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@ BurntCaregiver,
Your Chickpeas soup does sound delicious!
I make meals like that in between eating steak so I guess I don't fit in anywhere in the vegetarian or vegan lifestyles.

By expressing my tastes, no offense to vegetarians or vegans was meant.

Need: Yum on the brownies.

Bridget: Haven't had prime rib in ages. Sounds delicious. Enjoy.

My son brought me dinner from his restaurant. Prime rib, twice bakes potato, salad.

I'm having a green chili burrito (frozen) and a cup of pudding. LOL
Mom is sleeping all day. My hammering and sawing are not keeping her up.
I have all my upper cabinets down, now. Donated a bunch of stuff out of the cabinets (threw out some out of date stuff) and the restore will be picking up more items next week.
I've made my penninsula but I had to shim it within an inch of its life! my floors are uneven. It's an old house. I am waiting on 2 pieces of the butcherblock.
I want to seal them at the same time to match the color the best.
The deep blue looks nice on the cabinets, so far.

My favorite fudgy brownie recipe is on this food blog.

🤣😂🤣 ~ I find this hilarious ~ as my father has decided to quit conversing with us much & "what's for dinner?" Is all he says to me every day ~ it's like pulling teeth to get him to talk ~ I have to get up & make dinner now ~ it's beef stew with potatoes, carrots & croissants ~

Thanks Bridget 🙂.
I pulled out my grandmother's little black recipe book to see what I could find and this is her recipe

Apple Butter
To 50 gal cider use 7 to 7 1/2 pails of schnitz (cored apples)
(No further directions supplied🤣)

Okay, this isn’t dinner but I have been craving brownies! I know that brownies aren’t a healthy lunch but I eat healthy food all the time so I deserve to eat brownies once in awhile.

I make homemade brownies. Super easy recipe! I don’t like box mixes.

I have a recipe that makes an 8X8 pan which is a good size for us. We don’t bake anything in a 9X13 because it’s too much. If I do make something in a large pan I give half of it away. Otherwise, it will go stale and end up being thrown out. It’s too much for two people.

My husband makes a brownie sundae with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup!

We have to cook much smaller amounts when our family decreases in size. I hate to waste food. It’s funny though, buying less but still spending a fortune at the grocery. I am selective about what I buy though. I do buy organic which tends to be more expensive. It’s still cheaper than eating out often.

CW, I make apple butter in the crockpot several times a year. It will take about 8 hours on low. I pit a layer of paper towels around the lid to keep condensate from dripping down in the pot. Add sugar after the apple sauce has turned dark. I have a 7 qt crockpot. Use about 2 1/2 to 3 cups of sugar and cinnamon oil to taste. In a pinch you can use powdered cinnamon to flavor. You can get the oil at the pharmacy or in the candy making section of Walmart. I bought some at Walmart the other day.after it's seasoned, put in canning jars.

Sister sent me home with 4 jars of past date applesauce she was gifted by her MIL 🙄, I have it in the slow cooker in an attempt to turn it into apple butter. Most of the recipes on line have an insane amount of sugar added or weird extras like cider vinegar or vanilla so I'm just going by instinct and past experience - when I worked in a restaurant on weekends we offered warmed apple sauce over pancakes or french toast and what was left in the bottom of the pot at the end of the day was definitely apple butter.

Thanks. Pam 😊

NHWM You can get a small roasted chicken at Costco or Sams for about $5, we get lot of meals out of that. We have to shop around a bit too,, we use alot of eggs and found it was cheaper to get 2 dz at costco than 1 dz at the local. And we but store brand creamers and the like. Good luck,, its a challenge these days.

Chicken soup with matzah balls, roasted chicken, green beans, wild rice with wild mushrooms.

Cold, snowy day and the powers out. Cooking on my wood stove. Big pot of navy bean soup. wrapped up some leftover corn bread and warmed on the back shelf.

Shrimp, crabs, lobster, have not eaten them for many years because dH decided that they were "bottom feeders" and had "mercury", unsafe to eat.
He does not eat that, so I did not either. But I always loved shrimp.

Turns out, he doesn't live what he teaches.
Found out from friends that he chooses Sushi when going to a restaurant with friends who buy. Not even close to a vegetarian.

So, I concluded that I could eat good quality shrimp, even though it is expensive. I feel as though I have been set free from some kind of oppression or control. Funny though, I always had the choice to eat those things or not.

When I revolted and ate fresh shrimp from Costco, he did not say anything.
I ate the whole platter in two days, yum!

I will never become a vegetarian even though the pressure is tremendous.
I am a meat and potatoes girl from early childhood.

The old story of "Jack Spratt could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean,
so together they licked the platter clean" has never worked out for me.

Plus, you will never find me licking any platters or plates, never, not at all.

Take and eat, everyone.


You don't have to make it with the shrimp. I often make it totally vegan and serve it with a little coconut milk and fresh cliantro on top. It's delicious done this way too.

"Chick pea stew with spinach, fresh herbs, and red shrimp"

That sounded good until you threw the shrimp in there BC

I always buy tons of fresh fruit and veggies. Produce has become so expensive. Meat too, of course but what is up with the price increase for chicken? I spend about $20 or more for a whole roasting chicken. I remember when they were much cheaper than that. Yogurt at my store is $2.99 for the small size container. I like Siggi or Icelandic. Big jump in prices!

I am frugal when shopping, but I find that I am usually shocked when I see the price of my grocery bill.

Restaurant prices have gone up like everything else, so we try not to eat out too often.

We prepare meals at home in order to save money but it seems like every time I shop I am seeing higher prices.

What are some of your favorite economical dishes that you make?

It’s traditional in my area, New Orleans to cook red beans and rice on Mondays, preferably Camilla brand of beans. We use either smoked sausage or ham to season them. I guess that is the most economical dish for us.

Chick pea stew with spinach, fresh herbs, and red shrimp. Served with jasmine turmeric rice.


I love veggies with brown rice. Your recipe sounds delicious!

I forgot to mention that I add some plain whole yogurt (small container) to the cauliflower and some grated cheese. Not mandatory but gives more consistency and makes it creamier.

Lasagna soup

Sauteed scallops with linguine, green salad

This is for those who feel vegetables can be a meal and enjoy leftovers. I put a large rectangular Pyrex dish in the oven with chopped onion,1 is plenty along with olive oil. I let that brown. Then I add chopped pepper and chopped squash with some more olive oil. I also add Italian herbs and fresh basil if possible. I let that cook about 1/2 hour. Then I add haved small tomatoes and let that cook about another 1/2 hour. Then I add about 3 cups of cooked brown rice. The consistency is better if the rice is made the day ahead. Finally I spread the top with pre made frozen cauliflower,thawed. I like to add a little nutmeg. The mashed cauliflower blends with the rice. I keep that in the oven until the top is all browned. Sounds like alot of steps but it holds up very well for a week,just needing to be microwaved each night.

I made something with the Orecchiette pasta last year that was wonderful! While looking for that I found the BH&G recipe. It sounds quite yummy! I probably have some of this pasta packed. I have smoked paprika which I bet would be wonderful in this dish!

Creamy Orecchiette with Spinach and Artichokes

Grandma, that sounds delicious. I agree, how do you make this without onion.

Is it lots of cream cheese or just enough to coat the pasta? I need to try this recipe and will be searching for that pasta shape this week. Love, love, love spinach, marinated artichoke and spicy sausage together.

Thank you for sharing!


Sounds like a dish to keep in your rotation! What kind of sausage did you add?

By the way..the spinach, artichoke pasta dish was great! It will be made again with the spicy sausage and onions!


Oh yes, my nephew is a meat eater too! His wife only eats chicken and beef. She won’t touch seafood.

I loved being with my nephews while they were growing up. The boys were a little older than my girls so I joke around and say that they were my ‘practice’ kids. They were skateboarders when they were young.

The oldest one still lives here and I see him on a regular basis but the younger one that lives in Tucson went into the army right out of high school. He went to the Middle East four or five times before getting out.

He was a paratrooper early on, which didn’t surprise me because he is the daredevil! When he was stationed in Colorado he climbed Pikes Peak.

My other nephew is the opposite, very laid back, a musician and works with the film industry here.

The younger one moved away from Louisiana while in the military. Then when he got married his wife wanted to live in Tucson to be near to her parents and sister.

I miss him but I am happy for him because he and his wife love Tucson. They love the variety of things to do there and nearby.

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