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Imagine what it has been like all these years for MIL to be married to that b******d.
not an excuse for her sharing in the unkind behavior, but a sad reflection on the life she has led. I suspect FIL is mentally ill but that's just a guess.
Why are they moving closer to you. Surely they don't expect you to take care of them.
Draw an absolute boundery there - it's not going to happen. hubby can choose to but not you. He can even visit them alone. As far as the food is concerned, you provided the food for that awful weekend, it was yours. When MIL served you a minute portion I would have asked for more and when that request was denied got up from the table and told them you were going to McDonalds or where ever.
Why didn't you take a crate for the puppy? You knew he was not yet house trained and it is perfectly reasonable for someone not to want him in their house.
They need to learn some manners, hubby needs to grow some family jewels and you need to pull up your big girl knickers and stand up for your self. Everyone is at fault here. If I have hurt your feelings I apologize, no need to write me a blistering reply, I'll eat the humble pie now, my skin is old and thick Hugs
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This post is so extreme that the t-word comes to mind. Anyway, I would drop these people like a hot rock and never, ever look back.
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Your inlaws don't have friends because they are NOT NICE people and everyone in their town knows it. So they live in a dreamworld and abuse you because your husband allows it and you allow it. This must stop NOW!

Having you and your husband stay in a tent because you have a puppy while you clean out their house for FREE is not only ridiculous, selfish, inconsiderate and cruel, it is the FINAL STRAW as to the abuse you should take from them. Shame on your husband for allowing any of this to happen. Why the heck would your husband allow you to stay in a tent in their backyard? Has he never heard of a hotel or motel? If the town is so small there isn't a hotel or motel, doesn't he have even 1 friend in his hometown who would have put you up for a few nights? Can your husband not take you to a grocery store or restaurant after dinner if they serve too little food? Did you not have a way to drive to a restaurant or a cellphone to call for pizza delivery? I would have done that - even at the dinner table if these folks were being so selfish and they sure as heck would not get ANY of MY pizza. If they tried to argue about it, I'd tell them they were the worst hosts I'd ever seen and when the pizza arrived, I wouldn't share it with them at all. And I'd continue ordering our food from various take out places or my husband and I would go out to a restaurant for dinner and leave them home alone.

These people are not YOUR parents. They are NOT your friends. YOU don't owe then anything and you don't have to put up with them. If I were you, I would never visit them again. Let your husband visit them if he wants. Don't give them presents, don't talk to them on the phone, don't visit, don't make food for them. Do nothing for them at all. Just go on about your life as though they don't exist. They are NOT your problem.

And I DO blame your husband for allowing his wife to be treated poorly by his parents. If my parents did any of that stuff to my husband, I would have called them on it and if it continued, that would have been the END of my relationship with them.

My inlaws are somewhat difficult and they are socially awkward. My husband doesn't get along with his dad and I don't like the way my MIL gossips nonsense about my husband's siblings and their spouses. Fortunately, I only have to see them once every few years and I've figured out how to control them. My FIL has learned that if he yells at me (something he has only tried twice in 28 years), I won't tolerate that sort of behavior and will put him in his place. He has also learned that if he raises his voice to my husband I will stop him. You see, he has NO power over me whatsoever because I don't care what he thinks about me. As long as he respects me and minds his P's and Q's around me, we get along. If he crosses the line, he gets put in his place. I believe I am the first independent woman he has ever met and he doesn't know what to think of me. I don't care. I'm not there to please him and he has no right to tell me what to do. He also knows I won't tolerate him berating my husband, as I have cut him off many times when he got started on some minor perceived infraction.

In your case, the relationship with these inlaws is too far gone and bad habits are too ingrained for you to continue on with them.

Your husband's behavior in regards to his parents makes no sense unless he was so abused as a child that he will do anything to get along with them. But he is an adult now and he needs to grow a backbone and so do you. In your case, cut these nasty people out of your life permanently. There is nothing wrong with doing that and in this case, it certainly does not make you a bad or neglectful person as these people have done nothing to earn your respect or even the right to be called inlaws. If I were you, I'd call them "outlaws." As far as your husband goes, he may need to get some counseling to learn how to stand up for himself and you. Together you and your husband are a team and if you will both stand up for yourselves and each other, you can put a stop to this "cancer" (his parents) in your lives. Clearly you recognize that this is a problem. Does your husband? If so, what on earth is his motivation for allowing this behavior to continue for so many years?
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If elderly companionship is what you are looking for you can volunteer.. I'm sure you will find many kind senior citizens.
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I think I might ignore their existence and fill my days with what makes me happy. That would include getting enough to eat a d a comfortable place to sleep, usually indoors.
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Where is your husband in this sickening scenario? Your husband should have set them straight years ago, they are HIS parents. Does he go hungry, sleep outside? Yes you should be angry with this horrible and unfair treatment but I would be just as angry at dear husband who has allowed his selfish, narcissistic parents to abuse his wife.

I would put up some really big boundaries between myself and the in laws. Are there grandchildren? If not I see no reason why you must ever see these two jerks again. Ever.

I will give you an example in my family. Hubby's sister didn't like me the moment I moved to Florida with my three children. I was southern and baptist and they were northern and catholic. She was rude, made up stories, treated me terribly. I was always walking on eggshells at every family function. My dear husband did nothing. So at one point I told him I was no longer going to visit or take my children to grandma's because no one would defend me against this woman . Finally after many years and much drama sister in law gets meds and is happy. She wants to be "buds" now. Ha......I don't think so.

So be happy and let your husband deal with his crazy parents. Just stay away.
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