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Sounds delicious!

I took a package of roast beef out of the freezer. Keeping it simple tonight and making sandwiches and a salad.

Roasted turkey, sweet toast with pumpkin butter, and garlic/dill corn pilaf.

Milk Chocolate filled with Caramel Brownie Cream

Made in Germany

A lot of very elderly live here, so when I went asking for candy at their house, they did not have any, so I got my own.

Is that with a tomato sauce Mary or just an oil and garlic sauce?

I've got a pot of soup on the go, hopefully I haven't cooked it to mush this time.

Spaghetti with garlic and shrimp

I hate when the freezer door is found open . Uggh .

What’s for dinner? Formerly frozen food. I went in the laundry room and found the freezer door wasn’t closed. 🤬

A former coworker used to make chocolate covered saltines. They were yummy and looked easy. Only half of the crackers are covered in chocolate.

I love the chocolate covered Ritz crackers at Christmas time.


Did not even know those existed until yesterday.
I guess I was too too busy each season searching
for the white chocolate covered Oreo seasonals.

When Instacart delivers, choices for the best seasonal
items may be missed.

I made chicken and andouille gumbo earlier.

Chicken , scalloped potatoes . carrots


That avatar is absolutely precious! Haagen Dazs is the best!

Yep, all of the Christmas stuff is out. My husband bought eggnog already! LOL 😆

Never need to buy groceries again, as I can die happy.

Seasonal Haagen-Dazs Peppermint Bark Ice Cream Bars


Goodnight everyone!

Goodnight Llamalover!

I despise liver but I love sushi!

we use the "snap" method to get the woody ends off,, works every time. Even the puppers loves asparagus! There are not many vegies I won't eat. Dd was just the normal picky kid,, but now she eats stuff I won;t even try, and I will pretty much eat anything but raw fish and liver. Yep,, we had to "try" everything growing up,, and some of the trauma is still with me.. LOL One of My favorite pix of my DD is her trying Haggis in Scotland,, before and after pix.. cracks me up every time.


Was your ‘foodie’ daughter picky when she was young?

My oldest daughter wasn’t a picky eater at all when she was growing up. My younger one was extremely picky.

I am shocked that my younger daughter eats such a variety of food now. She eats things now that I never thought that she would be eating in a million years.

I was a picky eater when I was little. My parents didn’t force us to eat something that we didn’t like. We had to taste it but if we didn’t like something we weren’t forced to eat it.

I notice that the best asparagus stalks are thicker and taste better.
Some people have no clue how to prepare them by removing the first inch or two from the bottom. But, I am still open to learning how to do it better.

The produce manager can help you pick Asparagus so you won't end up with woody tree trunks. It is a real thing. 🐿 🥜

"While the tips of asparagus spears are the most tender and flavourful part, the other end of the stem can sometimes become quite fibrous and woody. It’s best to remove this part before cooking."

To tell you the truth, I never thought about whether the asparagus was skinny or fat. Hahaha 🤣, I just grab a bunch of asparagus in my store to roast or my husband will throw it on the grill. Sometimes I will sauté in in a pan.


Yummy! Home grown veggies are awesome. I do buy veggies from my farmers markets too. My grandfather had a green thumb and would grow all sorts of vegetables.

Cwillie, you are a nut!!

and you'll probably end up with woody tree trunks 🤣

I did not know that Cwillie I'll have to try that next time,

re: skinny asparagus. Everyone equates skinny stalks with tenderness but I learned from growing my own that the fattest stalks were often much more tender than the thin ones, in fact the pencil thin ones were often the toughest shoots that sprouted after the plants were depleted 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is delicious. I roast veggies all the time. Yep, Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top makes it even better.

Have you ever made roasted zucchini fries? So good too!

My DD is a "foodie",and a few years they started getting roast asparagus, she asked the chef how it was made ( at a tapas bar) and he told her. we have been loving ever since, and it was todays lunch! I always buy the skinniest ones I can find. Pour some olive oil on a cookie sheet, roll the spears around on it then dose with SnP and a good sprinkling of parmesan cheese, roast and eat with your fingers! Also great with brussels sprouts or grean beans!

Thank your husband for his culinary input, Beatty 😊. I will let you know when I make it and how we like it.

We had ricotta ravioli from the shops, but pretty good. With rocket & brocolli.

I asked my DH about the squid ink pasta & he reminded me we did try it with a creamy sauce but it turned the sauce GREY 😁

He's not Italian (wishes he was) but travelled & stayed there for while. He says go simple, like good olive oil, some garlic, basil.

Also says never to trust me on cooking advice unless you want GREY food 🤣


Well our history is Spanish and French. But we have our share of an eclectic mix of people which I love!


Do you eat veggie sandwiches? I do. I don’t eat meat everyday. I will make mushroom burgers, but no meat, 🤣. Just sautéed onions and mushrooms, tamari sauce, cheese, avocado slices and shredded carrots or alfalfa sprouts on top.

I do love mushrooms!

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