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I looked sheepherders bread up on the net. It’s a bread recipe with a lot of dairy, cooked slowly in a camp oven, and being very light and fluffy (plus large size, depending on the size of the camp oven). A bit hard to swallow for me, as a sheep farmer. I’ve cooked a fair bit in my camp oven, both out camping with coals under and over it, and also in a normal oven, and there isn’t much difference really. Here people cook an unleavened bread called damper over the coals in the bush – OK when fresh, a building material a couple of days later. I don’t know where those sheepherders lived, it’s not too common a life style. Camp ovens are usually cast iron, but bedourie ovens are steel and so less prone to breaking – both not too common in old herding communities.

However I cook bread in my bread machine every two or three days, and I’ve only used the basic recipe. I’ll try one of the others with dairy, and see what it’s like, so it was an interesting post! I'll use cow's milk powder - milking sheep is a pain in the neck (and back).

Nobody did the dishes, so the kitchen is closed.

Spanakopita ... I cheated and used pre-made dough.
I don' t know what sheepherder's bread is, either.

ISRR what is sheepherders bread?

The crab feed was smallish, maybe 20 or so, as DD invited several of her friends, all of whom we are very close to ( my 2 "bonus" daughters ) and her old roommate, plus 2 spouses we love also like family. And my 4 besties, plus his guy friends. We do have a ton of leftovers,, so today I peeled 5 LBS of shrimp and we picked crabs, then another friend of his got a break from the Fair and came over. So after tomorrow we should have all the crabs picked out.I sent alot of leftovers home with people, still lots left,, we had 3 pies!! Gary found things he could eat,, crabs were easy and some of the soft sides. We really had fun!

I found a loaf of sheepherders bread in a grocery store, had to make sandwiches out of it.

BLTs with salt and pepper kettle chips. I love those sandwiches on great bread.

PamZ Hope your crab and shrimp feed is a hit. My stepson brought me dinner from one his bars. Cheeseburger sliders and onion rings.

Candyhayu: I noticed that you asked for the Eggplant Lasagna recipe. However, the author of this thread started it in 2014 and may no longer be active. Just thought I would let you know.

Stepson went clamming. Had steamed clams and salad. PamZ have fun with your clam feed.

This was such a great idea, changing the subject. We all need a break from constantly thinking about our loved ones who need care.

Eggplant lasagna sounds really good! I’d like this recipe.

Mom and I are sitting outside on this lovely, warm, last of summer days on the piazza having a cold beer. For dinner, I’m making a few naan bread pizzas. I had bolognese sauce leftover from when my hubby made a batch, so I’m going to melt garlic and butter and brush it on the naans. Then bake them to get them crispy. Next, add the bolognese, cheeses, pepperoni and some red onions. After baking, the cheese is melted then I add some fresh arugula and drip on some balsamic. Shred some parm and enjoy. Have with a salad. Happy Friday and a good weekend to all!

Every Year my hubs has a crab feed for his buddies ( and a few of mine), and that is this Sat. It began as a thing for his work buddies, and a joint birthday party for our moms who have now passed. Everyone who comes brings a dish, and we get the crabs and shrimp. Every year the numbers go down as people age out,, but we keep it going and DD invites some of her friends as well. I have been busy all day as he had an apt. with his oral surgeon, then had to back later for more pictures.. I am trying to get all the pet hair out of the house, and only have the main level to clean tomorrow. Why is it that every year it's less people and more work for me!! And prices are terrible! But we enjoy it, and so I guess it will be worth it. We always had alot of his parents friends,, but they are passing away or unable to come. I miss them all.

Cashew, that's good but bittersweet news about Hospice.

Sword fish steaks, baby potatoes and sautéed spinach here.

We have a normal Thursday night planned because my grand-nephew has an open date in the football schedule but the youngest foster son is concerned about the menu: "will we still have chicken sandwiches?" Yes, and we will have corn and broccoli to go with them. And maybe even some apple cobbler. "Cool."

Tonight was scrambled eggs. Later, I had some blueberries and cream for a dessert. a comfort food, really.
We had a busy day and Mom has been approved for in home hospice.

Broiled flounder stuffed with crabmeat, baked potato, salad

cashew - that's funny.

Spurred on by the chicken soup yesterday that I gave to dd, I have been cooking all day. I emptied the large freezer of chicken carcasses and the remaining frozen cherry tomatoes and sliced bell peppers. I made two types of tomato sauce - one for beef recipes and one I tossed fillets of cod into. When I have eaten the cod there will be enough sauce left for a Manhattan fish chowder. That will take care of most of the frozen seafood in the freezer. I have separated the chicken meat from the bones etc. which are now in the electric pressure cooker - with some vinegar - The meat and veg get added once the bone broth is finished. I love soups in the cooler weather.

I guess I have some energy back. One of the first signs is that I start cooking again as apposed to thawing and microwaving stuff to eat.

I need to do a little baking to use up ingredients in my cupboards.

Mom wanted the pot roast.
I had mentioned the British royal family and the queen's, dinner was "bloody" delicious..."bloody" this and "bloody" that.
Mom never uses that word. lol
Tonight? Left overs. I wonder if they will still be "bloody" delicious.

DH got Pizza Hut Detroit style last night. It's a limited menu item, but is back for a while.

Big garden salad and grilled chicken breast.

Yesterday, I took a pot roast out to cook but then spent the day at the ER as Mom had a fall and we had to make sure she didn't break anything. She didn't YAY!
So, today I cooked the pot roast which I will enjoy with some roasted veggies but we'll see if Mom will want it or just pudding. lol

ITRR - You have sent me off researching the differences between kombucha scoby and mother of vinegar; I hadn't really thought of it before but the two share very similar processes and organisms. As far as I can see the main difference is that the kombucha scoby growth is based on glucose while MOV grows from the fructose found in fermented apples/grapes/whatever. And the mothers for different wines, ciders etc are not identical.

cwillie, Dialysis can be done at home overnight but you have to do peritoneal dialysis. I didn't like the idea of the fluid cycling repeatedly and I'm not a good sleeper. I don't have daytime obligations for work or family so daytime is not that intrusive. I chose to do regular dialysis. I got my own machine and have a room set up with my equipment. comfortable and with a good view of the lake. I do mine a little differently than at a dialysis center. I have it four days a week for about 3.5 hours. It's easier for me to be at home, not having to be transported to a center and having little privacy and limited attention from the technicians. I have my own technician with me the entire time and I have friends and family who drop by to visit. I think I have fewer problems with private technician. I do mine early morning. then rest for a bit. Then go on about what I want to do. It's not fun to do dialysis but it keeps me alive to enjoy my family, friends and other activities. There will come a time when it won't work and I'll have to quit.

Cwillie, I think you may be thinking of the scoby found in the making of kombucha. It is what you desribed anyways.

Can you not do dialysis over night Becky?

My local Domino's is giving away free a small pizza today as part of their grand opening - I've got mine for lunch!

I knew nothing about vinegar mother. Learned something new.

I'm back home from my trip and counting carbs. Hooked up to my dialysis machine and killing time until it's over. I'm halfway thru. Two more hours to go.

Unfiltered and unpasteurized vinegar might be cloudy but the mother itself looks like a great big gross slimy alien creature LOL.

The things I learn here! LOL!

It is Bragg's brand or some health food stores are now carrying their own brand. It states on the label with the mother. It is a cloudy looking vinegar.

It is not Heinz apple cider vinegar, that is a clear vinegar without the mother.

Posted at the same time Golden.
Prayers that your daughter feels better and the soup gives her a warm hug.:-)

itrr -That's how I make it!

glad - The mother is the cloudy stuff in apple cider vinegar - its actually bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar with the mother?

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