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Too many carrots? Carrots are one of my fave veggies. The soup and candied carrots sound great. How about carrot cake, carrot muffins, carrot cookies, carrot fries (see below), carrot raisin salad...

I always semi poach my fried eggs. They would work fine for Eggs Benedict.

ITRR You can use an egg poacher so they come out very nice and neat.

Love asparagus any way! Roasted veggies are great. I must get back to roasting a pan or two of veggies to keep in the fridge. Very handy! If you cut up carrots like potatoes you can make carrot fries. They are lovely right out of the oven.

I roasted a pork belly tonight. There were some strange things in the fridge and freezer when I came here.Things I would not normally buy. Pork belly is one of them. But I had done it once before in Fort Mc and it and the crackling turned out well. The meat is so tender and you cook most of the fat out of it.

I tried one here earlier with a fancy recipe and ended up throwing most of it out so no more fancy recipes for me! 😉

I had roast asparagus, yummy !!

All the talk about hollandaise sauce has made me hungry for a fish dish that I make, grill any nice white fish, cover with some steamed asparagus then drizzled with hollandaise sauce.

This is an amazing, easy dish and feels like you are eating at a Michelin 5 star restaurant.

Edit: we love to try new foods, today we enjoyed duck feet, wing and tongue. I was floored how delicious it was, however, I couldn't look at it because it was weirding me out and making it hard to even try, so I looked at my love and enjoyed.

I overbought on some carrots (i'm still not used to getting shopping proportions just for me!) sooo I'm going to make a fabulous ginger-carrot soup my mum has an old recipe for. It's fantastic. i'm gonna live off it at work in my lunches for a week!

also I'm going to make candied carrots because i bought soooo many carrots x_x

poaching eggs is very challenging and i don't do it very often. i get very mixed results when I do ;-)

Fresh eggs and a pinch of salt and vinegar in the water. For me the challenge would be making the hollandaise because it's a real p.i.t.a, but the packaged stuff works too.

We were disappointed that the restaurant where we’d hoped to eat closed early, as I was craving eggs Benedict. So I made it myself. I still haven’t figured out how to poach tidy round eggs, but dinner was yummy.

I did think about a glaze and I will probably do that next time. The recipe was moister than most, but it said it would be. Hubs just is not a big scone eater,, he really likes pies and such, much sweeter.

I never thought scones were supposed to be sweet. Overseas they are not - just light and fluffy and served with butter or clotted cream and jam. You break off a piece, slather it with lashings of butter or clotted cream, and a healthy spoonful of homemade jam. Mmmm, good!!!

These days I am making a lot of soups - meal in a bowl type. The last one was ground turkey and lentils (and other veggies). Makes for easy suppers and good in the cold weather.

I've never liked the few scones I've ever had but then we were taken to a coffee shop in a little resort town where they made them fresh every day and I had their raspberry one... omg to die for! So moist and just sweet enough. It had a glaze too but I personally don't need that much sugar. Now I can't stop thinking about it...

Great idea cwillie!

Blueberry scones with a lemon and ginger glaze sounds like something I need to try. Mmmm!

Maybe you can add a glaze Pam, the cranberry scones at my local restaurant are glazed and it really takes them to the next level


I love scones! One day I may try to make them. I buy them at my favorite coffee shops.

Another snow day here, and one of my projects for the winter is to learn to make good scones. So today I made blueberry ones. They turned out pretty good, but not sweet enough for hubs ( he likes sweets, and scones are not really sweet). I forgot how dang sticky the dough is is!!


I spoil my four legged grandchildren. One daughter has kitties and the other one has a dog.

My girls say to me, “Mom, if we have kids are you going to spoil them as much as the fur babies?” I told them that I just might! 😆


I want to be invited to one of your teas! Sounds amazing!


I love spicy! Yum! 😋

Pam, that's wonderful news. Congratulations 🎉🎊🎉

Made sweet and sour cabbage soup with a little heat added and just finished a bowl full. It is really good and just what I needed on a cold January day. I'll freeze some for when R gets home. I know he will like it too.

Oysters Rockefeller

Yesterday I had a holiday tea for my birthday. The restaurant made gluten free treats for me.
There were savory treats, scones, and sweet treats. All gluten free.

pamz: Congratulations!


You’re right about leftovers. I have always told everyone to pack up food take home with them. They love it and I don’t feel as bad about cooking so much food.

I freeze some for another time as well. If I don’t freeze it, we can’t eat everything.


How wonderful that you are going to be a grandmother!

Pamzi, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is exciting news for certain.

Took my DD to her first formal tea today, and she loved it. It was still all decorated for Christmas, and very nice and fancy. And we were celebrating, she is pregnant with our first ( and probably only ) grandchild!! We are so excited! It's a boy!!

Leftovers .

One thing about not hosting holiday dinners is there are no leftovers, I suppose that can be a good thing (all. those. desserts!)


You have great neighbors! Sounds delicious! Enjoy!

My dinner has arrived! I think my neighbour must have included everything on their table even down to including some pickles... lucky me🤤😁🥧


I don’t bake a lot of cookies either.

Every once in a great while, I make oatmeal raisin cookies for my husband. He loves them.

I love looking at all of the holiday cookies in bakeries and stores. They are so pretty!

Happy holidays to everyone!

Unless they are my cookies. Ha. Ha.
I can make many dishes and some baking, yet, my cookies are awful.
It is Xmas so no calories!
I am going to gobble some Godiva chocolate and macaroons.
Already ate few slices of stollen which I bought for my German guests, still have some Panettone.
Merry Xmas to all!


Sounds like a good trade to me!

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