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Made two chicken casseroles for church dinner. I didn’t go to dinner; too many steps. Had a ham sandwich.

No power from Ian so bread,low calorie cookies and then repeat. I highly don't recommend this. I am going to have to fast once power is back.

Risotto with shrimps and veggies.

I went to a late luncheon at the University Faculty Club. Nice buffet and got to see several friends. I’m roasting two hens. Making chicken casserole tomorrow morning to send to church in the evening.

I'm inspired by the stew idea so that's what I'm turning my leftover pot roast into.

Making a nice beef stew. I love stew.
Mom is sleeping away about 20 hours a day. She hates stew.
When she's up, all that she wants is ice cream, pudding, or pumpkin butter toast dunked in hot chocolate.

Becky, so they were blessed that he got you.

I am glad that the potatoes were a hit. I am still amazed at how much richness and flavor they have.

I did 6 servings for the 2 of us, leftovers yeah!

ITRR, The potatoes were great. Going to make a double batch the next time. Not a bite left. The majority of the kids are used to cooking and helping. But I do have a couple that don't like to do clean up. My husband's kids didn't have grandparents living and their mother left when they were in junior high.

Becky, how were the potatoes?

You have awesome grandkids that cook for you. It's refreshing to hear about what a functional family does for one another.

Chicken with pesto and tomato salad.

Chicken lasagna, salad, garlic toast and cherry jello with peaches. Grandsons cooked.

I am so going to try the broccoli- cheese-chicken- patties idea. That sounds delicious.
I've made meatloaf with ground chicken and it was pretty good. Never with the broccoli and cheese though. I will try that.
Tonight it's lasagne because I had homemade sauce in the freezer.

TN, I am loving your posts about your "boys"! Good for you!

TNtechie, those sound really yummy.

Off to look at recipes!

Made some baked broccoli cheese chicken patties last night from a recipe I saw online. It's basically a meatloaf like construction using ground chicken, broccoli and cheese with your spices, breadcrumbs and egg, making them into patties and baking or frying them like salmon patties. They are delicious, even when cold! All three of my "boys" (foster sons and youngest grand-nephew) loved them and the foster sons are taking the leftovers in their lunches this morning. I like being able to make the patties ahead of time and keep them in the fridge until I bake them; makes it so much easier when we have tight timelines for supper around games and practices.

Pumpkins at the zoo!

Navy beans, cornbread. ITRR, granddaughters are making the potatoes. Smell good. I'll try a taste at dinner.

Potatoes were eaten every day in my childhood and often in more than once, it wouldn't have been uncommon to have potato salad for lunch and a meat and potatoes dinner. Mom always made more than we needed when she was boiling potatoes so there were extras for things like fried potatoes.
Rice was for pudding, and pasta was just something you used in tuna casseroles or spaghetti in a can. It wasn't until the mid to late 70's that Italian and Asian recipes began to feature more prominently in the local cuisine.

Beatty, I never cared for mashed taters, until I was introduced to garlic lobster mashed potatoes. Now I make all kinds of delicious mashed recipes.

I never cook all the texture out of my potatoes for mashing, I need to know they aren't flakes. :-)

My Irish heritage man also loves his spuds - in every way they can be cooked (except mash weirdly). Said his DNA has potato in it 😁

Becky, I am sure they will like them. I am still really surprised at how delicious they are, easy too. I use my mandolin to cut the onion and potatoes, so short work for a big pan.

The recipe is on and offers a variable servings option.

I have a physically big man that eats lots of potatoes too.

Beatty, Physically, big men who eat a lot of potatoes.

Are they eaters of big potatoes or big eaters of potatos?

For some silly reason I pictured a family rolling giant potatoes into their kitchen. Just that kind of silly day.. Hahaha

ITRR, The potatoes sound good. I may have to try sometime. I have some big potato eaters in my family.

Red bean curry. It tasted good but is sitting like a lump in my belly.

The potatoes are sliced 1/4 thick with the skins on. Russet was called for and that's what I used.

I looked up scalloped potatoes and it is similar. Except, you do these on the stove and you don't make any sauce, just crispy bacon, sauteed onions, sliced potatoes all layered and milk poured over the top, cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes.

Granddaughters made chili and cornbread. Good meal on a cool damp evening. Their Dad and younger brother ate with us.

Are the potatoes sliced or diced ITRR? It sounds kind of like scalloped potatoes with bacon 😋

My honey emailed me a recipe that his grandad used to make for him as a kid, he just found it. It's called cowboy spuds and NOW I understand why he always talks about these potatoes.

It has onions, bacon, potatoes, milk, salt, pepper and parsley. So easy and so delicious! I added fresh chopped garlic chives to add extra nutrition. Mmmmmmmgood!

These are worth sharing. A meal in itself or a great side to anything.

BOJ - Cheerios is one of my favorite meals. I'm trying to get more independent and not asking family to help. Other than my dialysis tech this am I've managed on my own all last night and day today.

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