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If you've got a good recipe for chicken and dumplings, please psot it or message me.
I love the chicken and dumplings. but I don't how to make it and never found a recipe yet that I liked.

Chicken and dumplings.

golden: On the rare exception that I do make chicken soup, I like to make my own broth. Packaged broth is good, too.

Bridget, milk is just wrong in any tea or coffee.

Half and half or heavy cream.

I would have asked if it was Thai tea they had, cause that is some yummy tea with half and half. :-)

I love the variety of food on this planet.

ITRR, Try going to New England and order tea. Always lived in the South and sweet iced tea was all I knew. Ordered some the first time we went out to eat. They asked me if I wanted milk for my tea. Looked at me like I had four heads because I asked for sweet iced tea. Now no one asks unless it's a new waitress.

All this talk about corn bread is making me hungry for some.

I have to say it was NEVER on my radar until I went to Tennessee. Made a lifetime convert out of me, beans and corn bread and greens with Tabasco pepper vinegar. It is a regular on our menu, to the point I have been asked if I was from the south.

Here's a funny story that any true Southerner will get a kick out of. When we went to Dollywood I ordered iced tea, the lovely waitress asked if I wanted sweet tea. Uhhmmm? What's that? She looked at me like I had two heads. I was kind of embarrassed but, in my defense I live in the west and that wasn't a thing before McDonald's introduced it. We only had hot or iced tea and raspberry tea, so I did think sweet was some southern fruit. Imagine "is that sweet tea? in a strong southern accent. :-)

Fry it in my iron skillet with just enough Crisco oil to keep it from sticking. My grandmothers always used bacon grease but I don't like the taste too strong tasting. I make the batter a little thinner than regular cornbread, about like pancake batter. Doesn't take as long as in the oven. Two of my grandson always want it fried.

Bridget, do you fry the already baked cornbread or fry in it the skillet as the "baking" method? My grandmother fried some cornbread to show me how but stated she abandoned that method after she had a good oven and an extra iron skillet.

Navy bean soup and fried corn bread.

PB, Almost a years worth.

My hubby LOVES potatoes and would be happy getting them 3x a day.

I try to time my visits with apple harvesting, so I have a truck full of onions, potatoes and 5 or 6 different types apples.

Cold storage keeps them fresh until they are used.

We also share with friends and family. Can't beat a fresh harvested for these foods. :-)

Wow! 2 x 50# boxes. That's a lot of potatoes.

We flew to Idaho and back, so a 50# bag of potatoes in the luggage would cost us at least $60 to check in.

I too love dumplings with soups.
I make one with bone broth, dumplings or gayoza, baked spring rolls, noodles, shredded veggies and some kind of chopped ribs, Vietnamese style, topped with hoisin sauce.
Have to try with Matzoh dumplings. Love them too.

PB, 2 potatoes? That cracks me up. When I visit Idaho during potato season I bring back 2 50# boxes. However, it takes me 2+ full days of travel to get there.

They aren't washed and we have never thrown any out.

The ones I buy locally will sprout within 3 days of purchase.

I’ll add my soups to the list. Shrimp wonton noodles soup loaded with homegrown veggies for yesterday. Leftover broth will be turned into tomato soup for today.

My daughter and I visited a friend in Idaho last week. She insisted on bringing back 2 huge baking potatoes. I may make potato chowder out of them.


When I want something heartier than plain chicken soup on acold day, I add some Matzoh dumpling into the soup. Delicious. They thicken the broth up too.
It's cold here today and that's what I'm probably going to do. My boy's coming by today with his father so it might be his most favorite childhood meal. Tater tot casserole with greenbean salad and hot rolls. It's not the healthiest meal, but sometimes you have to.

I LOVE Pho. It's very easy to make. So is Japanese if you can put the time in to make the stock. I love both.
I think my favorite soup is spicy tortilla soup with shrimp.

I like chicken or other soups at this time, especially with snowy weather, already piles in front!
I do like Thai chicken soups, especially PHO thang which is actually Vietnamese. Sometimes I make it, but have 2 good places nearby to order from.

Good luck with your chicken carcass, send.🐔

llama - I usually make bone broth for my soups but didn't take the time yesterday. It takes longer so I just made chicken soup and added bone broth from a carton. I like my chicken soup mostly broth with a little veg and chicken. If I want something heartier I make more like a chicken stew with more chicken and veggies. Just my own preference. I had some last night and again this morning - great comfort food in this cold snowy weather!

Golden and send: Sounds yummy. Do you make your own broth?
One time a friend made chicken noodle soup for a church event, but it had to be thrown out sadly. She asked what had happened. Answer - put the cooked noodles in at the end OR some use a separate container.

You inspired me with the idea of making chicken soup.
I had rotisserie chicken delivered tonight and now am
the proud owner of the chicken carcass.

I have been craving chicken soup and I have BBQ chicken carcass and some chicken stock. I guess if I want it tonight I need to use the electric pressure cooker.

Biscuits with barbeque sauce, cheese and Spam

I was busy chopping getting everything ready to make a minestrone soup but then I decided I'd rather have spaghetti tonight, so I'll add in all the extra ingredients needed for the soup tomorrow.

Techie, I make that same version with Velveeta and Rotel. My only problem is I buy the cheese and Rotel and before I get dip made, some of the grandchildren use it for other snacks. It's cold and damp here. good time to fire up the woodstove and put some beans on to have on hand.

I do it first thing every morning, hot water with lemon, good for digestion, popular in some cultures. Convinced hubby too, water and lemon and honey for him.
Ordering burgers and fries tonight, to h with healthy eating for once, maybe add salad.

We're having beefy dip with chili for football. 2.5lbs 97% lean beef fried with onion and garlic powder (or sometimes taco seasoning) then 1lb velveeta, 2 cans rotel (1 hot & 1 reg) and 1 can petite diced tomatoes. Some eat chili and dip separately and some combine them. Lots of scoops and bite sized chips.

Big pot of chili and Mexican cornbread. Lots of football.

cw - Yes, sort of like a hot toddy without the rum, whiskey or whatever.

I think of hot lemon as something comforting you drink when you are under the weather, especially when having a stuffy nose and sore throat.

glad - No magic, just hot (very warm) water, lemon juice and sweetener for me. It must have been something to do with the flu shot as I haven't craved citrus in a long time. That article - way over the top IMO. That would be magic lol.

I woke about midnight and had 1/2 a peanut butter Sammy and a small glass of milk, oh and of course a cashew sandie cookie.

Is there magic with hot lemonade? Is it instant? Or just boiling water with sugar and lemon juice? Interesting, I never heard of that either, Golden.

I can Google amything!

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