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My grandmothers macaroni and cheese recipe . Salad . Maybe Ice cream 🍨

other people's banana bread

Time to dish up my soup and go to bed. Night all 🌙.

So, I cooked tomorrow’s dinner just now! I am craving veggie soup. Will put it in the fridge as soon as it cools down a bit.

Lately I have been adding a couple of big spoonfuls of salsa to make it a bit spicy! I’m sure I saw someone doing this on one of my food blogs that I read.

I don’t even bother to put meat in it. I keep it vegetarian. I’m amazed at how much fresh organic produce costs these days! The way I justify the price is that I am eating healthy and hopefully I will save money by eating well and not having to pay doctors or hospital bills!

My brothers have horrendous heart problems and diabetes. I don’t want to get either of those.

I find it so therapeutic to make soup. My grandmother taught me how to cook it. I think of her very often when I make it.

Cold poached salmon, with mayo, roasted eggplant, and celery. Blackberries and sour cream for dessert.

Swedish meatballs , baked potato , broccoli .

I just put meatballs in the oven for our dinner. I married an Italian man and he loves his meatballs!

I will also make a salad. I’m sure that at some point this evening hubby will treat himself to a bowl of ice cream too! 😊

Pamz: Happy 42nd wedding anniversary!💎


That’s wonderful! I am married over 40 years also.

You’re right! It’s a long time these days. My brother is on wife number four and he finally seems to be in a happy relationship! LOL 😆

Need ,42 years, can you believe it these days?


Me too, but I think that you would need more food! LOL 😆

I love crabs! I’m being lazy tonight and cooking a quick dinner, burgers.

Happy anniversary! How many years?

😋 crab cakes

Need I wish so many of you lived closer!


Sounds absolutely amazing! What time are you serving dinner? Can your AgingCare pals come over? 😊

We got a 1/2 bushel of crabs for the holiday and our anniversary,, ate a bunch and picked out the rest. We now have plenty for Md crab soup, cream of crab soup and maybe some crab cakes! And the country music while we were on the deck picking them out was on point!

golden: That turkey soup sounds delicious. DH has been enjoying the frozen red beet soup. My mother had a rhubarb patch for a good while.

TN: Good on those cobblers. Yum.

Sounds good techie, My kids loved cobblers and crisps. My rhubarb is ready to give me a decent batch. Guess I should harvest and cook some, and freeze some.

I made well over a gallon of turkey soup the other day and froze most of it. My, it has gelled well. Lots of protein!!! I eat it for any meal. Fast and nourishing.

Recently I have fallen in love with "dump" cobblers. A layer of fruit (4 cups of frozen strawberries, blueberries, mixed berries, or cans of pineapple chunks or peaches, unsweetened or canned in own juice) and a layer of crumbles (white or yellow cake mixed with a stick of butter). Pop in a 350 degree oven for half an hour or so and you have a yummy dessert, better with a little ice cream. I have made dump cakes like this with pie filling before but the unsweetened fruit makes delicious cobbler too. So now I'm on the lookout for canned or frozen fruit or the mark downs on overripe fruit that I can cook or freeze. Walmart sells a white or yellow cake mix for 99 cents so for $4-6 we have a easy to make treat. Perfect with some hamburger helper for a post football practice lunch. I now have two boys on the high school team (GN and FS) and two younger boys hanging around as water boys, although they are registered for the elementary teams that will start evening practices in August.

BOJ: You don't really wish you were like me - no way, no how.🙄 True statement about chocolate - once I was given some for my 70th birthday.🤣

Send: Yes, to all those yummy desserts you mentioned.

No worries. It is perfectly okay not to like chocolate. You still fit in.

Chocolate, for me, is my medicine. It helps my moods.

"PEA is the same compound found in chocolate that is believed to produce chocolate’s positive effects on mood. The phenylethylamine in chocolate is believed to work by making the brain release b endorphin, an opioid peptide which is the driving force behind its pleasurable effects."

i've used what's-my-emotional-state system.
unhappy? 5 donuts.
happy? 5 donuts.

it works really well. follow me for more pro tips.

Has anyone here used Nutrisystem?

llama, i almost had a heart-attack.
"I'll be the anomaly. Not a fan of chocolate."

is this really true? i have never met someone who doesn't like chocolate.
i wish i were like you!!! :) :) :)

oh my goodness, imagine i didn't like chocolate, junk food, any unhealthy food...what an amazing body i would have right now! :)
imagine the only thing i love is tofu, cabbage, tomatoes...

i'd also have to stop with my chocolate quotes in the joke thread...

i'd be focusing on tomato quotes...

No chocolate, what do you like?
Peach dumplings?
Pecan pie?
Lemon bars?
Pumpkin pie?
Strawberry shortcake?
No dessert at all?


Thanks again Ana!
I modified your recipe a bit by adding the shredded lettuce from last night's tacos, and pico de gallo, and a bit of shredded cheese.

I'll be the anomaly. Not a fan of chocolate.

Send, I will look for the exact recipe and send it.

Thank you Anabanana for your recipe!

 "corn, black beans and bell pepper salad".

We had all the ingredients on hand and cut up, ate that for lunch!
It was so very good, and unique for us. The bell pepper was red.

Wow! Just thanks!

And no glass was broken in the making of this dish!

ITRR and cwille,

You have inspired me to branch out and try these. They all sound great. I tend to get stuck in a rut and it’s boring. Variety is the spice of life.


I do like adding veggies too. They certainly add nutrients but also color and texture.

Thanks for responses!

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