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I've confirmed the moderator account is having the same issue and have reported to tech. Thanks- we're working on it.
Helpful Answer (7)
gladimhere Nov 2021
Yes, I have been having the issue too. Thanks ACCM. And now it seems I cannot post a reply. Ahh, it finally worked. The site has just been glitchy all the way around today.
The process is complete. Hopefully site issues have been resolved. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
Helpful Answer (7)

Hi all, we're working really hard to resolve this issue, and have now been able to pinpoint that it is only happening to the more active users, including the moderator account. Figures! We really appreciate your continued patience.
Helpful Answer (5)

Hi all,
The good news- We have a fix to roll out. This optimization to the database should resolve the newsfeed and profile page issues. The bad news- this will involve temporarily having our Sites, Portals and tools down for up to 5 minutes. This will occur within the next hour. If you have created any lengthy messages or posts- save or publish them as soon as possible. I will re-post when the update is complete in case you miss it!
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Admins: Thank you very much for fixing the issue.
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I am also having the same problem. I thought it was my computer cuz I have had some glitches lately but since others are having trouble at least I know it is not me!
Helpful Answer (3)

I figured it was my computer acting up again,so it's good to know,I'm not the only one not getting my newsfeed.
Surely,they'll get it fixed soon.
Thanks for saying something polarbear.
Hope everyone is having a good Saturday evening~
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OK. So only active users have problems. In that case, I'm going to become inactive, then the site will work perfectly for me. That works. Haha.
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I'm still having problems. news Feed won't load and some discussion threads won't open.
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Oh for Pete's sake! Course the redundancy of the newsreel drives me nuts anyway! 😉😉
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