
I read a letter from 2013 wherein a person was inquiring about possible abuse of her Dad in a nursing home. Plez believe ur Dad! U have more to lose if u don't & talking to the top agents in that nh or hosp means zilch! Keep in mind that they're there to protect that facility not the pts that are in it! I'm only 53 but I'd had a stroke & many other med issues that required rehab care in nursing homes. I was in several facilities in PG Co., Mont Co, & Balt. Md. I'm also medically trained. I tell u all of this so u know that I'm a trained professional. I know exactly what I'm saying. I've caught sepsis & MRSA in these facilities. I have had (so called) nursing aids & nurses abuse me physically. I've had falls & laid in my rm doorway on a main corridor of the place for over 1 hr. or I had seizures & the staff watched & laughed! I've watched elderly pts get abused by other pts. Me & several other pts reported it to aids, nurses even director of the facility who did 0! Ombudsmen are jokes! They can only make "suggestions" to the staff & can't order the facility to make any changes or to do anything. When we told the Nurse Prac that I had sepsis & MRSA THEY DID 0! I had a dual mediport that should be changed every 7 min-10 max days. My port was left 29 days & another time 32days! Do u wonder I got sepsis..! All of the tests that I'd told her I needed 2 days before were suddenly ordered STAT( med PRONTO)! There were bugs & mold in the showers, etc. Calling ur State Office of Health Care Quality at least means an investigation is done. If found factual it stays on the nh or hosp "public info record" for 3 yrs. When u get labelled a problem pt ur care gets worse! Routinely charts are backdated & events are doctored (if they're even noted in the record. U don't need med training necessarily for this. Chk the dates×) Try having visitors do imprompto pop in
visits. Again plez don't think these folks are there out of love. Also check ur state's public criminal database websites. The life saved may be ur loved one's or ur own (if ur the pt!). Just a view from the inside looking out. God bless u & ur family.

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My mil lives with us. She is 90, major stroke and Alzheimer's. I'm her 24/7 caregiver. Hospice comes 2-3 times aweek. Mom went to a nursing home for 5 days over Labor Day wkend for respite. We took her on Friday. We got call Friday evening saying she fell out of her wheelchair but wasn't hurt. When we picked her up Wednesday she was in obvious pain. I was changing her clothes couple hours later and discovered a bruise that covered her whole shoulder around to her shoulder blade under her breast and up to her neck. It wasn't just bruise but black. I never saw anything so horrible. I called immediately, they acted dumb. They never told us she was injured or never said anything about this horrible bruise. We ended up taking her to ER next day. Deep contusion which is gonna take up to 6 weeks to heal. I'm so pissed that this place is trying to brush it under the rug. Hospice is investigating because the home didn't notify th either. But I want action taken against them. This is pure negligence. I'm really considering calling an attorney. Mom can't speak for herself so someone needs to be her voice.

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