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Leftovers for us.

Sounds like a good dinner to me, cw.

Even though I have never tasted rice pudding. We make bread pudding here.

I am making a baked rice pudding with apples and raisins, if it turns out okay that will be dinner.

The kitchen had an ant attack, so we ate out alot. The kitchen was closed.
In N Out x 3
The Habit x 2
El Polo Loco x1
Baskin Robbins x 2
Starbucks x 2

Been so very busy.

Our neighbor, who my DD used to baby sit for their kids, recently said "Your daughter is a nice *girl.* Nice compliment as DD is about to turn 51.


I usually do breakfast for dinner when I don’t feel like cooking. I scramble a couple of eggs and eat them with some toast.


That’s awesome that your family had a great relationship with them. They sound like they were wonderful neighbors and friends.

We only had my grandma as our sitter. I remember my first job as a babysitter. I made 50 cents an hour! Back then that was the going rate.

I sat for a two year old boy who was very energetic! I went home and told my mom that I was never going to have kids! LOL 😆

He was a cute kid but he never stopped running around and getting into everything! His parents asked me to sit every weekend so that they could go out to dinner.

I think they wanted to keep me around as a sitter because they told me to help myself to the snacks they bought and ordered pizza for my dinner. I’m sure they needed a break from their rambunctious son!

He looked like a little angel, blond hair and blue eyes, but he was a typical two year old with a bundle of energy!

NHWM, lots of misconceptions about the Amish these days! Our neighbors paid for Dad to put a phone in the garage for their use. and they were my babysitters. One daughter was my age and when we were small she went to the beach with us (one piece suit) and to Chincoteague once for the pony roundup. We were at weddings at their house and they came to mine ( I still have a bacon grease pot I got!) If Dad needed help on the property they were there, and we helped them sometimes too ( tobacco season) They had a horse and buggy, as well as mules for plowing, but a tractor for "back up only". and they had electric in the milk house due to state regulations. sometimes they have had to adjust to the modern world


Sounds delicious!

I have had chicken pot pie before but never with slippery noodles. That’s interesting.

I make a killer macaroni and cheese but no tomatoes. That’s a new one for me too!

I love all kinds of soup! I eat soup all the time. I make lots of different kinds of soup.

If you had Amish neighbors then you ate authentic dishes. That’s awesome!

So, the Amish socialized with those who weren’t Amish? I didn’t think that they normally did that.

They have different sects though and I am guessing that your neighbors weren’t in a super conservative sect.

Did they use a horse and buggy for their transportation? Are they allowed to catch a ride with others occasionally? Do any practicing Amish drive cars?

NHWM, I used to have lots of cookbooks but since everything is on the internet these days I have gotten rid of alot of mine. My fav Amish dish is chicken potpie with slippery noodles, Or chicken corn soup, with rivels. I spent most of my youth in Lancaster Pa, and the food was wonderful. We had Amish neighbors and they were awesome. Now I go to the local Amish market in Hagerstown Md a few times a month for my fix. I love their Mac and cheese with stewed tomatoes! Yes they make just about everything you could want! Pricey but nice

I'm stuck for dinner ideas. Well that's not strictly true, I have ideas but I don't want to cook, and I know I should have something on the healthier side because I ate junky food yesterday (mmmm, onion rings).

My dad loved hogshead cheese! I never tried it. I think mom bought Limburger cheese. Sounds gross to me.

I don't think scapple is popular on this side of the border but my parents used to buy headcheese, I wouldn't even taste it (but I was a picky child). My grandparents liked Limburger cheese, and cooked cheese (koch kase) - I wouldn't eat those either.


The Cajuns in Lafayette, Louisiana, not too far away from New Orleans make fabulous sausages. My favorite is andouille sausage. My daughters love the boudin sausage too.

What are your favorite Amish recipes? Do you have any Amish cookbooks? What else are they known for? Do they sell homemade preserves? Don’t they make furniture and quilts? Do you buy theirs products? I love quality craftsmanship.

I’m going to do a quick stir fry for dinner. We took our grand pup to the dog park early this morning. I love watching him play and I walk the park. So, we both get our exercise!

Way some scrapple is made that way, I had Amish neighbors and they didn't waste anything! We get ours from a friend when he butchers so we know what goes into it, he only uses the trimming's from the good meat. It is mixed with (I believe) corn meal and shaped into loaves, which you slice and fry. We eat it with syrup, to us it's like pancakes sort of thing. Some call it a meat and have catsup with it. I guess it's like sausage,, I have a friend who won;t eat that because it's often scraps too, but I love a good sausage also!

Thanks, Way. I wasn’t familiar with that dish. I had no idea what scrapple was.


What’s scrapple ??? Lol
I didn’t know what that was either when I moved to eastern PA.
I have a friend whose father was a Pennsylvania Dutch butcher . My friend told me that scrapple is all the leftover nasty parts after you’ve butchered a pig .
Her father used to make different seasoned scrapple . She said people loved it . But friend said would never eat it because she saw what goes in it .


Your husband sounds like he is a great cook! I love Parmesan cheese.

What’s scrapple? My husband cooks breakfast on the weekends too.

We had Mediterranean food for dinner with our daughter. It was very good. I had lamb dinner, they had chicken shawarma. We had hummus as well.

I am going through some family issues this week, and my hubs is a guy who wants to feed everyone, so he made a big breakfast of scrapple, eggs and sausage. It was great! And I have been hungry for spaghetti so he made homemade meatballs and it was very good, even though he loaded it with parmesan cheese which I kind of don't love. But hey he tried!


I was thinking about doing a stir fry this week. I am always roasting veggies with chicken.

I need a change of pace. I like tamari sauce in my stir fry.

Bok Choy vegetables and chicken thigh meat in a teriyaki stir fry.

Kiwi for dessert.

A big pot of chilli to use up thawing ground beef, with garlic buns. Turns out not only was the freezer door not completely closed, but the fan has failed or is jammed. So food is thawing top to bottom. I turned cauliflower into soup and took 2 litres to my daughters. Oh the horror - we had to throw ourselves on a cheesecake. A week of quirky meals, but, with the price of groceries, we’re determine to rescue all we can.


Sounds amazing!

I posted earlier making chicken thighs, polenta 'n sliced tomatoes on the side. Which was pretty good. Had a lot of left over polenta-I've forgotten how it tends to expand-even when I think I've added too much liquid.
So-the polenta had set very nicely. There was Italian sausage in the fridge. Which the following evening I cooked. Sliced thinly a large onion, fried it seperatly. Heated the polenta in a non-stick skillet, added the onions. Cut into wedges to plate with the sausage, some cooked spinach to keep it all healthy. Good meal I haven't made in a very long time.

Bakewell's traditionally have raspberry jam. Of course they traditionally have real almond frangipane too and I rather doubt these ones do. But they still taste good.

I’m going to make breakfast for dinner tonight, a spinach and artichoke omelette.


Yum! What flavor? Do you have a favorite berry? Mine is blackberry. I do love all berries though. I make a mixed berry cobbler once in awhile. My husband loves it.

I have been making my own almond butter. It’s super simple to make. I love it. My husband prefers peanut butter. I eat both.

I just came home with some almond jam tarts (aka bakewell tarts) that had been marked down in price. Those things are soooo good🤤

Chicken thighs roasting in the oven. Quick cooking polenta, and sliced tomatoes for dinner.

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