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You are right about honey, do the best job, it needs to be unheated raw honey--that way, the enzymes help with wound healing.
Plain old granulated sugar has been researched for healing fairly deep bedsores, when nothing else is working.
Actually, one pharmaceutical company came out with some gel granules to pack bedsores, that helps drainage and granulation, hospitals tend to use that sort of stuff on those.
in our house, though, we tend to use as many alternatives as we can, and have managed to do a pretty blessed good job of it!
Turmeric does wonderful things: one of the most wonderful, is that it is very anti-oxidant, so it scavenges up garbage and actually helps get rid of pain--we usually use about 2 to 6 capsules a few times a day, as needed, for that.
And correct--coupling turmeric with black pepper allows reducing dose of turmeric, to get as good effects, thereby allowing a person to better tolerate using it longer [this is why there are some good mixtures of herbs--the good ones work synergistically like that] .
Herbals are not automatically "safe" just because they are "natural".
Herbs can have adverse effects, additive effects, and behave as drugs--except that by taking the whole herbal substance indicated, it usually has fewer or less nasty side effects.
One can overdose on herbs, too.

One MUST study up on things, and cross-referrence information.
I have been studying herbs, nutritionals and alternative healing options for over 50 years, and STILL don't know it all!
There is LOTS of data, from MANY traditions,
all traditions have information with good reliable effects, and some that are hogwash.
Then there are the official party lines, which frequently try to convince people that alternatives are bad mojo....!
[some are hogwash, some are not]

Just make sure you learn comprehensive info on how best to use what you choose for alternative healing methods. If you are not sure, ask those who do know, for their input.
The internet is both blessing and curse for getting information,
so be a bit careful!
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I tried coconut oil a few years ago, when husbands Alz wasn't as bad as today. I saw no difference. I also tried Tumeric. No difference. And this was not just a two week trial, he was on the stuff for months. I tried anything I read about that said it would help. My doctor gave the ok. YOU try anything and everything you can. You never know.
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The coconut oil as a cure for Alzheimer's craze was started largely because of a video produced by Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcast Network reporting on Dr. Mary Newport's claim that her Alzheimer's-afflicted husband showed dramatic improvement from daily doses of coconut oil. There's been lots of back and forth about this, but the bottom line is no scientific evidence supports the claim. And the Alzheimer's Association summed it up nicely when it noted that the claims for coconut oil have been around for several years and if there wasn't anything to the claims, there'd be dancing in the streets. For example, Robertson says 5 million people have watched his video and I'll bet at least as many have heard the claims from other sources. And I'd guess at least half of these people have tried coconut oil. If it was working we'd have heard a lot more than the trickle of other anecdotal stories of success.
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There must have been some helped by coconut oil, or that would not have been started as a rumor.
BUT...a FEW benefiting, does not make it applicable across the board--
--NOTHING can do that.
So yeah...try what you can, keeping in mind "1st do no harm", and get the Doc to keep track of things, especially when there are other meds involved.
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This rumor was started by a female doctor who fed it to her husband and then got CBN to do a story about what she said about her husband (CBN didn't put their stamp of approval on it), when she decided to write a book. The only claim that this worked is hers. Now wouldn't you think that a real news story would have included a statement from her husband's doctor, even if he wasn't really on board with the whole thing?

People want a cure. Something like this comes along with just enough of a shred of hope that it does work and people pile on board. Thousands of people are trying it, yet there's not one single case I've found where there's even strong anecdotal (much less medical) evidence that it even helps.

Now maybe there is some mild positive effect. But there's no evidence to it. I want to see something a little stronger than a suggestion from some lady who is trying to sell a book on the subject. Sure, she's a doctor (or claims to be), so she should understand the necessity of providing documentary evidence, not just her opinion as a wife and, oh yes, an author trying to make money on a book.

I suspect there are probably a few people out there who think maybe it has helped a little. Alzheimer's isn't a direct path downward. People have good days and weeks, even months before they take another step back. People also want to believe something could work. There's just no real evidence of it so far.

That doesn't mean people should not try it. It is a natural nutritional product, most seniors need more healthy fats in their diets, and it may contain some nutrients that a person has been lacking. If so, it might make that person feel better and that would lead to better mental acuity. Let's just not confuse that with reversing or even slowing down Alzheimer's.
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I can't help but wonder.....? Is there a cure for this (AL/Dementia)? In the back of my mind and my heart I think one HAS been discovered, but like many of these other diseases the general public will NEVER hear about it! Why? Because Dr's, and higherups want to keep it that way !? So they can keep getting our money.....!!!!! Think about it,....who would NOT benefit from a "cure", those who get paid to find one ! I can't be the only one who has this thought in the back of my mind, on a daily basis, either? There will never be a "CURE" as long as there can be MONEY made from it...... Just wanted to put, " my opinion",that out there. Hopefully one day .......God will give me the answer I need and the strength to endure....Keeping the faith!
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Guess it depends on what one wants to accept as "evidence".
A good lot of what the PDR [physicians desk reference] first included in their listings, started out with only testimonials from many people using them [like aspirin][only then, it was really derived from white willow bark].

And, medicine used to say "first do no harm" in their oath.

Virgin, cold-pressed Coconut oil is nutritive, and does many wonderous things,
I agree, it is very important to slow down the train on whether it does all the things attributed to it by testimonials--tho, when there is a river of those there must be something to it.

When science tried to find the cancer cure that came from the Brazilian rain forest, they THOUGHT it was the one part of one plant, or maybe a combo of a few plant parts...then it was discovered, there was something necessary from some bug on that plant part, and how it was prepared in it's entirety
....something like that....
so mainstream science pronounced it a failed medicine.

Mainstream also pronounced progesterone from wild yams bogus, too
....yet it works, when done right, and can be grown and made at home--so not patent, and no scalable profit margin..

Just saying, it should be OK to try something, if one is pretty sure it will not cause harm. Replacing butter, margarine, and other oils with virgin cold pressed coconut oil, should be fine trade-off.
One must also include other dietary elements into the equation, when assessing what might work for a person.

One can get very complicated [like, I refuse Spectrum Naturals Brand any more, because their coconut oil has been too often contaminated by burnt plastic smell and taste--that means they are using a questionable process].

There are many things so confusing for most folks to wade thru, because industries have been percolating so much tripe, right alongside the rest of the snake-oil salesmen--from BOTH sides.
That kind of behavior serves no one, and knee-caps BOTH.

I DO know, first hand, that industry does not profit when a "cure" can be grown or made at home; they only profit when they can tweak it to make it patentable and controllable. When industry speaks of profiting, they mean BILLION$+.
If something does not profit hugely enough, they are not interested in developing it [Re: Lorenzo's Oil].

Ayurvedic medicine, done right, has helped or cured plenty of ills western medicine cannot even touch. So has properly done Chinese medicine, which stemmed from the more ancient Ayurvedic practices.
AND, one still must be wary of frauds in these, too
Snake oil comes from all sides.
So do your research; be able to make INFORMED choices.
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@ Chimonger, I do do my research, and the choices I make "are" informed , from my point of view! I was just giving, MY, opinion of the "CURE" situation in todays society! That was ie; My Opinion,not anyone elses. And yes I do know about some of the instances you mentioned, however..., It was not my intention to get into a "Hot n Heavy" debate about what is exact and what is not! I do not claim to be versed in all the medical aspects of anything here, just trying (like everyone else here) to get a grasp on whats happening in our lives since we were introduced to this illness. I thought this was a site that didn't JUDGE people, If you had a question or opinion? I do know that, not everything you read or hear is the TRUTH either! The public is fed a lot of "filler", to appease our curiosity! Plus the fact that I don't try to come off like I "know-it-all" either. And I am almost positive that there are others out there who agree with me too. So please no more lectures, I don't have that kind of time to spend reading them. I hope you have a good day. Thank you for, your opinion.
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Stressed Mom,
I apologize if you felt it was a debate.
I only intended to share information, with you, and others.
Any can choose to simply not engage.
It's OK.
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I saw the same show. It was pretty convincing. I ould ask your loal alzheimer's association about it. I have a meeting in a couple of days with the regional director, I'll ask her.
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Coconut oil and milk products are among the best medicines in the ancient system of medicine in India.
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I whole-heartedly agree, as long as both are unprocessed, unadulterated.
[not heated, not homogenized, preferably raw, organic]
Importantly, getting these from local sources when able.

The healthier we become, the more life asserts itself, and the less disease happens.
It would serve the world greatly, on so many levels, to deeply study and revive successful, effective ancient knowledge and practices. There is much to be learned from texts and practices many thousands of years old.
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we also put a few grains of tumeric in his tea a few times a day. he won't drink tumeric water as we do, so now we put it in his tea or coffee. it is also very good for brain health in dementia patients. just a few grains, only enough to turn the water a very light yellow. if its orange is too much. and then i use tumeric in soups and stews as well. we're just starting with coconut oil so hoping that will have some effect.
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I'm not a scientist, but everything I've read about coconut oil is positive ... so I add it to my coffee every morning!!! Delish!!!
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Ive heard it makes slight improvements in d/als but will not stop the disease as for us and younger people if we start now then it could prevent us from getting this ive been on it 6mths although my mums dementia is diabetes related im not taking any chances I also take KRILL oil which is good to brain,heart and eyes!
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there were some reports on various foods helping with Alzheimer's, but they changed the report the next day. So it is hard to tell if anything really does work and what would make matters worse with the disease.
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We have been using "Cold processed Coconut Oil" for years now. Both my husband and I. As of a year and a half ago, we started giving it to my MIL in her coffee. It helps also in keeping her skin from drying out, plus the benefits of coconut oil for the brain! Seems to me that anything that is "not poisonous", natural occurring and that have been used for centuries as useful aids to the human body, should be of interest to all??!! We are a society of "Pill Pushers", if it isn't in a pill than most are inclined to poo-poo the idea of alternative medicine. Weather it be homeopathic or folk...? But bear in mind ..."how far do you think we would be", if the "Natural" remedies that our fore bearers used, did not work....??? Oh, and FYI...just because the FDA hasn't okayed it , does not, by any means justify that it does not work. Just putting this info into the mix, because we don't have to always " Ask permission" to help our own family members. Nor do I want any negative comments. Just trying to be helpful to the next person since we have had no side effects from doing this. Good luck in your search and God Bless
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The claims for coconut oil and Alzheimer's have been flooding the internet for years. The initial report came from TV interviews with Dr. Mary Newport who saw dramatic change for the better in her Alzheimer's-afflicted husband Steve. This prompted the coconut-oil-for-Alzheimer's bandwagon. Thousands of people must have tried it as a result. The Alzheimer's Association has commented that, given all the hoopla, we'd see dancing in the street's if it worked for many people. Still some individuals may get good results either from the coconut oil or the placebo response. The first scientific study is underway with results expected next year, I recently did a blog post testing the coconut oil claim against five criteria recommended for evaluating health claims. Coconut oil didn't score too well. See
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Coconut oil may cause many more bowel accidents, watch out for severe diarrhea. We never tried it because of the likelihood of messes to clean up. We have enough problems with this as it is.
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There are a number of older cultures that have a daily habit of drinking hot buttered tea of one kind or another. Good fats, tea--good stuff---those ancients were pretty smart, considering modern folks largely still seem to think they were just a bunch of knuckle-dragging Neanderthals!
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ALL fats -in excess-, that is, eat too much all at once, can cause bowel accidents.
ESPECIALLY if one has been existing on a low fat diet, then splurges on something like a cup of real eggnog, or some really good ice cream---that makes for instant whoops!

Virgin cold-pressed, organic coconut oil has components that can heal & protect, in ways other fats can't.

KEY: moderation!
Use a teaspoon at a a time--never take a big spoon of it all at once, if one is not used to eating fats.
One can use this oil for skin care, as there will be some good stuff absorbed thru the skin, bypassing the digestion.
Coconut oil is somewhat germicidal, killing off some pathogens, so for aging skin, it's a godsend!
Plus, it does NOT stain, & easily washes off with water.
It's great stuff!

But please avoid the deodorized bleached version--that has been processed in ways unhealthy for taking into the body
--high heat & chemicals destroy some components; makes it non-potable--that version is only good to use in soap or candle making---sellers rarely make that clear.
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