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Went out to dinner with friends. Good to go out but tiring. Went for Mexican. It was good.

Not cooking tonight.

We had a late, large lunch, so, no desire for dinner.

However, dessert was still an option :-) I made raspberry and blueberry ice cream. Yummy! And so satisfying, loaded with fresh berries. Sad to see the end of berry season.

Cashew. That sounds good. My granddaughters and I ordered our favorite Mexican. pizza. I treated myself to a can of Diet Coke.

I found a bag of potatoes, onions, and peppers in the freezer....So, fry them up, put at the bottom of a casserole, add some eggs and cheese, bake and eat.
Easy peasy.

I did a 6 lb sirloin tip roast with potatoes, carrots, onions and cabbage. My stepsons came for dinner and to go over the financials of real estate I’m selling. Leftovers will go in the soup pot.

Thx, burnt. It had a nice balance of flavours. I just threw it together and hope I can do it the same again.

Re meat sauces When I was working I used to cook meat sauce in the oven all day. That was before I had a slow cooker. I just threw everything together before I left for work and let it cook at low heat. I couldn't tell the difference between it and other sauces where you sauté onion and garlic first and brown the meat. Electricity was cheap is those days. That same oven had a rotisserie spit in it and I used to do a lamb roast basted with an apricot sauce. Yum!


Your meatloaf dinner sounds absolutely delicious.

Good idea Barb! If I start early, the stew meat will be flavorful and tender
about 5-6 hours from now. Simmer, simmer, simmer.

I used to know how to make a good spaghetti sauce, starting from scratch, taking all day. And if you make your own meatballs, that is the beginnings of meat for lasagne! My sister-in-law taught me on a visit to California so many decades ago.

Making a pot of meat sauce for spaghetti tonight. The kitchen smells wonderful!

Don't feel too bad Willie. I had half of an egg salad sandwich for dinner.

DH was working so I did what was easy. Pull an old sandwich out of the fridge.

Home made chicken noodle soup, used up the last of the rotisserie chicken, and added heirloom carrots and celery.

Maybe I can bake some corn bread in the roaster oven. Or, just eat some lemon snap cookies.

I made a meat loaf with ground turkey and pumpkin puree topped with homemade cranberry sauce. It was good and I had all the flavours of Thanksgiving without getting stuffed! With it I had roasted radishes and they were good too. I'll do this meal again.

Salad and a piece of mediocre pumpkin pie 😞

Leftovers and a salad from Olive Garden.

Turkey and good company.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Becky: Sounds fantastic.

Had the big dinner. 37 people including a couple of new babies. The granddaughters did a good job with all the cooking.

Golden, The radish salad sounds good. I looked up Asian Radish Salad. Found one that the dressing sounded good


glad - actually no. It's just radishes and dressing.

I made it years ago and forgot the recipe. This one is the closest as I remember it.

The one you show looks good too but I am not a kale fan. This one is so simple.

Made three pumpkin pies and a pumpkin casserole. Granddaughters are fixing dinner. I’m just giving instructions. Having big family dinner at 3pm. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes gravy, etc. This is a big holiday in our area. Indigenous People day, Canadian Thanksgiving something for everyone. My family just likes to have big dinners.

Golden, like this?

This looks wonderful! I love radishes!

Thank you Golden!

Since I value your input.......I feel better. I will stop feeling guilty.

Enjoy the radishes!


My shopper got me two bags of radishes -double what I ordered so I am eating them and will make a Chinese radish salad (that's Chinese "radish salad" as opposed to "Chinese radish" salad) and also saute some, and roast some. They added a veggie to my meal tonight.

I am sorry you are feeling guilty. No need. You are doing nothing wrong. You are not responsible for anyone else's feelings or behaviours. In short, it isn't your fault!

Monday the 10th is Gordie's birthday. He would be 44. He loved turkey but I am cleaning out the frig and freezer these days so I am probably settling for making something with ground turkey, no doubt accompanied by radishes lol.

We are having a Thanksgiving conflict here. To those of you in the States it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.

My conflict is my family barely communicate. We definitely don't get together for Thanksgiving. My DH's family are unbearable to be around so I won't go there. Even if my DH was to beg me I still wouldn't. So thus the problem. R misses the whole Thanksgiving camaraderie thing. If he were to be honest with himself he'd realize that maybe he experienced that years and years ago and even then..........probably not.

I can't make the day what he wishes for. He's got this totally unrealistic expectation of a happy family sitting around a table singing kumbaya. Maybe, somewhere people are having that. But I can't create that for him, not with the families we were born into. So I'm left feeling guilty.

Golden, all you mentioned goes together except the radishes? Interesting choice.

Cheese toast, chocolate and coffee, 🥪 🍫 ☕ and hot hot radishes!

spinach and feta egg bites.

PamZ, some woman in Maine claims her mother invented Whoopi pies. I like the ice cream whoopi pies but not the others. Amish in Maine always have bakeries and have Whoopi pies.

Send i am from PA, and they are famous there! My entire family makes them. Maybe a German thing? I know it's an amish thing!

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