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I love ramen as well.
I buy some kind of Korean ribs at my local store and then keep adding, carrots, greens, egg rolls even dumplings and hoisin sauce.
Today quick raviolis as I was out most of the day to finish Xmas shopping and don’t feel like cooking

Love ramen! Enjoy, Geaton.

I haven’t even decided yet what we will eat tonight. It may end up being leftovers or something that I take out of my freezer.

My favorite Korean dish is bulgogi.

I'm "making" Korean ramen tonight (not from scratch, of course). Our Korean friends are supplying our Samyeon ramen habit. I love that you can put whatever you want in it. Tonight it's lazy ramen: leftover rotiserrie chicken, mushrooms, shredded carrots, spinach, sliced red bell peppers, lots and lots of green onion, cilantro, egg, sesame seeds... nom nom nom :-)

My mom didn’t make pimento cheese but I bought some years back at a farmers market. I loved it on crackers. I will try it on a sandwich. I have seen it in the grocery but haven’t tried it.

Ooohhhh! That pimento cheese sounds super yummy.

I love it on a nice bread with lettuce and tomato. Such a good sandwich and takes me back to happy memories.


Thanks so much! I will try this. My daughters love cheese. It will be something different for me to make.

Pamz - it's a frozen Italian dessert with flavoured whipped cream sandwiched between meringue, on sale next week at my local grocery for $7.99!

what is a maringata?

Need, here you go, 8 oz sharp cheddar and 8 oz of cream cheese. Small jar of diced pimentos. All at room temp. Shred cheese, mix cheeses and add 1/2 of the pimentos with juice. cream in mixer. Add remaining pimentos just to blend. Serve with Waverly crackers and enjoy! I also like it on english muffins

It does sound awesome NHWM, I had never heard of it before and had to google. We are having our family Christmas on the 10th and I thought it might make a nice less heavy but nonetheless decadent dessert option.

Sounds awesome, cw!

I just came across a dessert in next weeks grocery flyers that sounds delicious, a chocolate chip meringata. Anybody have an opinion on whether something like this would be as good as it sounds?


Oh my gosh! Having the oven door fail off would be quite unnerving!

Late to the discussion here, but several Thanksgiving mishap stories. We live in Maine and used to always have our big Thanksgiving family get together at our "camp" (summer home). After that, we'd have the pipes drained and close up for the winter. One year when we came back in the spring, we discovered 2 packages of VERY MOLDY dinner rolls on top of the bread box. There was so much food on Thanksgiving that none of us realized the rolls hadn't been put in the oven and served. Another mishap occurred in my family when I was young. We lived in NYC and my dad had taken my brother and I to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, leaving my mother home to tend to the turkey. When we got back home, we found my mother almost in tears--the oven door had fallen off! This was one of the old fashioned gas stoves with the oven on the side. She'd managed to improvise and had the door propped closed (mainly) with a chair pushed up against the handle. The turkey did take a bit longer than expected, but it eventually cooked through.


Thanks! 😊

Need hubs and his cousin use a family recipe, and I love it. I do not like the kind you buy in the store. They do not use mayo if I remember correctly. I'll have to get the recipe from him and get it to you. I do know they use the meat grinder to mix it.. cream cheese, a block of chedder, a jar of minced pimentos.. I'll get the amounts

Went to In N Out.
Double double, whole grilled onion, extra lettuce, extra tomato.

Making eggs, using the timer yesterday.
I walked away for a minute, then somehow ended up in the bedroom with the door shut and could not hear the timer. Thinking back, maybe I was on the phone.
Two hours later, after napping, I figured out how hungry I was still, and that hubs had turned off the fire when the timer went off. Eggs were inedible. He ate them.

Never underestimate the power of the full moon, and the upset caused by
neighbors being taken away by paramedics. Plus, the misinformation being spread by ignorant persons saying that the person died, and is still alive.

Always ask, is it true? And, Who told you? Confirm with 2-3 reliable persons with their minds still intact.

Do not be deceived by those with a history of gossiping and confabulation.

Wait, what day is this?


I saw pimento cheese in a specialty food store just before thanksgiving.

I remember you saying that you eat it. Does your husband make it or do you?

I have only eaten it a couple of times. I wouldn’t mind trying to make it if I knew what recipe to try.

I had it on crackers. I guess it would be good on a sandwich too.

We have an annual crab feed here, and my hubs is a great cook and everyone raves about his baked beans. So they were made and resting in the oven,,, the entire crab feed! People even talked about them, but none of realized they were still in the oven! Found them when we were cleaning up! Alot went home with people or into the freezer. Never did that again!

So true, cw! It’s easy to become distracted.

I burned plenty of food before that habit became ingrained NHWM, it's too easy to get distracted and than 10 seconds to get something in another room can turn into half an hour (or more) before you know it.


Oh yes! That’s what my husband does. He sets a timer. He rarely burns anything. He has the logical engineer’s mind!

He says that I am the creative one who needs an assistant in the kitchen!

When you leave the kitchen with food in the oven or on the stove always set your timer!


Great save! I love it! LOL 😝

Sadly, everyone saw my faux pas! We laughed about it.

I really do make a delicious sweet potato casserole. I admit that I screwed up a couple of times!

Cremating a chicken! What a delightful way to describe your faux pas! LOL 😆

I made red beans and rice for dinner tonight. A New Orleans favorite!

Burnt shares my love of traditional New Orleans cuisine. I am impressed that she cooks them in her home!

Nend, I remember my surprise when I found out you could start a fire with sweet potato casserole. Scraped them off and started again, no one was the wiser.

I, also, cremated a chicken once. Amazing that an 8# chicken would just be gone. Thankfully the guys had done well fishing we had some protein with dinner.

Fun memories, thanks for the reminder.


One holiday dinner several years back, I had tons of people at my house! Family and friends too. It was a fun but exhausting day!

So, I decided to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine with my friend’s husband's who has a great sense of humor!

My sweet potato casserole dish caught on fire in the oven!

LOL, I discovered that marshmallow topped sweet potatoes are extremely flammable under the broiler to brown the top. Oh, and I accidentally burned the dinner rolls when I baked them.

My friend said, “I think something is burning in your oven!” Her husband and I told her that she had too much wine because we didn’t smell anything burning! LOL, she wasn’t even drinking.

My husband looked at John and I and removed the wine bottle away from us. 😆

Oh well…we had lots of other food to eat! The casserole and rolls weren’t missed too much. I had croissants that I replaced the rolls with.

That wasn’t the first time that I’ve burned the top of sweet potatoes! A neighbor’s child told me that my oven was on fire once. This kid was always joking about stuff so I didn’t believe him.

That time was scary. I saw my husband getting the fire extinguisher out! I didn’t have any wine that day. I was making sweet potatoes to go with my baked ham.

So now my family teases me about it every time I make sweet potatoes. No fires recently! Yay!😀

Yes but had to watch ( listen ) to the oven constantly so if it didn’t cycle back on , had to turn it off and back on . Honestly I ended up having DH pay his undivided attention to do this so the oven temp did not drop , while I did other things.


That’s worse than my microwave breaking! Were you able to finish roasting your turkey?

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