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His dad’s family came from Italy. New Orleans has tons of Italian immigrants. New York has the largest number of Italian immigrants and we are second.

My youngest daughter’s favorite bakery here is an Italian bakery. Angelo Brocato’s has been in business for a long time. My mom went there as a child.

My mother in law was french. Hubby is French and Italian. Great combo! 😊


Good to know! This guy was raving about it in store, so I decided to buy a package of it. My husband said that it looks a little odd for pasta because of the black color! 🤣

I buy the chick pea pasta a lot. It’s really good and has more fiber and protein than regular semolina pasta. I married an Italian man so I make all sorts of pasta dishes.

Roasted chicken is delicious and so easy to make.

Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Need, happy belated birthday from me too. Roast ckicken is my absolute fav. I do love a pasta.. sadly pasta & bread seem to bloat me up & zap my energy so I use pulse pasta (non wheat) instead. I think I've had the squid ink pasta yrs ago but going to have to try that again! Maybe with mushrooms, chicken, basil leaves & a creamy sauce 😋

Thanks, Send. Enjoy your ice cream! Take a bite for me.

Happy Birthday Month! 🍂🍁

I have a food question for y’all. I bought something new to try. Have anyone tried Tonnarelli Squid Ink pasta?

It has durum wheat semolina and cuttlefish ink. It’s made in Italy, a specialty pasta. I paid $8.00 for 500 g (17.6 oz.)

I have heard that it’s delicious. I will let you know how it tastes.

Need: You're welcome.


Thanks, I appreciate your kind words.

No, the brother that I spoke about awhile back was my younger brother. I have another younger brother who is in D. C. They both have health issues. I have mentioned both of them before so I know that it’s hard for y’all to keep track of them.

My brother who just died was my older brother. The brother that I lost in 2013 was my oldest brother.

My sister in law is devastated. I feel horribly for her.

She has been working as a 911 operator for years. It’s a stressful job. She takes emergency calls on a regular basis, and was dealing with my brother’s health issues for years. She works different shifts which plays havoc on a person’s sleep schedule.

My brother was several years older than she is.

Certain professions have to acclimate to working various hours. I think it’s harder to do that. It’s much easier to have a set schedule. They rotate holidays as well. So, she had to miss holiday gatherings at times.

Before my brother retired, he also had a rotating schedule. So, sometimes it was hard for them to spend time together. Still, they were in love and they made the most of the time that they had together. They supported each other through many things.

She didn’t have the happiest childhood. Her father was an alcoholic. Her mother was not emotionally stable. Her older brother had issues. Sadly, not very long ago, he threw himself in front of a train and committed suicide. Her parents are dead now. It’s just sad, all around.

She on the other hand is very stable. She’s fairly quiet, sort of reserved and has always focused on moving forward in her life. She recently just completed her master’s degree in psychology.

I know that she will get through all of this but I hate that she’s had to endure so much pain in her life. We never know what in store for us. Life happens, and we have to adjust.

I walked to the other end of town for KFC and then brought it home to eat, that's a little over 2 miles and I figure it justifies the ingestion of so much grease.

Need, Happy belated birthday. So sorry to hear about your brother. I guess this is your remaining brother you posted a few months ago re being ill. I know you have lost them prematurely to a degree. I hope your SIL endures her grief as do you.

I’m going to roast a chicken with veggies. It’s a favorite standby for us. I like it because I can do lots of things with the leftover chicken. Sometimes, I will freeze some chopped up chicken and take it out of the freezer when I need it for a certain recipe.

I tend to buy mostly the same things at the grocery store over and over again until I decide to try something different.

Thanks so much, Bounce, Llama and 97.

Bounce, I feel the same inside but my gray hair tells a different story! 🤣


Welcome! Chicken salad is a favorite of ours too.

I am making chicken salad. It’s tedious deboning the chicken but, one of my family’s favorites, including mine.

Btw, I’m new here. I just joined this morning. I’m glad I did. I’ve already learned so much from other people’s posts on her.

Happy Birthday Need

Almost missed it.

I hope you had a great day🥳

Need: Happy Birthday.🎂

I had a nice time with my family for dinner. Thanks everyone, for the birthday wishes!

Happy Birthday NHWM

Happy Birthday NHWM!

Happy birthday Need! enjoy every minute!

Happy Birthday Need !!!

Happy Birthday Need!

I hope you have a great dinner.

Going out for dinner with my husband and daughters tonight to celebrate my birthday 🎂. I’m 68! Getting older but I am young at heart.

It’s a bittersweet birthday with the sudden death of my brother. I keep wanting him to call me and wish me a happy birthday like in the years past. I know that he is with me in spirit.

My brother died shortly before his wedding anniversary. I feel so badly for my sister in law.

Pam, sounds delicious! You were ambitious this morning. I don’t have a strict schedule. Sometimes I sleep in and other times I am up early.

It's hunting season here, so hubs and his cousin are going out by 630 each morning. I am still waking up early, but today I felt good and baked 4 loaves of bread by 830! Pumpkin, and banana / chocolate chip. Also switching out to fall/winter clothing, and packing stuff for donations. Is any one else in "snuggle mode"? where you just want to stay in and watch TV with your pet on your lap? I get this way when it;s gloomy out.

cw: Sounds good!

I have two cooked chicken breasts and some leftover lentil sloppy joes in my fridge... I plan to make some kind of soup out of these 🤔

After a year of hubs tooth issues, I do think I know them all but I am tired of them.. LOL

There are so many soft veggies besides soup, how have you been on this site so long and not come across them? Mashed turnip/rutabaga. Squash. Mashed potatoes with bonus sweet potatoes or carrots mashed in too. Polenta with a nice smooth marinara. Avocado. Baked beans. Caramelized onions, yum.

I broke a tooth Sunday night, and get my crown on Thursday, so I am on my Hubs old "soft food diet"! i am really already sick of soup and trying to remember to only chew on one side! Tonight my hubs has made me "cheese peas",, just what it sounds like and total comfort food. I am craving vegies!

Smart move, techie. I have high blood pressure. I am very sensitive to sodium intake. If I eat too much salt my blood pressure spikes.

I enjoy old fashioned recipes. If there is a way to reduce the sodium by tweaking a recipe it’s a good thing.

Plus, if we have been avoiding salt, our taste buds adjust to less sodium. If we go back to salty foods they tastes overly salty.

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