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That's just sad Send, I suppose the coffee is black too?

My breakfast was oatmeal with a dollop of greek yogurt and a spoonful of brown sugar. Okay, it was two spoonsful. And I like my coffee strong, sweet and light.

Breakfast will be in two hours (waiting for others to wake up).
Poached eggs, sourdough toast, no salt, no butter.

What’s for breakfast?

Whatever looks good at the farmers market! Bye y’all. Enjoy your day!

Llama, 🦙️
Hope your soup is good, once the chicken is delivered.
I might use my chicken to make some soup this time.

Waffles are great! Do you put butter and syrup in every hole?

No soup tonight. Was making southwest chicken soup and awaiting my shredded rotisserie chicken from my Amazon driver when a glitch happened. No worries, though. Chicken reordered for tomorrow's delivery.

Dinner was rotisserie chicken and corn on the cob.

With butter.


I love Trader Joe’s!

People often mistake my kindness for weakness.
I will always choose my own butter and the price I am willing to pay.
Butter freezes well.
I will do without butter if the price goes up.
I once wrote trader joe's to keep their butter prices down, and they did.

I love butter! No one mess with my butter!

Need, I know kale is healthy and trendy but I don't like it much and rarely cook with it except in soup. I make the the white bean-sausage-kale soup with mild Italian chicken sausage, though some people use the spicy Italian sausage. You use canned white beans, usually cannellini.

Butter on sale is best.
I used to buy only Trader Joe's butter, salted or unsalted.
It was about $3 instead of $5.00/lb.

I forget what year that was, lol.


My favorite is the Irish butter. I buy it whenever it’s on sale.

White bean sausage kale soup sounds yummy, I think I'll have to put that on my to make list!

Back when my mom had her heart attacks and bypass surgery the advice was to switch to margarine 🙄

My sis and BIL are always complaining about the cost of the big tubs of margarine, I think they must slather it on everything. I really don't use butter often but when I do use it I want to taste it - 2 pats sounds about right to me Send! Just now I was looking over my shopping list and trying to decide whether to buy the no name butter at $6.50 or wait for the better stuff to come on sale.


I love soup and cook it year round! Super hot where I live too.

I prefer whole grain bread to white bread.

I have never cooked kale. I know it’s extremely healthy. Does it taste like other greens? Spinach? Turnip or mustard greens? I cook spinach.


Is she the butter police?

Actually, my uncle who had a heart condition was told by his cardiologist not to eat margarine. He said that butter was better to eat.

My uncle, mom’s brother lived to be 96! Towards the end of his life his nursing home had to purée his food due to swallowing issues.

He ate butter throughout his life.

I decided to try to lose a bit of weight and try to get back to my old "set point," nothing drastic, just about 10 lbs. So, I've been trying to eat foods with lower caloric density, e.g., broth-based soups, more fruits and veggies, less oil/butter, and to drink more water. Also cut back on refined flour products and have more whole grains, which is hard because I sure do love bagels, english muffins, French bread, etc. This means I've been making more soups (even though it's hot in New England this week!) and I must say it's quite convenient to have leftovers at hand so I don't have to cook as much. Today I made minestrone, and previously I did a white bean-sausage-kale soup. And I'm trying to go through my freezer and use what's in there, so tonight I'm making a beef goulash with plenty of carrots and potatoes. It's probably enough for 3 meals so I'll freeze some.

The last time I went to lunch with a friend, she was furious that I was eating two pats of butter on the wonderful breads served at Chili's Restaurant.
She said: "Why are you eating so much butter?"

That was the last time we went to lunch.

I am kind of getting used to people judging me, or just being mad at me, or not talking to me.
And, I am starting to like not having to talk to them anymore.

Lately, people I know have started to say "I am confused, can you explain what you meant?". As I see it, it was in writing, it is self explanatory. I try to explain, and the person gets more confused, saying they still do not understand. Maybe there is a cognitive distortion or dementia? (age 80?). Or, it could be just me.


I have only eaten fresh mangos. Canned peaches are fine. I don’t know if I would like canned mangos.

My mom, my aunt and grandmother placed the butter in the fridge.

Some people leave ketchup out at room temperature too. I knew one person who didn’t refrigerate mayonnaise. I never ate anything at her house. I was concerned about food poisoning.

Grandma always kept the butter out. Actually, during the hot spells of summer she would put only a small portion in the butter dish & refrigerate the rest. 🧈

This was unfortunate for us as she would know quickly if we were being greedy with the butter 🤣

I kept the same habbit for many years. (Now sadly reducing the real stuff).

My workplace has re-advised the health regulation that the little butter sachets must only be out of the fridge for 2 hours max. So people take from fridge, microwave & yellow puddles are left all over, maybe some melted plastic too. 🙄


I made a quicky fruit salad with a can of mangos and a can of peaches ( ran out of fresh) and I have to say I ruined a perfectly good can of peaches. the canned mangos are gross. I do have some wonderful ones we get in jars at Costco, but the jars are big and I only wanted a serving or two,, lesson learned,,,

My mom grew up on a farm and they always left the butter out. My Hubs mom kept it in the fridge, so of course when we got married into the fridge it went,, I really didn't care either way. Then mom and dad moved in with us and into the cupboard it went, and there it remains to this day. I like having soft butter to spread and now hubs really doesnt care either way.. LOL
And I agree doughnut peaches are the best things ever!!

I have always kept mine in the fridge. People rave about the convenience of having it spreadable.

You’re right though, it may be tempting to eat more of it than you normally would.

Both of my daughters love cheese! They could eat the whole package of cheese by themselves.

I think you’re right about the fancy containers too. I cleaned out all of my kitchen cabinets awhile back and donated tons of things to the thrift shop.

I find that keeping butter in the fridge is a good way to limit the amount you use since it's often easier to just do without - unless of course you slice off a piece like you would cheese and use the whole slab 🤣

Thanks cw, I do like the idea of having soft butter to spread on my toast.


Yeah, we do have to be careful when purchasing items online.

My butter keeps just fine on the counter without any fancy butter dish, although it usually gets too hard to spread easily in the winter. But I only keep out about 1/4 lb at a time.

Has anyone tried the Hasense butter dish that you leave out on the counter? Amazon sells it.

I have always stored butter in the fridge. I buy the large block of Irish butter.

This dish holds a block the size of the butter that I buy.

Further down someone mentioned breakfast for dinner. Which I made last night. Eggs, bacon, and Texas toast, as it's filling and my husband will eat it. Makes for a heftier meal.
Today I'll be going to the local Farmer's market. A good BBQ stall is there-husband likes their food. He has dementia. He is not eating as much-so I try to get/make things which he'll eat and heavier on calories. Yes, I've tried ice cream-but now he won't eat it. Don't know why.....
When his appetite gets a lot worse, and it will, I'll be making something I invented years ago for my Mom with end stage cancer-she loved it. I call it Power Pudding. A quart of heavy cream, butter, 6 eggs, sugar, white chocolate, vanilla-sort've like creme brulee, but on steroids....kept the weight on her too : )

Sounds like dessert, Penny!

I heard doughnut peaches were the bomb. I found 2 at the store, super sweet!

I hope there are more when I go back :)

3.99 lb

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