Tuesday, I went to my doctor’s appointment for my 3-month check-up instead of postponing it like I normally would have done. There had been a tech error with my prescription last time. Between the pharmacy and my doctor, they ended up filling my B/P prescription twice. So, I did not need to see my doctor to get a prescription re-fill.
I went for my appointment ANYWAY so I could talk to her (my doctor) about how things have been going since Mama passed. I got a chance to get some things off my chest. She asked how I was doing, she listened as I un-loaded, then she gave insightful and helpful suggestions. In the end, she said for me to call her any time, for anything, even just to talk.
That was one self-care thing I did this week.
There now, I did my self-care thing for today.
I had chicken noodle soup, crackers, orange juice, and 1-chocolate cookie for dessert. It was nice to "eat in peace and only think about myself" for a change.
After the plumber finally finished with 3 tasks I knew of and 1 task I didn't - sheesh - I enjoyed going out to breakfast with a good book and being waited on without having to think of anything else.
Self-care this week…I hid from my MIL. I guess that sounds bad, but I have two small children, and she wants me to sit with her all afternoon and give her all my attention. After a while she gets cranky waiting for dinner and refuses any snacks. Then she just tries to wind me up and gets hangry. Yesterday I limited my companionship time with her, told her I was going inside, but instead locked the door and hid, just telling my kids where I was. I watched a few episodes of The Golden Girls, had a good laugh, and felt a bit more rejuvenated afterwards.