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“You just can’t share this with ladies who lunch” is stellar :)
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Cover99 Sep 2021
Why not? The poop
My suggestion for your husband and everyone is to get your Human Microbiome tested. It's helped me a lot with digestion and elimination. Eating the correct foods for each of us is immensely important. And don't make general assumptions that a food[s] must be good for you. For example, I used to eat a lot of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, and brussel sprouts. I loved brussel sprouts, especially. I never thought these healthy vegetables could be foods I need to avoid. But sure enough, after the Gut Microbiome testing, they all came up on my Avoid list, as did many items I was eating every day. In contrast, I bought a testing kit for my girlfriend and all those vegetables were on her Superfoods List. Don't assume you're eating right. Get tested. Eating the right foods for each of us goes a long way to eliminate gas bloating and constipation.
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oil enemas for impaction.
Get a prescription of lactulose--it can be taken regularly without addiction. Works wonders. A lot cheaper than miralax

Unlike laxatives with magnesium or phosphates, Lactulose is kidney-disease friendly and will not harm kidneys.
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Check with MD about a cod liver pill ( frozen) in the evening. It may also thin blood, that's why it's important to check with the MD first.
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Two things that my husband swore by for constipation:
1. Smooth Move tea (find it in the grocery store)
2. A jar of tapioca baby food! Yep, always worked for him!
Best of luck.
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my2cents Sep 2021
Will have to test these out!! Thanks.
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Always go the slow route when you can. When you start adding all that stuff you have mentioned, it creates the poop from H*LL scenario when it finally works. Then, because you have totally cleaned out the gut, you'll probably create another few days of no-go and constipation issue.

Papaya in the AM can help. I have made smoothie with it and added about a cap of magnesium citrate (cherry flavor). Probably about 6 oz of drink. Softens, doesn't create diarrhea issues.

You can ask the dr about Linzess, however start with smallest dose possible. It can work a little too well, too. If he tolerates it and does a good job of just keeping regular, hoo-rah. If not, go back to your Miralax.
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Probiotics might help restore the balance of "good" bacteria in the gut. My brother in law with Parkinson's who's suffered with constipation for years, and is on multiple constipation treatments (e.g. lactulose), recently tried kombucha, at the urging of my other brother in law. It has helped a lot, says the constipated BIL. My husband recently started taking a probiotic capsule daily, and that's helped him, though I still contantly nag to drink more liquids :-)
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kahill1918 - the reason I try to get movement before midnight if possible is that I don't like knowing someone has sat in their own mess for hours which can then lead to other issues. Saw it with mom under the care of others who would let her sit until I arrived in the morning and then would not come to help me clean her.
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I remember when my husband (77) was in rehab for hip replacement, that he was so impacted...nurses gave him warm prune juice...softened it up within an hour, he passed it. Put a disposible bed pad under him, so if it does work quickly, you just have to throw it out. Then give him stool softeners twice a day. I wouldn't give him the concoction of medicines you list. Some don't work with the others...Call your doctor for advice (only a phone call), and maybe he could call your pharmacy to give you a prescription (if needed) or recommendation for a good stool softener. If it is at all possible, try moving his hips each morning, sometimes it just gets impacted sideways. Is he eating enough? NO bananas or rice. I hope it works.
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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and keeps all of our insides running well.
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Same problem here---- His nurse told me to warm 4 ounces of prune juice in the microwave --not hot - just warmed, and add 1 tsp butter and mix well--have him drink that --WE tried all of the pills but didn't help ! Even bran cereal didn't help much--h just got out of the hospital and I know th efears about another stay in a hospital----
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When I was a child my great-aunt Mary always brought a bottle of prune juice when she visited. We would giggle about it but 60 years later I figure she had the right idea!

This is what works for me: Daily 2 probiotic chews and lots of water throughout the day.

If I do get stopped up 2-3 prunes a day for several days works. Also a cup of coffee will work in an hour or so. Or the Smooth Move tea.

If he has been on antibiotics that med will kill off the helpful bacteria in his gut. Probiotics and/or yogurt with cultures daily can help in the long term.
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Have you tried fleet suppository? Easier and quicker to administer than enema and has the benefit of working from that "direct end" rather than so many pills swallowed and trying to work from the other end. I keep a log of BMs, date, time, consistency and when aids in are given. Dulcolax, Colace, Peri Colace, Senocol and warm prune juice are all good to help movement as well as maintenance to stay ahead of the constipation. Hot chamomile tea with honey helps settle the stomach and can help produce movements. Best of luck 🤞
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Maybe he didn’t eat enough to form stool …& it’s just gas . Give fiber , prune juice & stool softeners ..laxative can be counterproductive as it may cause diarrhea. My mother doesn’t go every day & it’s a whole production to put her in commode. Don’t worry if he doesn’t go every day. Have him wear pull-ups if not wearing them already. He probably will go in his pants & then be a mess…Hugs 🤗
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Suppository. If he struggles, tell him you are checking for a problem and slip it in.
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Do you have “Squatty Potty?”
2/3 if the planet “poops” in a squat position.
It allows gravity to work better.
I found aloe with fennel pills to be helpful. I only need (1) once a month, but after (2) 7 1/2 hour spinal fusions, I took one every other day. No belly ache like some stool softeners give.
Squatty Potty is just a stool to set your feet on, after you sit on the toilet.
Pears have tons of fiber so try canned in their own juice and have him drink the juice too.
Milk of Magnesia was the unclogger for me after those surgeries.
Its tougher when they stop moving around.
Just my 2 cents.
Hope things get better-
Helpful Answer (2)

AHWilson: Imho, you could try a virtual visit with his gastroenterologist (since hospitals may be overwhelmed and even an ED visit will take very long hours to be seen, even if a patient has a bowel backup), a daily probiotic, prune juice, prunes and raspberries. My DD recently clued me in on the raspberry tip. Some medications will cause constipation so that is why his gastroenterologist should be contacted, preferably right away so that also it could be determined if he possibly has a twisted bowel, which won't allow food products to pass through the colon and will require immediate surgery. The later may not be the case as he has no pain. A normal gut requires no straining so something is amiss with his. I required twisted bowel surgery in 2002. Maurice Gibbs of the Bee Gee's also had a twisted bowel, but his physician apparently waited too long to perform the necessary surgery, resulting in Gibbs' death.
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It’s simple u can give him smoothies, veggies, mixed healthy prune juice with water or prunes. Fruits and veggies. Plz go to youtube check out dr Bernard and dr Klaper latter doc on plant based tele health. God Bless snd have patients like mom and dad had for u. 🙏🏽
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There is a tea called smooth moves that may help if used regularly for some folks.
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AH is there an update?

I have been worrying about you and your husband.
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May sound like a silly answer but is there any food that historically has given him diarrhoea? For some people it cheese, coffee, curry all sorts of things. It may be worth giving him a supper of anything that has caused this effect and therefore he doesn't usually eat it - requires a bit of memory.
Otherwise 30ml lactulose morning and evening is a good treatment.
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I would not give him anything like he is going to have a colonoscopy only because there are certain pre-preparations that go along with that (like liquid lunches, etc). you would hate to give him some that would cause a rupture in his bowel due to improper prep. How about some prune juice or soft prunes to eat (they are actually pretty good). also what kind of foods is he eating? if lots of sugar that will create more of a bowel issue. If he hasn't ate alot, he isn't going to go cause nothing in the bowel. My dad was so used to going to the bathroom every day that when he had his dementia and wouldn't hardly eat, but yet still expected to use the toilet. so he would take stuff (milk of magnesia, stool softner, even my mom had me give him an enema with no effects). I kept telling him that IF he didn't eat alot there is nothing to come out. But IF your hubby is eating normal every day and hasn't gone in 2 days, i would say another trip to ER , have them xray bowel to make sure no obstruction, etc. I sure wish you luck.
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I tried everything for my 58 year old sister who has AD and would pace around, back and forth to the bathroom, crying for me to help her because she could not have a bowel movement. With her AD, I don't think my sister could actually tell when she actually needed to go or push to make it happen. That led to very serious constipation and a trip or two to the ER. She just seemed to know that she was badly clogged up and that her belly/side hurt. Tried everything you listed plus Linzess (prescription). Finally, her very wise kidney specialist humbly suggested that I try an old remedy - mineral oil - nightly. PHENOMENAL results!!! No more complaints about bellyaches...she goes regularly, usually daily. Hope it works well for your husband, too!
Helpful Answer (2)
Knitte123 Sep 2021
Olive oil also works well and it is healthier over all those drugs, cheaper too.....start with a swallow...1/4 cup?...wait 15ish minutes, then repeat, repeat again if necessary.. that shud work, stay close to bathroom. Really helps if food is cooked with EVOO on a daily basis, inperative to learn to drink those 8 glasses of water daily, even if you have to force yourself.. also after one day of no bm, slow the solid food intake. Prune juice works as well, same routine.
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