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It's minus 14C here but the house was cooling off. I just got some candles lit and the power came on. I am enjoying the candles anyway. The back up is the wood burning fireplace. I realized I can't even go out in the car to somewhere warm when the power is off due to the electric door opener. Maybe I could force it open - not sure but presumably that will not be an issue much longer.

Hot Italian sausages for supper and spinach salad. I had some raspberry quinoa dark chocolate earlier. Yum!

Gee Golden, it's a balmy -13 there today, what are you complaining about? 😏😆

Potential power failures are the reason I opted for a gas stove - I hope you have some kind of back up for heat?


Brrrrrrr…no heat.

For us, we complain if the air conditioning breaks!

Whatever it is it’s going to be cold. The electricity is off. Thank goodness I got out of the bath before it happened. I don’t care for sitting in the bathtub in the dark. There are no windows in my main bathroom.


I make a turkey and sausage gumbo. My dad would make a turkey vegetable soup that was awesome. I would love your soup because I love chicken noodle soup. I make that sometimes.

Boiled Thanksgiving turkey carcass and made turkey noodle soup. Turned out fairly good, but not one of my favorites.

I am in the mood for onion soup! That’s what we are having tonight.

Mushrooms are sort of the same. They pick up the flavor of surrounding flavors. They have a ‘meaty’ texture too. I love mushrooms!

Eggplant is another great option for a ‘meaty’ texture.

It is a balancing act to eat ‘plant based’ and get enough protein. My doctor loves a plant based diet for her patients. She says that it doesn’t even have to be a full time thing for people to benefit from it. 3-4 times a week is plenty.

I guess that I would be considered a flexitarian. I do eat meat, just not everyday.

cw and ITRR,

Tofu is a bland flavor on its own. Yes, ‘doctor it up’ (as my mom and grandma used to say) with other flavors!

Lemon pepper sounds better than served plain. I love lemon and I like pepper.

My husband makes a really good lemon chicken. I sprinkle lemon on all sorts of things, freshly steamed broccoli, fish, shrimp, etc.

Oh gosh, I miss those old sayings Another one that grandma said was. “It will do in a rush, if you give it a push.” My grandma was so cute!

Now I want to hear others old sayings! LOL 😆 Some of grandma’s sayings, I would be afraid to post but trust me, they are hysterical!

Willie, you are so right, tofu is not a meat substitute.

I love lemon-pepper tofu, fried with colored pepper, onions and fresh squeezed lemon just at serving. Taste sensation but, not a meat substitute.


I have tried to like tofu but I absolutely hate it! Yeah, for me it would have to be disguised somehow.

I just read something online I though I'd share - substituting tofu for paneer (or any other protein for that matter) in curry... this sounds like a brilliant idea💡

Another idea I thought looked promising was using a mixture of crumbled tofu and pesto to stuff manicotti. So many vegans post recipes trying to convince people that tofu is a delicious meat substitute. No, it's not and IMO the best way for meat eaters and flexitarians to enjoy it is to disguise it so you don't even realize it's there.

CW, you need to try smoked paprika! I love it!

My dinner, creamed smoked cod roe (from IKEA), blueberries, swiss cheese and rice crackers. MMMMM!

Instead of my usual slap dash I spent time cutting carrots, celery, onions and cabbage into thin slivers for a stir fry. I added some green beans, ginger and garlic, then some cooked noodles, vegetable broth, hoisin and a dash of fish sauce and simmered a few minutes to blend the flavours. It was almost perfect... maybe a dash of cayenne? Oh no, I added too much! 🌡️🥵😞

In Boston for medical appointments. Friend took me to the Oceanaire Room for dinner. Had sea scallops and crab cakes. Very good and nice atmosphere.

I'm in a soup mood and made some cream of turkey soup which was delicious with a flax seed bun. Next time I will put mushrooms in it, The frozen celery worked fine. I'm including some hamburger in my next grocery order as I want to make hamburger soup next. It's one of my favourites. :)


That’s true. I eat leftovers but there’s a limit! Variety is the spice of life 😊.

That's a life hack I've had to learn since I'm on my own and cooking for one ITRR, it was either eat the same things over and over (and over🙄) until they are done or figure out how to make them last longer.

Willie, I will start doing that to my cabbage. We use it fast enough that it isn't an issue but, I bet it keeps fresher, longer if it's not cut.

Thanx for the tip.

Thanks, ITRR

I won’t try and freeze it, since it would cause a texture issue.


Thanks for your tips. I don’t buy cabbage to cook unless my husband is out of town. He hates the way it smells! He doesn’t eat it. I used to cook it for mom and I when he traveled.

He will eat it raw, like in coleslaw. So, I will try ITRR’s suggestion for tacos. I use lettuce for tacos but run out of lettuce quickly because we eat a lot of salads.

If I peel the leaves instead of cutting into the cabbage I can make one last in the fridge for at least a month, often much longer. If I want to use it in a salad I just toss pieces of the leaves into my mini food chopper until I get pieces about the size they have in those bagged chopped salads, IMO it's just as good as when it's shredded. Although if you want to be anal about it you can roll the leaf up like a cigar and cut that into thin slices.

No, can't freeze cabbage. You will get a texture change.

If you get a small head, keep it wrapped while in the crisper and it will last a couple weeks, at least.


That’s a good solution. Thanks! I will put that on my grocery list. Can raw cabbage be frozen after it’s shredded?

Just wondering if I could prep some ingredients for another time. Does raw cabbage get soggy if frozen? A texture change?

Need, I keep cabbage and chunky salsa on hand, that way I can do tacos anytime. It seems I am always out of lettuce, no matter how often or how much I buy.

The cabbage works well as a salad addition, so it never goes to waste and I roast all my salsa ingredients so they last forever in the fridge.

I was going to do a ‘ Taco Tuesday’ dinner but I am out of lettuce and tomatoes.

Will do my standby dish of chicken and roasted veggies.

I have to get to the grocery for my lettuce and tomatoes. We eat a lot of salads so I run out quickly.

Made Hoppin John yesterday. It was ok, but missing something, not black eyed peas!😁😁 Made with andouille sausage.

The second time I have made a soup dish without my veggie chopper, it is packed in a box the garage, somewhere. same with my cutting boards. I have been buying a few things as I need them to avoid searching through. These I have decided I just cannot be without. I have been chopping with a knife and dinner plate, quite the long process. I had used one of the old school choppers, I hit the plunger and it basically pulverizes whatever I am chopping.

I also have a mandolin chopper/slicer missing pieces. How do you all like them? I can't seem to get past the need to pulverize as opposed to dice which seems to be the new chop. 🍜🍜🍏🍏🍅🍅🍠🍠

For anyone who is interested in going to a ‘fine dining’ restaurant with their dog in San Francisco. There is a place called Dogue!

Should I take my granddog there? LOL 😆 They have a tasting menu for only $75!

You have to wonder how long they will stay in business, huh?

My granddog is very good in the car. He rode back to Louisiana from Denver with my daughter. It was a three day drive because they stayed a couple of nights in hotels.

Not sure how he would do with flying. I don’t think that I would want to drive for several days to reach California. We always took a plane to visit California.

Chicken crack slaw. Love it when I have lots of frozen home made foods - -turkey necks in sauerkraut, swiss steak, turkey meat, crack slaw. Even hot Italian sausages as it is quicker and cleaner to thaw and heat than cook them from scratch. Time to make turkey soup soon and more fish soup. It's almost more of a fish stew than soup.

Red beans and rice with a bit of cooked steak mixed in.

Leftover meatballs in a sandwich.

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