
Does anyone know what the laws/requirements are (or where to find them) for Florida Memory Care Facilities and they're supervision of patients whom are on-site, outside walking/wandering/sitting unattended in the designated area. I'm trying to find out if they are required to physically check on them or just visually and how long they let them stay outside without seeing if they're tired, thirsty or in need of anything. Are they required to have cameras up outside (not to monitor24/7) but, to go back after an incident and see what happened if say someone falls and nobody witnesses it. Keeping in mind all these patients have Alzheimer's or other memory impairment illnesses/issues and most don't know if they're too hot or too cold, if they're hungry or thirsty, tired or energetic and a host of other things. Is there a limit to the number of unattended patients they let wander and are they required to go outside physically and check on them? I'm looking for any information I can find on these topics and want to thank you all in advance for any guidance you can offer.

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