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It’s so hot that I find myself making a pitcher of iced tea just about everyday! I’m emptying my tea stash. Will need to replenish it soon.

I don’t use sugar because I don’t like sugar in my tea or coffee. I have been changing up the flavors. Sometimes black tea, sometimes herbal or green tea.

I have been adding mint leaves 🍃 to my tea because I find it refreshing in the summer.


Party foods are always fun! Sometimes, I enjoy going to a restaurant and getting an appetizer and a dessert!


Your kitchen must be just about done now. Sounds like it will be beautiful and efficient!

Today, I am having beef ribs. I love beef ribs. or Ox tail! those are good!!
The electricians came out yesterday and now my dishwasher is out and the new outlet is installed.
I can just level my cabinet and install it today. Then cut the butcherblock countertop and drop in my induction cooktop. Easy peasy.

Fawnby, I think you missed my previous dinner invitation some days ago. Can I interest you in some leftover iguana legs? 😍

Party leftovers! One more tub of (commercial) potato salad to go. Final servings of coleslaw and bean salad. Five hot dogs left. A few cookies and 2 slices of vanilla cake in the fridge. Yummy, easy dinners this week.

Tastefully Simple homemade chicken tortilla soup!

It is so freaking hot! I have no desire to cook in this heat.

I ran out to the store awhile ago and ended up buying salad fixings and a rotisserie chicken. It’s too hot to cook a heavy meal.


I wish I was in Tijuana
eating barbecued iguana...
(Mexican Radio by Wall of Voodoo)

Fawnby, can I interest you in some iguana for dinner tonight? I’m putting on my apron.


Okay, you’re making us jealous of your scrumptious dinner! I love lobster 🦞! Maine has the best lobster!

Years ago we went to Kennebunkport, Maine and ate at a restaurant there. I think the name was The Breakwater if I remember correctly.

My two daughters and their kiddos and I are at our summer place and I spurged on lobsters for those who like them (me, 2 daughters and one grand-daughter). Cooked them in the traditional simple way, boiled. The other 3 grandchildren had salmon. We all live in Maine so lobsters are vaguely affordable. Also had baked potatoes and salad. Best thing is I didn't have to do anything except go buy the lobsters!

Hubby is going out with a couple of friends. I’m not cooking dinner. Eating a spinach salad. Quick and easy!

Tonight I had garden grown yellow beans and corn on the cob with some of that ubiquitous Canadian pantry staple - KD.

I don’t have TikTok either. I saw a clip about the ‘egg cracking’ trend on a television show.

I think it’s insane how many people are influenced by TikTok.

It’s predominantly younger people who view TikTok. They seem to live their lives by things that go viral on social media.

I guess I'm an old fart but I just don't get TikToks, there is nothing useful you can see or learn in such a short format. Plus a lot of it is just a reinvention of stuff that is already available online in a much more detailed way.

Tiktok is mind control. it promotes infantile behaviors and sound bites to create emotionally manipulative opinions with no back information or opposing viewpoints allowed.

TikTok 🙄

So, if you were a parent of a young child, would you follow the ‘egg cracking’ trend on TikTok?

I saw a clip of it on a show that I was watching. It’s absolutely crazy!

Parents are cracking eggs on their kids heads, instead of breaking them on a mixing bowl! Of course, the kids are shocked when their parents do this.


Less is more! I find that the older I get, the less I want of unnecessary things.

I like provolone so much better than mozzarella. Not sure why, but I do! I don’t even buy mozzarella cheese anymore.

making beef patties with provolone melted atop...

I am currently removing my regular sized dishwasher. Since Mom died, I
find that it takes a few days to get it full enough to wash up.
I have a small countertop dishwasher that works great for me. And can be tucked out of the way. So no need for the other one. I will donate it to habitat.

However, it is hard wired in. Which turns out great! I will have the electrician
disconnect it and run the wires to a new outlet under the countertop that
will allow me to plug in my induction cooktop that I am placing into the countertop.
And in the place that housed my dishwasher, I am placing a new cabinet painted to match the others.
Good fun.
Yes, I'm still working on my kitchen. Finding what works best for me.
Which turns out is smaller things and oddities. lol



Sounds delicious!

Fresh homemade pasta with homemade vegan marinara.

Send, maybe you should change your name to All Day Diner. :P


Okay, so now I am totally convinced that you are an egg ‘over easy’ aficionado!

Big spatula! 2 or 3 eggs at one time? Wow! I’m impressed. I am telling you that I have broken many yolks just flipping one egg.

Now, I want to try cooking an egg 🥚 on a griddle to test it out! 😁

Ha, on a griddle you just put that big spatula under the edge of two or three eggs at a time and swoosh your arm to the left, no need to be careful of the edge of the pan.

Eggs for lunch.
Just finished my runny yolks cooked on the induction top, low at #2 for
5 minutes. It did work to turn them off after 4 min. and let them sit, covered.

Dh was exercising. His bear claw from breakfast is uneaten. His eggs are still in the pan, waiting for hard cooked.
May never happen.

Going in to serve his eggs now. 🆗
Feeling put out to cook, eat, and then go back in the kitchen, do it again for a finicky eater. The ALL Day breakfast/lunch.


Do you think it is easier on a griddle? I bet that I would have been fired at the restaurant that you worked in! LOL 😆

I still think that I would have broken lots of yolks. You probably did dream about eggs! I like eggs for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

My dad liked runny eggs. My mom liked well cooked eggs. Daddy was right when it came to eggs! 😊

When I waitressed as a young girl, the worst thing that I did was drop an entire plate of pasta in a man’s lap!

The worst thing that happened to me was, a waitress accidentally spilled an entire hot cup of hot coffee down my back as she was rushing to get to another table!

By the way, the first fight that I had with my husband as a newlywed was over french toast! We still laugh about it.


That’s not a stupid question. I heat my pan on medium, just until it’s hot. I put one pat of butter in the pan and drop in my egg! I let the egg cook just until the white cooks through.

I put the cover on it and cook it just until the white of the egg covers the yolk. Somehow this works! I am like Cashew. I like my eggs runny!

I watched Sara Moulton cook an egg this way on tv. She’s a culinary trained chef in NY!

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