find your next steps. Keep us posted, you’ve found a group who cares
Helpful Answer (18)

There are some people, alas, who are so frightening to their partners that they've no real need to be visibly abusive. The victim is so thoroughly in thrall that there's no occasion for it.

For YEARS, you have known that your husband has been - there's no way round this - stealing from your mother. You have been too apprehensive about his response to tackle the issue in any meaningful way.

You need to get help for yourself, first. Look online for domestic abuse helplines and speak to an adviser. Just take the first step.

In not very much time, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you find out that quite a lot of people in that "strong network" wish they could confront your husband about quite a variety of issues. Think of yourself as a whistle-blower.
Helpful Answer (20)

NightReader, what do you want the outcome to be? Divorce? If that isn't part of the outcome then I don't know what to suggest to you. He's counting on you being passive and intimidated. Please internalize this: if he did this to your mother, he WILL do it to you, too. So you've really got nothing to lose by opening up a can of whup-ass on him. He's a sick creep no matter how good his exterior looks to the world or what his "strong support network" may be. Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with such a d-bag? You're worth more than that. Find a good divorce lawyer and get a consult. Don't tell d-bag man anything. Let him be completely blindsided until the day you remove his crap from your home. If you rise up to challenge him with some shock and awe, he might sh1t his pants and give up easier than you think. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Bottle that energy and channel it into gaining a new, better life.
Helpful Answer (22)
gdaughter Jul 2020
She doesn't have the funds for a "good" divorce lawyer. I would contact your local United Way, the library, your local agency on aging. I would contact a local abused women's shelter sort of place as they may know some good resources and even be able to provide some housing or lead you in the direction of that if you want it. Legal Aid is another resource...there are many programs cropping up that would look into it for the exploitation of your mother.
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