Doesn't have to be just one thing. I don't care if you can't pick just one. Name a dozen if you want. It can be serious, it can be silly, it can be anything you want to say.
If you want to throw in something that you find nice or helpful during this stressful period, please do so.
I'm wondering if most of us feel the same way or if there will be a lot of variety in our answers.
There isn't really a category for this so I just picked relationships as a general community title.
Doesn’t sound crazy at all. It’s actually a great way to start the day. I know that when you finally do get back to doing the routine that you were most comfortable with and enjoy so much that you will be even more grateful and enjoy it even more so. Don’t you agree?
Maybe the bunny will bring you a few yummy bananas! Do jelly beans come in banana flavor? LOL
It seems like they come in a bazillion different flavors these days.
I like to make a parfait with yogurt, bananas and a couple of spoons of granola sprinkled on top.
I’m sorry. That’s tough not to have a break.
Me too. I miss not being able to get out and enjoy everyday stuff. Hair appointment too! I need a haircut!
The governor is I think falling prey either to poor decision making, insensitivity, stupidity or political power grabbing and has made poor (if not stupid) decisions, allowing pot and liquor stores to remain open (for sales but not for indoor shopping) but has banned lawn service companies, putting all Michigan residents who are unable to mow their own lawns in compromising positions.
We've been advised to ask neighbors or friends to mow lawns. The local community advised that they'll uphold the stupid lawn mowing prohibition and will fine the homeowner if he/she hires a lawn mowing company.
A lot of the elders here are going to be very stressed when they're either hit with fines or face begging neighbors or friends to mow their lawns. That's a horrible situation for elders or those with physical challenges to face.
I think when I eventually am in a position to get out of this community I'm going to hire someone to bring some goats over here and nibble on the lawn, just as a final sendoff to the morons in the local government.
I have clenched my teeth so bad my jaws ache in the am. Plus I am recovering from shingles and just an itchy mess.
Time is just dragging.......but I shouldn't complain b/c we're both OK, this hasn't caused DH to lose his job and we have a 6 months' supply of food and money. I'm trying each day to find something to do in the way of compassionate service each day for neighbors.
If the itching were to disappear, I could be pretty happy :)
I miss just chatting with neighbors and having the grandkids over--they are really isolating in place. I miss running to the store for something small and not that necessary. Now I have to wait until I have quite a list and then race-shop. Dh won't go in the grocery store with me, but he'll happily spend hours at Home Depot--which is where I hope he goes today.