Dad is approaching 90 years old and is fully aware with no memory issues, takes care of all his own bills, etc, and insists on independence. I thought he was driving well, but his driving at night was awful recently. Last year I rode with him on errands and an appointment so I could see how he was doing, and his driving and parking was spot on. But I accepted a short ride before dawn one morning recently, and it was scary. He does not drive at night at all otherwise. Now I'm scared about his daytime driving but I'm not with him generally so I don't know. I'm scared he might hurt someone or himself. We're in California. Does DMV deal with this at all, and can I report him and be anonymous? Should I speak to our local police about this? I don't want him to find out it was me. He insists he's doing well and doesn't need help. My therapist tells me this is not my responsibility, but I feel like since I knew about the dark-time incident, it kind of IS?
Do you think there's anything else going on with your Dad, or do you think this was just that he shouldn't be driving at night--That this is a visual problem?
Why not go for a ride with him during the day? If there are still issues, then discuss it with the DMV.
I think you're smart for staying on top of this. Unfortunately the older we get the quicker physical changes happen. He could have had a decline in his skillset since last year. Neither you or your dad want someone hurt if he's having trouble with his driving. I'm side-eyeing your therapist, who surely knows that if there's a safety issue here that your dad shouldn't be driving, and that they should be reporting him if they think he's a danger to others.
The Dr, said it is easier to tell a person they have a terminal disease than to tell them they can not drive.
Good luck
So why doesn't your dad agree to not drive at night, if that will make you feel better and you say he doesn't drive at night anyway?
You'll be crossing this bridge soon enough but I don't think you're there yet. Without something more serious as a basis for your anonymous report, I wouldn't do it. At this point, since he hasn't done anything except worry you, then I don't think it is your responsibility to report him. And your father could resent you, or be angry at you, if he finds out you've reported him, even if you believe it's an anonymous report.
I would tread carefully.
Others have suggested approaching this with his doctors. I think that's a good place to start.