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I read fried fish and though "yum" until I read the rest of your post. That's why I stick to eating at home, at least my meals are cheap.

Hubs and I had to go into "town" today to meet the FA to hopefully get all our accounts transferred at last ( boy can other banks make it hard ) and we decided to eat at a local chain restaurant. The special was fried fish.. and we both agreed it was the WORST we ever ate, for about $40 counting tip. It was so dry, and I thought salty. We brought it home and gave it to the cats. At least they liked it, and at least the cole slaw was yummy. Now I remember why we normally eat at small non chain places. Except Olive garden,, we love that soup and salad!

Chicken soup, chicken soup and more of it, and filled with just everything from noodles to chicken to carrots and peas. And then MORE noodles.

I zapped frozen leftovers tonight .
Pot roast and veggies. It was pretty good !

So, it’s that time of day where I am going to open my fridge and wonder what in the world am I going to fix. I haven’t even thought about dinner tonight!

LOL 😆, maybe I should just make breakfast for dinner. That’s quick and easy. Plus, I am running low on groceries.


My youngest daughter just completed two diamond art projects. She enjoyed doing them.

Anxietynacy: A friend has done the diamond art. Think he did his fav singer, Celine Dion.


Yay! Glad hubby liked the shrimp.

You had me wondering if that was a new food service like Hello Fresh for a minute there Anxietynacy 🤔🤣

Just wondering if anyone has tried Diamond art. For me it's been very relaxing and supper addicting.

Woke up today to a heavy snow at 5 am, (mostly gone now) but days like this I like to cook. So I made mini Danish with crescent rolls, and they were easy and yummy! And yes I made a drizzle glaze this time, for the first time, and it was easy and yummy too! I'll add that to the scones next time. And Need, hubs tried the shrimp and he liked it! Taking DD to lunch for Valentines day tomorrow, so no cooking for me!


I would eat hubby’s share. I love spicy! My husband is a wuss when it comes to spicy so I eat it alone or with others. My daughter with Crohn’s disease has to be careful with her diet. My other daughter is like me. She enjoys spicy food.

One time I was at a craft fair. The woman next to me asked if a dip was hot. I had just sampled it and didn’t think it was overly spicy, so I told her that it wasn’t too hot.

Oh my gosh! She started coughing, sweating and her eyes were tearing up. The vendor who sold the dip said that it was called, ‘blazing’ and it was the hottest one they make. Obviously, the woman wasn’t used to heat.

I buy the spicy pickles and pepper jelly from the vendors. So good!

Sounds good, Pam and easy. I looked up a couple of recipes. May try it sometime.😋

I got a recipe a few weeks ago for Bang Bang shrimp pasta. Had some leftover shrimp I defrosted and I made it today. It is delish! I am sure hubs wont try it because it is spicy, but boy am I enjoying it! Had it with a salad


Fashion is fun too!

I watched The Devil Wears Prada awhile back on MAX. Fashion is a fascinating industry!

Cooking is an art form too!

My mom and grandmother were excellent cooks. I live in a city that has incredible food. I enjoy cooking. My oldest daughter enjoys baking more than cooking. The younger one enjoys cooking and baking.

I could never be a pastry chef! I admire them tremendously for the works of art that they create.


I bet your uncles are fabulous cooks!

New Orleans is known for it’s French and Spanish history but we have a large number of Italian immigrants here.

I have never been to a home with Italian cooks and had a bad meal. It’s always delicious!

I have no doubt that you cook better than your husband. You’re Italian!

Need, all my Italian-American uncles did the cooking in their families. So did my Sicilian Grandfather. Many of my male cousins like to cook. I married a Scandinavian, so... I do ALL the cooking.

My DH WISHES he was Italian! He learn to speak the language at school & loves to cook but his genes are all British Isles. I, however have some Euopean but my taste went all into fashion, not cooking!


Yummy! Potato skins are delicious!

My mom used to keep the oven hot and we'd toss our buttered skins in there to crisp up while we ate the rest of the meal... mmmm, they came out like a cross between the ultimate potato chip and restaurant potato skins.

When salting the skin heavy to get that crispy baked outside, the elderly don't need that much salt. I am picky about it, but I also like to eat the skin of a baked potato.

Every Italian needs a non-italian wife to cook Italian for them.
Not always true, but it was for me.

I’m making lasagna. I am such a wanna be Italian! LOL 😆 My DNA shows just a small amount of Italian heritage. I’m predominantly British.

Italians are the best cooks! I married a handsome Italian man. He’s a good cook. His mom was French and dad was Italian.


I love the skin on potatoes! My mom never ate it but I like it, plus lots of vitamins are in the skin.

Your dinner sounds yummy!

Send, the anti microwave crowd are obviously descended from the people who thought we were getting zapped with radiation back when microwaves were new technology. IMO it's all woo.

Do not eat the potato skin?? But that's the best part... well, maybe not so much when they are done in the microwave but still good. I've never oiled or salted the outside of my baked spuds and I don't wrap them in foil either.

You can also par-boil the baking potato, then bake it.

I have not given up my microwave, even though others have and say it is not healthy.

We have sunshine and fish tacos today.
Plan for Orange Chicken tonight, will bake it in the toaster oven, because we fry things too often.

Rub the potato with olive oil, salt the skin heavily.
Punch holes with a fork in 3-4 places.
Small potato 5 min.
Med. potato 6 min.
Large potato 7 min.
X-lrg. potato 8-9 minutes.

Depending on the sze (wattage) of your microwave.
Don't over cook it, let it sit. You can always add more time.
Do not eat the skin.

Ana: Happy 99th Birthday to your mom!

Take-out! This afternoon we took flowers and cake to the home for my mother’s 99th. The staff had her up and looking forward to her party. She lasted 90 minutes. Then zzzzzz...

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