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Yes, Tucson is a seafood desert. Unless you catch it, it has been frozen. Which is better then nothing but, oh, so not as great as fresh seafood.

Spicy miso is a great broth for any soup. I often use bone broth as my liquid and adjust the miso based according to the other ingredients.

Does your nephew love our mesquite grilled steaks?

I love scallops too! So sweet and tender!

Hmmmm, that would be good too. I like miso. I like a bit of a kick! Spicy miso broth sounds great.

I haven’t made shrimp broth but my brother has. Shrimp broth is very common here. Louisiana seafood is delicious! I make shrimp or crawfish etouffee sometimes. Of course. I make gumbo! Everyone’s mother and grandmother makes it their own way.

One of my nephews moved to Tucson and when he visits home, the first thing he asks for is seafood! His wife doesn’t eat seafood! LOL Two of his three children eat our seafood and the other one is like his wife and doesn’t eat it.

Shrimp, crab, crawfish or as some locals call them (mudbugs), oysters and fish are plentiful here.

We don’t have clams. I do like clam chowder. Of course, I ordered it in New England!

No Lobster either, again ordered it in New England. Stayed at the bed and breakfast there and enjoyed their cuisine too!

Growing up here, I love seafood! My daughter missed our seafood when she lived in Denver.

Golden, that sounds so yummy.

I have done a fish and tomato soup is a spicy miso broth that worked well. I am going to try the scallops in the next batch.

It must be a chili week. We are having chili with green chili corn bread.

Need, have you ever made fish broth? I read that shrimp peels are good for making it.


Okay, so that’s good to know that the other stocks and water work fine. The onion and garlic helps to flavor everything too.

White wine is a nice addition. When I went to tour Napa Valley and Sonoma in California I bought a few cookbooks that featured cooking with their wines.

No, I never have. Only beef and chicken. I used vegetable cubes in water and it tasted fine to me. The recipe said water was fine if you didn't have fish stock. The cod and scallops were very tender and flavourful. I added a decent amount of garlic too. I will do it again with a white wine.


Do you make your own fish stock? There are quality chicken and beef stocks in the store. I have seen seafood stocks on the shelves too but I haven’t tried them.

fish soup - cod, scallops, tomato, onion, garlic, and more. Supposed to have white wine in it which would have been great but I didn't have any. It was good as it was.


Sounds yummy!

Roasting a chicken with root vegetables. Green salad.

I am trying a new recipe..not that I followed the ingredients to the "T"
"Creamy Orecchiette with Spinach and Artichokes."
Original recipe did not have can you make a pasta dish with NO onion? It also did not have a meat element to it other than a few strips of bacon. (Not that bacon is not a meat but ..)
I added a pound of Spicy Italian Sausage.
Other ingredients are
Artichokes (the marinated ones in a jar)
Cream Cheese.
And you top it all with a bit of Mozzarella and bake for 20 minutes.
(adapted from a Better Homes and Garden recipe that showed up in my emails last week. )

I love homemade chili and I have never made it! I have enjoyed it at other people’s homes.


You do have a lot of stuff in your top cabinets!

I can’t remember what is in mine. I do know of one thing, the depression glass collection from my grandmother.

What else is in those top cabinets? I couldn’t tell you. I would have to get out my step ladder and go see.

I got rid of my giant stainless steel bowl years ago.

I keep my cookbooks in a lower cabinet but I am thinking of ditching most of those too because we can look at food blogs and recipe sites online now.

Cold, snowy day. Granddaughters made chili and Mexican cornbread.

But there's stuff up there I do use, just not very often. The tea pot (because I often just brew in my cup). The grater. Those fancy bowls for when company comes. Casseroles that hold more than one or two servings. Cookbooks and recipe boxes, because I might not always be able to look things up on line. That giant stainless steel bowl that I only get out a couple of times a year. Over the fridge is where I keep a collection of vases - yes I could probably pare down to one or two but I've got the cupboard space so....


I agree!

My grandfather was a skilled craftsman and he custom designed and built a lovely cupboard for my grandmother to store her lovely items.

My grandmother was tiny. Mom was tiny and I am tiny. No one can reach those top cabinets!

I loved the glass doors as a child because I always knew where her cookie jar was! 😊

What a great idea! Those cabinets up to the ceiling like mine are useless. I love those French style kitchens with shelving and it is great way to display nice pottery, jars, etc.
Dinners this week are cheap, as per pre-xmas budgeting, ground beef and pork, meatloaf, tacos, chilli, maybe lasagna, meatballs.
But went to cheese store and bought good french cheeses as reward. Making nice Xmas Eve with friends and family, but, not 12 or 13 dishes.


Whatever our kids don’t want, we can give to charity 😃.

Sometimes I bring items to a consignment shop for resale. I think the percentage 60/40. The customer gets 60% and the shop takes 40%.

I have made a few dollars here and there and I get rid of excess stuff that I never use.

They always ask me if I want any items back if they don’t sell or if I want the items donated to charity.

I tell them that I absolutely do not want any items back that I have chosen to get rid of. Donate to charity it is! Otherwise, it would be a rotating door of the ‘stuff’ that we don’t use! LOL 😆

If you ditch the upper cabinets where are you going to store all that stuff you almost never use? 🤔🤣

After my mom had a rotor cuff repair, she couldn't lift one arm higher than about shoulder height and had arthritis in both shoulders so getting stuff out of upper cabinets was more challenging. We installed a pull down shelf unit in one cabinet so she could easily get her coffee cups, water glasses, and everyday plates down without pain. It was expensive (couple hundred dollars then), and a pain to install correctly but worth it. We also put some shallow open shelves on the wall under the cabinets for spices and other smaller everyday cooking items. Mom didn't like the "clutter" look she thought the shelves brought to her kitchen but she liked being able to continue cooking. I had wall space in my kitchen to hang mom's shelves when she moved in with me and we installed a couple of the pull down shelf units too. Although I don't have the shoulder problems (yet) I do like being able to reach the top shelves without a step ladder.

You can search "pull down shelves for kitchen" to see some of these units on amazon if you're interested. They make new cabinets with these things built in and if anyone is doing a kitchen remodel, I would recommend a couple of these cabinets and drawers for lower cabinets; they make accessing every day stuff much easier when your mobility lessens.

Bridget - I love chowder this time of year.

Bridget: Sounds delicious.


What did you have stored in your top cabinets? I can’t even remember what is in mine.

I can’t reach anything in my top cabinets. I am just barely over 5 feet tall. I either have to ask my husband to get something for me or climb up on my step ladder.

I have always wanted legs that go on forever! Not ever going to happen…LOL 🤣

You’re smart to eliminate those cabinets.

Your renovation sounds like it will be pretty, plus practical!

Enjoy your frozen meals!

I didn’t cook. Nibbled on veggies and a couple of bites of hummus.

Clam chowder and biscuits

I'm reconfiguring my kitchen cabinets. I'm removing the upper cabinets (my shoulders don't work well) and will put up a couple of open shelves on one wall. However, I will use an upper cabinet as the base of a peninsula that I'm adding to my lower cabinets. I am painting my lower cabinets a deep blue, putting on butcher block countertops, and installing a new single sink instead of a double.
I will be eating a lot of frozen meals, I think. lol


I have made lentil soup, not chili. Sounds good though.

I like making soup. Some people only like it in the winter but I like soup year round.

Same with coffee but sometimes I will drink iced coffee in the summer. Just coffee and milk. I hate sugar or additional flavorings in my coffee. When it comes to coffee and tea I am a purist.

I've got a big pot of lentil chili, cold weather comfort food.

Corned beef hash....I cooked it in the air fryer using a ramekin. It was nice and crispy.
I had a thought that if I had a bit of left over hash, a little left over mashed potatoes and some would make a simple and filling patty which would be crispy cooking it in the air fryer. Might make it for lunch.

Cashew, that sounds yummy!

I did breakfast for dinner.

I prepare foods for my energizer bunny honey for breakfast. He gets up at 4am and I spent years having breakfast ready for him. Now he has it all ready in his breakfast drawer.

So, I made a grated potato, cheddar cheese, grilled ham, red and yellow peppers, red onion, egg, milk and parsley casserole, seasoned with salt and pepper for his breakfast and that's what we did for dinner. Served over shredded iceberg.

It was yummy! Which is great, I ended up with 2 pans full. I didn't measure and it grew! They freeze well, thankfully.

took some phylo dough and made a ring of it stuffed with spinach and cheese...not really spanikopita but tasty none the less.
Mom had a vanilla Yoplait Whip...those things are tasty! I like the key lime and orange sherbet ones too. I tend to lie to myself and say: "it's yogurt so there has to be some health benefit". The truth is that they are yummy. health be damned.

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