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That works!

Chocolate syrup, whipped cream and nuts would work too.

You don’t have to get the most expensive ice cream.

You haven't seen the cost of fruit at my store, a half decent fruit tray could easily run over $50 😒.
I'm considering a bowl of strawberries & blueberries with ice cream, the strawberries are "on sale" this week for $5 and the blueberries for $3, but the pint of premium ice cream is gonna set me back $7 (but only $5.50 each if I buy two 🙄).

Way, yes! Delicious and easy!

Need, I was thinking the same thing
Luau bowl

What about a fruit tray, cw? No cooking at all! Or set up an ice cream bar! Make your own sundae.

I've been tasked with bringing some kind of dessert to a potluck and am coming up blank, I have no desire to bake something and all that's available in town is the grocery store and I resent like h3ll paying their inflated prices for mediocre products.

I made pastrami and cream cheese pinwheels. Just a snack type of dinner.

Stuffed peppers from Costco. I realize it may seem lately that I never cook from scratch. I do but not after a revolving door of family visiting and being on the verge of heading to babysit in Utah while middle daughter and husband celebrate her 40th with a trip to Amsterdam and we watch the 5 and 3 year old. At least we won't be in near 100 degree temperatures yet it takes us awhile to adapt to altitude/elevation which gives one a sensation of grasping for breath.

I’m going to see what I have in the freezer for dinner. I am running low on groceries so I am either going to make breakfast for dinner or take something out of the freezer.

Have to start writing out a grocery list.

Evamar: Kidney stones are VERY painful and even moreso for a man. I've had 5 of them. The last one came on fast when I was in an ER bed for a separate issue so I was able to get Toradol posthaste. Prayers to your DH.


I am glad that his back pain has eased up.

My husband and oldest daughter get kidney stones. They are painful.

Thanks for asking.
He is OK.
Excellent care, tests and so on and not even close to solving mystery of it all. All they can say maybe he had kidney stone and passed it after hospital admission, make a little sense as some symptoms were there and then lately his back pain got better.
So total of 5 minutes of OT/ PT and now they say instead of going to rehab facility he is ready to go home tomorrow.
He is good and all that is due to PD as they say now, which for two weeks they were sure it was not.
I am sure I am going to return to my whine with more news!


How is your husband doing?

Happy Birthday!


When my daughters were in college they used their crockpot to make meals.

They still use the crockpot for some dishes but now the air fryer has become the thing for them!

I do all that in my counter top convection oven and I can use it for baking too. I've probably only used my full sized oven a half dozen times since I bought it.
I use my microwave a lot too to jump start things I'll finish in the little oven - things like baked potatoes for example, or apple crisp.


My daughter cooks chicken, salmon, veggies, reheats pizza, and lots more. She loves her air fryer. I have not bought one but she keeps telling me that I should get one.

She also said that restaurants use them to crisp up certain dishes at the end of cooking. Her friend who is a cook at a nearby restaurant told her that.

I think it’s like a microwave, they are handy to have but in no way can take the place of a stove or oven. It’s a complementary item that may be nice but isn’t necessary.

I do use my microwave often but not necessarily to cook anything.

I wonder if air fryers cook faster than an oven does. Do they? Is the flavor any different? Or just a convenience thing?

I have a hard time seeing how an air fryer would get enough use to make it worth the money or space, what are you all cooking?


Oh gosh, yes everyone was cooking at home during Covid.

You’re a great cook so I am sure that you put it to good use!


You have all of those boys to feed! My daughter lives alone so she has a small air fryer. You would need a larger size fryer. Maybe two, with your household.


Hahahaha 😝. Well, you tried! How long was it before you got flat? A minute or two? LOL

your husband and I have the same birthday.
I finally took my electric tryke out to play, today. Got the seat
properly set, comfortable handle bar position. Took it for a few loops in
my field....and got a flat. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Mystery dinner tonight as my GF is making special dish for my hubby who is still in hospital and it is his birthday!
And DQ ice cream cake!

I don't have an ajir fryer (yet) but I do have a double oven stove. The door on the top oven is 11" high and the oven is large enough for 2 baking sheets side by side. So I can bake popcorn shrimp or chicken nuggets or even whole chicken breasts at the same time as french fries. The small oven preheats so much faster than the full sized oven too!

As I understand it, the air fryer cookes faster and with less oil, but I can bake or roast just about everything in my normal oven with a spray of oil.


I'd say I use my air-fryer several times a week like your daughter does.
Mine isn't just an air-fryer though. It's a multi-tasker. Air-fryer, toaster oven, convection oven, food dehydrator. It does it all.
It was a Covid impulse buy.


Once in awhile I buy dried apricots. So good!


I haven’t tried those. I’ll have to look for them.

We eat leftovers plenty of times or I freeze the extra food.

Have you ever tried a pluot? they are a hybrid cross between a plum and an apricot. I like them.
I agree with everyone else, in that it is difficult to cook for one when you aren't used to it. Luckily, I love leftovers. They mean I don't have to cook for a while.


I love fresh peaches! I like nectarines too but not as much as peaches and plums.

I love making a yogurt parfait for breakfast. Yogurt, fresh fruit and a little granola or muesli on top.

Adjustment for me as well. Cooking for myself for now.
Made some ribs and barley soup, had both for lunch and dinner.

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