As an example, I frantically moved heaven and earth to get a new nebulizer for my 82 yr old mother, racing between calls to her Dr, nurse, a supplier, a delivered (I don't drive, ms) and got it there in six hours. After all that she said, "I don't know what the big deal was." She would have ended up in the ER. Just a little gratitude?
I just wanted to step in to point out that you may have your sort set to "most helpful." Sorting by most helpful presents the member with the 10 answers that were voted as most helpful regardless of their date of submission. We intend for this feature to be useful to those who are in need of a simple way to see the "best" answers. We hope that users recognize the importance of up-voting informative answers, as it is especially helpful when there are a large number of responses to a popular question. You can view responses in date order by changing to a "most recent" search.