Over the past 12 years Homewatch CareGivers has grown to a company that employs over 170 caregivers and services the entire Triangle area. Over 2,200 Triangle residents have received more than 1.5 million hours of home care services from our caregivers during this time.
First step in our admission process is for our nurse to provide a free initial evaluation to determine the level of home care needed and to help you explore all the community resources available for family caregivers. At that time comprehensive care plan is created to serve as a roadmap for the caregivers providing the services. Services can range from 4 to 24 hours per day, including weekends and holidays.
Next, the appropriate caregiver or team of care professionals will be selected to start services immediately. They are highly experienced and trained to care for clients with various types of dementia, MS, ALS, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, brain injuries, cancer patients, stroke victims, etc. They are vigorously screened, insured and bonded; and most importantly, continuously trained to provide comfort and a professional level of care to every client.
We at Homewatch CareGivers understand that making decisions about the quality of life of someone you care for can be overwhelming. We are privileged to assist you throughout this process. Please call us today for your free care needs evaluation