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Unsweeten frozen strawberries (set out to thaw) topped with ice cream. It might not be the most nutritious, but it's low in sodium and carbs (relatively) and is filling - besides it tastes good too!

I will probably have a chicken pie muffin too. The boys love them - making them and eating them. Take a biscuit (from a small can) and make a liner in a muffin tin, fill it with a cream of chicken soup (unsalted Campbell's is our favorite now), cooked cubed or shredded chicken and mix vegetables and spices mixture, and top with a piece of cheese. Bake @350 for 15-20 minutes and you have a kinda chicken pot pie muffin with a crisp crust. We make 24-36 muffins at a time and there are never any leftovers regardless of what side dishes accompany them.

I had given up on a lot of quick recipes made with soups because of the high sodium counts but the "unsalted" soups that brought the counts down from 1500mg or so a can to about 250mg have put a few things back on the menu. The unsalted tomato tastes a little sweet to me but the boys claim there's no difference - at least when you cook with it.

I use Facebook!

Nothing is going to help me tonight,
except maybe some ice cream topped with chocolate sauce.


Despite my good intentions the romaine was turning brown so tonight it will be a salad for dinner; lettuce, mixed veg and a chicken breast. 🥬🥗

Meeting a friend for sushi. No cooking tonight!


All my best to your husband.

Barb: Prayers for your DH.

Italian meats pasta. Very good.


Made with fettuccini.

Leftover wild mushroom and smoked mozzarella lasagna! DH is having his second kidney stone surgery tomorrow.


It’s really hard not to raid the Halloween candy that I buy for trick or treaters. For some reason I think that the miniature sized candy taste better.

A bacon sandwich and garlic mashed potatoes. Don't judge me.

And I think I'm going to raid the bag of Hershey's semi sweet chocolate chips for a bed time snack.

Beatty ,

There are flat wooden trees you can hang on the walls now . I don’t know who sells them , but I saw them in an article about Christmas decorating ideas last year . Maybe you could cover an easel with nice fabric draped over it and then put the flat tree on an easel so you don’t have to hang it on the wall . Or put it on a fireplace mantle , if you have one ?

Maybe check Amazon or Etsy .

I don’t miss putting up a big tree at all. I go and admire my kids trees in their homes .

I've threatened for years to have no Xmas tree, maybe a nice embroidery with trinkets sewed on instead (actually no, dust trap) or a painting (but I'd have to store it). Maybe a light profected on a wall..
Spartan is my vibe this year.


Dark chocolate is the only way to go! I hardly ever eat milk chocolate.


I gave a lot of my holiday decorations to my daughters. It’s too much to keep up with. I’m like you, just a little bit of decorating for the holidays. My neighbor next door goes all out decorating for every single holiday.

Tonight, I will be canning some turkey soup. I am having an insane amount of fun with my electric canner.
oh...the things that amuse us.


I agree on the smaller gatherings . Now I try to only invite enough people to fit around the table comfortably . Mostly it works out that way , sometimes it doesn’t .
I’ve also scaled back on the decorations . I do a few small table top Christmas trees . Much easier than a big one .

What is the safest chocolate to buy?
The brands found to have the lowest levels of heavy metal contamination are:
Mast Organic Dark Chocolate (80% percent cocoa)
Taza Organic Chocolate (70% cocoa)
Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate/Twilight Delight (86% and 72% cocoa, respectively)
Valrhona Abinao Dark Chococlate (85% cocoa)

I have been sad since reading about chocolate dangers. Hope these chocolates listed above help caregivers needing to self-medicate or just enjoy chocolate (in moderation).

Have a happy chocolate Monday!

Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating!

I no longer care to cook huge dinners. I did it for so many years that I lost my interest in continuing to do so.

I cook all the time but I don’t host large holiday gatherings anymore. Now I do just our immediate family.

I don’t decorate as much either. I used to wear myself out with decorations and cooking.

Happy Thanksgiving to all those in Canada today!

Happy Thanksgiving to all in Canada celebrating today!

Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbors to the North !
I envy that you celebrate in October .
November is too close to end of year holidays , very busy.

leftovers are the best, I enjoy turkey and stuffing next day.
Turns out somebody is bringing cheesecake and carrot cake and I have another dessert. Little of main course but lots of desserts for me, good thing I eat almost no sweets for a long time. I think time to indulge myself.

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian friends and neighbors!

We’re having our turkey dinner this evening, so tomorrow I’m thankful for easy leftovers. Our kids are all home and one has a partner who has never eaten North American Thanksgiving food. I made pumpkin pies yesterday and will bake an apple crisp once the turkey is out of the oven. I hope he finds the flavour palate to his liking. (he’s very polite and will likely maintain a poker face so I may never be certain)

Thank You Earth for growing our food. I am grateful for so much. Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canucks!

So right!
With prices so high! I am inventing dishes, it is possible to make 3 dinners from rotisserie chicken.
Good thing somebody brings side dishes, and deserts.
But there are good things, finally cooler and less fires!
I thought I would never say that but after smoke this summer I am glad there is snow in the Rockies! And I love hot weather!

I am thankful that I can afford to make every meal a little feast, whether it's turkey or not. And that my furnace clicked on last night without any worries or glitches LOL.
Wishes for peace and harmony for those celebrating with family this weekend.

Turkey of course and and lots of other side dishes.
Two desserts!
For all Canucks who celebrate today or tomorrow happy thanksgiving!
I, personally have lots to be thankful for!

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