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Couldn't be worst than the season the Canucks have had Glad. It's been a dismal season for us this year.

Avs have been sloppy this season. Went to Colorado college game tonight. It was a great game! But......

Avs lost 7-3 last night. Don't know about them at all!

Canucks won tonight against Toronto! Yay!

But we still aren't going to make the playoffs this year. Boo!

Colorado going to do it again this year you think Glad?

A hockey game and taquitos and hummus and vegs. It was a fun evening even if the home team lost in the final period!

Crispy roasted turkey wings and roasted asparagus. Yum.

Thinking about the frozen bread it must last me a good couple of months. I only eat about 2-3 slices a week.

Love sourdough bread and found a gluten free/dairy free version recently.

I remember the days with 3 boys in the house, and their friends sometimes. 2 family packs of pork chops vanished in one meal as if no one had eaten in a week.

I have 3 sons still living at home. If we only used one loaf a day I'd think one of them was sick. Easy dinner this evening. Athletic booster club had a spaghetti dinner at the high school.

My Mom would have the same breakfast every day...toast with pumpkin butter and a hot chocolate.
I don't eat bread but I would buy a couple of loaves and keep them in the freezer.
I also don't drink milk but she liked milk and nesquik. So, I would get the shelf stable milk.

I usually get Oroweat oatmeal or wheat bread, the small slice loaf. Another variety has .multiple kinds of weed and grains. I got it once and it too went bad in a couple of days. Probably a freshness issue of the loaf. I have to be careful about freshness dates on it. Earlier this week I noticed two different date on the bread on the shelf. One date was just two days away.

The grocery in my small town is known to get near date expire products be out in from big city stores.

My killer bread died in two days, I never got to taste it, and won't buy it again.
But I will start freezing all the bread when it comes, taking out just what we need daily.

Thanks for that suggestion!

My favorite lately has been sourdough.

I don't eat much bread and what I do has to be gluten free/dairy free. It used to be pretty bad but there are better versions recently, but expensive!!! I freeze the whole loaf and take once slice out at a time. I am sure a loaf lasts me a month. It reheats pretty well.

I have seen Dave's killer bread. It looks good, and have thought about trying it. I just don't eat enough bread fast enough. It would take me two weeks to eat a whole loaf. I have started freezing half so it stays fresh. About six weeks ago I bought two loaves of oroweat potato bread cuz they were bogo. I froze 1.5 loaves of it.

At least stores are trying to ease the inflation hit a bit. But us singles just do not know what to do with the huge amounts that make sense for a family of four or more, they just don't work for singles.

I made a veggie omelette this evening. A piece of Dave’s Killer bread toasted. I love that bread!

Bad ski conditions and weather this weekend so we stayed home. My daughter made spinach and chicken lasagna. It was good. Anytime I don't have to cook I think dinner's good.

For some reason I searched on line for a baked ravioli recipe last week.
Here ya go

Pre-heat oven 350

Open a jar of marinara sauce (or a tomato sauce you like)
Find that bag of frozen raviolis that's been camping out in the freezer
Get an oven proof baking dish out-I used a 8"x10" dish
Pour some of the sauce into the bottom of the dish-enough to cover nicely
Place frozen raviolis on the sauce, in a single layer. Enough to cover the bottom
If you have some ricotta, a few spoonfuls placed amoung the raviolis is nice
If you have some mozzarella, a few thick slices can be added
Pour remaining sauce on top of this (if using a small baking dish-use enough sauce to cover the ravioli nicely, freeze the rest for the next time)
If you like, a dash of oregano, black pepper, powdered toasted garlic to boost the flavors
If there's some mozzarella left-few more slices on top
Sprinkle on some grated cheese
Cover with foil, place on a cookie sheet to catch drips
Bake 45-50 minutes Let rest 10 minutes

I'm having the left overs for lunch-this reheats really well. Husband likes it. Easy to put together.

I kept it simple tonight.

Roasted chicken with vegetables and a cucumber/tomato salad.

KC, I will take a beer, please! 🍺

Shrinking sizes are a problem in commercial places as well. I own bars in three states and have the issue with shrinking sizes and price increases at all of them. And some of them are hard to figure into prices. I keep bowls of pretzels and nuts which seems not a big deal. But the bags are 4 oz. smaller and up 12% in price. Add that on top of higher beer and alcohol prices and it's difficult to keep prices for going out for a beer reasonable.

I understand price increases even if I don't like it, the shrinkflation is what really drives me insane.
We used to have the choice of 900ish g or 500ish g (the size had already crept incrementally smaller over time) but suddenly there is only one size available - so I've lost a third of the amount I normally buy and they're asking more for 600something grams than I was paying for the larger size 6 months ago.


My favorite Greek yogurt went up in price. I buy Siggi’s. I love it in smoothies and I use it as a base for parfaits with fruit and cereal.


It wasn’t smoked. I will look at that recipe. That’s pretty interesting! 😆

I've been doing a little on line comparison shopping and just discovered that my favourite brand of greek yogurt has not only gone up in price the 908g tub is shrinking to 650g.

NHWM, was it smoked paprika you used for that apple? That actually is quite good. So, not your fault, hubby is just plain picky!😉😉

Yes, it is done. And I LOVE smoked paprika!

Paprika on apple pie...yeah, that would ruin the taste.


My husband loves baked apples. I accidentally sprinkled paprika on it instead of cinnamon. I thought I had rinsed it off but I must have missed the inside part by the core.

Paprika isn’t a good spice for cinnamon!

My grandparents had chickens when I was little. I loved collecting the eggs with my grandpa.

NHWM, what was wrong with the apple pie?

Just discovered 5 small eggs in the nest box. Apparently, my two 5 month-old hens are beginning to lay. So happy. I hope not to have to buy eggs for a long while.

Need: Prayers for your daughter.

Sometimes we do something by accident and it turns out great. Not this time! LOL Seeing my husband throw his baked apple in the trash proved it.

When I was first learning to cook my friends stopped eating at my apartment!

I was a dreadful cook in the beginning. I couldn’t eat some of the stuff that I made and would order pizza.

I think one of my worst problems was that I thought that I could cook without looking at recipes.

I would throw anything in a pot or pan, mix it up and cook it until I thought it was done. It was either undercooked or overcooked.

I had no idea that I was supposed to taste food for the correct amount of seasoning and it turned out awful!

I never saw my mom or grandma use a cookbook. So, I guess I thought I could wing it. It didn’t occur to me that they had been cooking for years and no longer needed instructions.

Well, my idea of rinsing off the paprika didn’t exactly work! LOL 😆

I saw my husband making a strange face and he NEVER complains about my cooking. He threw the baked apple in the trash!

Ooops, I must have missed some of the paprika in the center part of the apple. So, my sprinkling of cinnamon on the rest of the apple didn’t compensate for the paprika flavor. I wonder how bad it tasted! 🤣

So are you, Max!

I just wanted to say something - everyone on this site is so nice👍💋

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