
She has had AT for many years. She dresses herself feeds herself takes her meds,does dishes handles the grandbabies. She handles her finances and basically only needs help with driving and shopping.

I am her son and pretty much am always there. But some one who lives and works in the campground as we do has made false allegations to APS and now we are told she can never not for one second be left alone or I'll go to jail. And she will be put in a nursing home. Against her or mine or my daughters wishes.

What can I do? She is also being harrassesd by the same people. They knock on her door and shake her handle all hours of the night. They told me they knew I was leaving her alone at night because our door is locked now when it was not before.

But when I asked how they knew they shrugged. They also have come in on me and my mom without knocking many times. Lied about our food and living conditions etc

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If your mom is being harassed, you report it to the POLICE NOT APS.
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JoAnn29 May 2019
I would at least tell APS so they are aware that the people who may have reported her also know that they are now harrassing her. It is Adult Protection Services. It may change the way APS lokks at the situation.
There must be more to this. Where I live, people can live in filth and APS does nothing about it. If people are competent and want to live that way they can. Seems Mom is mentally competent so why the problem. How old is she? Is her AR such that she needs someone there. What did they base their findings on.

Call APS and tell them Mom is now being harassed. That these people feel that they have a right to just walk in to her home without an invite. If that does nothing, get a restraining order.
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Isthisrealyreal May 2019
What is AR?
I don't know what AR is, or what AT is, so I have no idea whether or not it's reasonable for your mother to be left alone. Or left alone in charge of small children..?

What I do know is that it's always a bad idea to shoot the messenger. Even if the messenger has made himself obnoxious and intrusive and stuck his nose unasked into your business, it's still more important to focus on the message itself. Work with APS to come up with a plan that keeps your mother safe and as independent as possible.
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If Adult Protective Services has investigated and warned you not to leave her alone then you probably shouldn't leave her alone. Did APS make their decision based on a doctors input? It seems, in order for their decision to survive an appeal they would need her doctor to agree that she should never be alone. I agree with the others about getting the cameras on the neighbors, but I also think that if she is fine and her doctors agree that she is fine alone then you should appeal the decision of Adult Protective Services and do what you can to get them to see her condition for what it really is.
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Oh my lands, what is wrong with people?

If you can afford it, please put security cameras that record on that trailer. Showing them doing the knock and dash or juggling the door handle would probably get them thrown in jail. This is stalking type behavior and the law is severe with stalkers. I just found motion activated solar flood lights at Costco, installing these so that a bright light goes on when they get near her house can be a big deterrent, police say lighting is the #1 deterrent to criminals and what they are doing is criminal.

Unless your mom has a medical diagnosis, I think that the cop that told you she can't be left alone has overstepped their authority. If she has had a doctor that is treating her say she needs 24/7 supervision, then yes she needs that.

No one wants to go to a facility, but sometimes it is the only way to keep our loved one safe. Be sure that she is safe, no matter where she is.

Neighbors can be the most vile humans and the biggest burr because they are right on your rear.

What is AT and AR?
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worriedinCali May 2019
The OP never said a cop told her anything.
APS should have looked at the conditions of the living quarters and seen how she is living.

These neighbors might be wanting you to get out so they are harassing you. Can you put up a fence or temporary heavy duty pet/child gate around the porch/door area?

Get a RING and put it up so you can capture them on camera if they are ringing your door bell or knocking on your door.
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I'd put a NO TRESPASSING sign on the door and have her start calling the police when they bother her. Can you get photos of them testing your mom's door and entering without her permission? If they want the state involved so much the police arresting them for burglary and home invasion would certainly get them out of your hair.
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