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Ahead of the retail store closing, my hubs asked to be taken off the schedule. There may be a chance he can get PPTO pay, already applied for in April. That will help a little.
This adjustment period I felt was a crucial time to protect ourselves from the virus spread, until the public learns what to do and not do.

It is a wait and see time, as we stay at home.

Taking the garages I've been at all morning (sigh, don't ask) as an example -

They'd sent home all the car salesman. They had to bring some back! People have bought and paid for cars and got rid of their old ones because they were taking delivery today. Once the orders are fulfilled, the salesmen will go home.

They've kept the mechanics because MOT test requirements haven't been cancelled and you can't drive your car legally without your annual certificate (that's what I was doing there. Took my key worker ID in case I got stopped by the police). Some people don't need their cars, strictly speaking, but if they have to go out to buy food because there are no delivery slots - ? Can't use buses, or cabs, or trains.

They had to keep two clerical staff that I saw, and the ladies were rung up off their feet - and doing a sterling job of explaining what to do to their older customers. I suppose you *could* set them up to work from home - as long as you've got the IT/telecoms savvy to divert calls and accounts to their home computers. If they've got good enough ones. Perhaps they'll get round to it as soon as they can think straight.

They'd sent the man who normally does their car pick up/drop off service home. He is over 70, he's a poppet, and they are very fond of him. The only drawback to this is that instead of sitting at home waiting for the lovely Dave to bring my car back, I was infesting the showroom for two hours. Couldn't get a cab home, or a bus, too far to walk, nothing open nearby. I took the newspaper and my knitting. They'd warned customers to bring a flask of coffee - all water coolers etc under wraps, signs up in the customers' bathroom, ample soap and paper towels.

Are garages essential, ordinary consumer-serving garages? Without mine, I have no car, I can't do my job, 6-10 people a day can't get out of bed, can't eat, can't take their meds, may end up back in hospital. While it is true that this makes me feel all the more strongly that vulnerable people who insist on living in pretty villages miles from anywhere are a PAIN and an excessive drain on resources, it's no use saying 'I wouldn't start from here.' And anyway it's not like we can move them into barracks.

The *other* garage I had to drive to - just don't, my car is IN DISGRACE - had black and yellow marker tape on the floor and signs up about social distancing. Two customers walked straight past and up to the desk. I think they should give the receptionist a plant sprayer so she can squirt anyone who does that - or set up plastic screens, they'd be better than nothing.

From a worker's perspective, any work that earns money to keep food on the table and roof over heads is essential.

Those who are lucky can work from home, or are retired and get monthly SS or have savings to live off of, but I have to wonder how those people who live from paycheck to paycheck are making it now that they can't work for weeks and months. How do they feed themselves and their children?

This cure for a health crisis is causing an bigger economic crisis.

In my opinion the messages we are getting include way to many grey areas - for example construction yes, but only essential construction like housing and infrastructure and gov't projects and roadwork and healthcare facilities. Uhm, what else is left? And is that 15 story waterfront condo essential housing, or not? IMO the number of pictures of idiots crowding together right now just demonstrates that people need black and white - this isn't the time to be expecting (trusting) employers and individuals to judge the little nuances.

It ends up being a bit "for want of a nail the shoe was lost," though, CW.

I mean, you think (I do anyway, taking it from the top): paramedics, doctors, nurses. Good.

How will they get to work?
What will they eat?
Who's bringing all that PPE they're supposed to be using?
Where's it to come from?
How are *they* getting to work? - and round and round and down you go, right to "the girl who makes the thing that drills the hole that holds the ring that drives the rod that turns the knob that works the thingummy bob."

I'm reading a long, long, long list of what our government considers essential services - uhm, seriously?

We are in Indiana.

DD (24) works at a small health food/grocery and is still working. Her boss is thrilled that they are classed as a grocery and so . . ..Essential. They will not close, she won't get to stay home unless/until she gets sick (and she will . . . so many folks coming in and out everyday.) One lady came in Friday, "I didn't realize you were here! What cute little place, I'm so bored with all the stores closing, *sigh* I'll just browse around . . how fun!" I am not exaggerating, unfortunately. :(

DH works in a factory, as a maintenance man. They worked through Saturday and have told them they are now shut down for a week . . . .that was before our Governor said that all non-essential businesses are to close at midnight. So, we will see if he gets called back or is off for some time I believe.

I am a church secretary for a small congregation. Each day last week I told my boss that I was taking things home, in case the "Shelter in place" Order came through -- I would still be able to work. She kept saying "Oh, it's just you in the office, for the most part. So you won't need to do that. This is all so silly, I think they need to stop panicking everyone" Never once thinking, I might WANT to work from home. My step dad has severe COPD, and MIL is 83 with health concerns as well. I need to keep me healthy to be there for them. I guess NOW that the Governor has taken this step, I'll start working from home tomorrow :)

I have been working at home for the last year and a half.  Not much changes for me, other than longer wait to get food delivery.   So far my mom's aid is still coming (she drives to us).   We can get food delivery.

Yes - I am working from home. We are prohibited from visiting doctor’s offices and have been for 2 weeks. I am a RN case manager and most of my job is telephonic anyway.
It’s been interesting to talk with my patients during this time. Most of what I’ve been doing is teaching infection control and reinforcing CDC guidelines with them to assure they have the basics and just listening and reassuring them of the real need to protect themselves and how to do that now.
Otherwise it’s business as usual for me.

Okay, I will admit that I do read quite a bit of trash. I am looking at a "feud" if you can call it that between 2 actresses. One of them is claiming she isn't giving up her freedom because of a little virus, the other is saying that coronavirus is serious and we should stay in to prevent the spread of it and to prevent needless deaths. Corona virus isn't some non threatening virus, especially to people who are immunocomprimised or have chronic lung issues. I have no issues with staying home and not be out and about for a couple weeks. I don't want to get this and I don't want others to get it.

Governor Cuomo ordered a lockdown in New York State. We live in Upstate New York. My husband had retired December 1st. I am considered an “essential “ worker. I work for the post office so I have to go to work. My older son lives in NYC and is working from home. My youngest son works at a bakery in Upstate New York and they closed until further notice.

Working from home since last week. Had to drag home a lot of 'stuff', including my Rolodex [hey, it doesn't need recharging and I can find info quicker than my boss can on his smart-phone :P Thankfully my boss is trying to stay at home as he is in his 80's and loves to be out and about "networking".

Sig other retired from two previous careers, and now is working at a very small cemetery. He could be at the cemetery all day and not see one person.

Pam that’s the same situation out here unfortunately. Harbor freight just announced they are willing to donate all their N95 masks and other supplies to hospitals but I guess they (The hospitals) have to fill out a request online? I don’t know if you have harbor freight out there. People in the community are making mask covers for the hospital staff, in the hopes their masks will last longer, since they are being told to re-use them. There are a lot of uneducated people out there....who think cloth masks will prevent the spread of this disease!

My DH was working from home all last week and I thought I would go insane. He commandeered the whole office (where I also need to work) and was shushing me all day, every day.

The next 2 weeks he will be at an Air Force base here and only working with one other person and machines. I am beside myself with joy. Having him home was really hard, and it will go back to that after the next 2 weeks.

But I am going to keep busy sewing masks for whatever hospitals or private citizens need.

This 'distancing' has been hard--I was still in semi isolation after having cancer last year. Only 5 months out from my last chemotherapy--so not flu shot, nothing. I am VERY immunocompromised.

We had our first death from COVID 19 today in our state. It will just get worse, for sure, Elderly man, very poor health, so it wasn't a shock--but still.

All my kids are working from home--2 are in 'high risk' areas--SF and Seattle.

Nothing to do but try to stay calm and ride this out, while obeying the no contact rules.

Not yet Worried,, but pretty much every other symptom seems to be deemed OK. Even exposure to a known PT, or outside person. , in that case we are told to wear a mask all day,, the same mask. We have been given "personal protection packs", with our names on and to guard them with our lives.. mine had 5 sample packs of hand sanitizer and a single mask and face shield! Yep, and I extubate people and deal with their secretions and breathing all day.. We are not being given N95, and PAPRs are only 4 per unit, and rewash and label your hood . It is real out there! And I can't believe "they" want us to use scarves and fabric masks.. (Not the hospital, but the general public) I guess it is good for moral, but not gonna work on a virus!

Pam are you being told to come in to work even if you have a fever?
I follow someone on social media who is a nurse in the Bay Area, she claims to be in charge of all the nurses in the hospital system (I suspect it’s Kaiser) but she spends all day on Twitter and has a conviction from drug dealing....anyway she said that the doctors and nurses there have been told that if they have a fever, to take Tylenol and come in to work! Don’t know whether that’s true or not.

My husband works from home a couple days a week and now will work from home everyday until next month at least. I've always worked from home so no change for me. I realize we are very fortunate to be able to work from home.

My neighbors work in construction, and I think they still go to work. My other next door neighbor came back from work early Friday, not sure if he will go to work on Monday. There are definitely fewer cars on the roads and freeways, so people are not working and are complying with the social distancing.

I am in healthcare,, so yes, I am still going to work.. but some of our staff is dropping,, so we are all sort of expecting to be told to stay,, my overnight emergency bag is packed. Hoping I don't need it. We have been told by the hospital to evaluate ourselves and take our temp each day before our shift begins and the log in computers ask us once a shift if we have any symptoms,,, Hubs is doing the errand running as needed and mom and I stay home (when I ;m not at work) Hubs had to go to 2 groceries to get the few things on our list, the first store had no milk products. Everything is pretty much closed,, carry out is still allowed, and grocery and pharmacy.. Malls and stores closed. Luckily we have plenty of food ( except for perishables, so we won't starve,, just get scurvey maybe?) Joking!

Stores here have been putting up plexiglass shields for the people working the till Evermore, I've also heard that some places aren't accepting cash, it's plastic only. Loblaw's affiliates are even hiking pay $2/hr.

I work in a grocery store and not much has changed for me. I was asked to work in closer contact with large crowds of customers and work more hours. It was a flat out no from me. One, I have asthma and epilepsy, so I am in the high risk category. Two, I have Medicaid and not exactly willing to lose that. Yeah, I would like to stay at home but I have bills to pay like other people and can't afford go miss work. So I just stay in the bakery.

"WTF is all I can say"..... That pretty much sums it up 😂😂🤣

Tucson is pretty well shut down.

Construction is still going on at jobsites that are outdoors. All of our schools and colleges are closed, except all of the student support is open, restaurants, health care, housing and such.

Grocery stores and gas stations are open, however, there is no hygiene wipes available so they are providing a spray bottle with cleaner and paper towels, yuck!

Restaurants are doing curbside p/u or delivery. But, people are not using this services as much as owners would like.

Supplies are quickly bought out, but the stores are doing their best to limit quantities and keep shelves stocked. Hours have been cut to help with that.

Rush hour now means that you are home like you rushed, a normal 45 minute, 12 miles drive is now 15 minutes. That could spoil me. 😜

The fear is palpable and that is what really breaks my heart. Stress affects our immune function and puts us at greater risk.

People griping about having to wash their hands just grosses me out, it tells me how little basic hygiene is really practiced on a normal day. Enough to gag a maggot.

We are blessed that our daily routine is not affected because of what it is. I am missing my Sunday lunch out, that is the only break I get from preparing a meal. I am grateful that I have food to prepare though. When I count my blessings they are many.

I just heard that the virus has just shown up in Africa and that is a very sad situation. People do not have the resources or the ability to shelter in place, so many don't have the common household items that allow that, like a refrigerator or running water. They will be hit hard I fear.

I pray that everyone here stays well and has the items that keep them healthy and comfortable until this is over.

Press Release from my local Hospital and local GP's.

Local Churches have stopped services and now in BC they Public Health Officer is saying no groups of more than 10 and only if in the same household.

My husband is still going to work. We are under a statewide shelter-in-place order. Essential businesses are still operating. Bars are closed. Banks are open. Church’s have stopped services. Car dealerships are open Restaurants and coffee shops are open but for take-out or delivery only. Sears is still open, Macy’s, JCPenny, Kohl’s and the mall
are closed except for the food court restaurants. Parks are open and they need to rethink that or close off the playground equipment and basketball hoops because people are still take their kids to the playground! And large groups are playing basketball. It’s funny to me that pick here pick and choose what to be outraged over-they are outraged that parks are still open even if there’s no playground and if you dare post in the FB asking which parks are open, you will get your head bit off (everyone assumes if you want to go the park, it’s to let your kids play on the equipment. Some just want to take a walk). They are also outraged that golf courses are open-I guess they’ve never played golf because it’s safe to play right now. You use your own clubs and you don’t come close to other people (unless you play as a team). Hiking is allowed, state and county parks are still open and you come in to closer contact with others while hiking then you do while golfing but......anyway. So they are outraged that neighborhood parks and golf courses are still open but have no problem with the BEACHES and county parks county being open! Today someone asked which parks are open and got their head bit off. Someone commented that beaches are open and that they went to the beach and no one said a word. Yesterday someone asked if beaches were open and not a single person bit their head off. Everyone was like “yes they are open, check out this pic I took at the beach today”. WTF is all I can say.

My husband could do a lot of his job from home I think. His subordinates are all non-sworn and they’ve been sent home for the next 2 weeks. Since they aren’t working, I would imagine there won’t be much paperwork coming in. But for now he still has to go in to work. The good thing is, his office isn’t in the main building, his dept outgrew their building decades ago and they’ve taken over a couple officers in the building next door so that’s where he is. so he can stay in his office and not be in contact with anyone. The bad thing is, he’s still going to Starbucks and getting coffee to-go and then tailgating with his BFF in the parking lot. And his BFF does the same thing with other friends during the work week. I don’t know what he is thinking and quite frankly I am angry. It’s one thing if he wants to expose himself and get sick (and with bad lungs running in his family, he could easily end up on a ventilator), that’s his choice and he can suffer the consequences. But it’s another thing to be this careless and willingly and knowingly put his children at risk! So that’s that.

I'm in Ontario Tothill. We have also closed bars, schools etc and limited restaurants to take out only, places of worship are closed , we are advised to practice social distancing ("Everyone in Ontario should do their best to avoid close contact with people outside of their immediate families. Close contact includes being within two (2) meters of another person") and people over 70 are advised to isolate for 14 days - as I walk my main street each day I've been taking a mental inventory of who is still open and who closed since yesterday. I also heard that banks are closing, although I personally think that a teller behind a high counter with a window is probably a lot safer than the workers a McD's, and there is still a segment of society that does not do online banking or use plastic.
I haven't been to the store since last week so I don't know if they've caught up with resupply.
There are definitely more cars on the road today than yesterday, lots with older couples - I can't help but wonder where they think they need to go.

I think you are also in Canada Cwillie. Here in BC, all schools, universities, public parks, community centres are closed. Restaurants can only do take out or delivery, pubs and bars are closed. All personal or hands on care businesses, such as beauty salons, tattoo shops etc are closed,

I have heard that some banks are closing their doors, only offering phone, online or atm services.

Grocery stores are open and are allowing seniors and those with compromised immune systems to shop the first hour of the day. My friend was shopping yesterday and she said the floors by the cashiers have been taped to show where people should stand to maintain social distancing. It may be too little too late, but shops are now limiting quantities of TP, hand sanitizer etc.

Local distilleries have switched production from Gin and other alcoholic beverages to hospital grade hand sanitizer. One company has already made 330 litres which was made available to the hospital, care homes and to families with immune compromised members.

A friend works at an employment agency, they have shut down the office and people are working from home. Unfortunately, many of their clientele live on the margins of society and only had access to computers in their office.

My sister in law is a physician a Respirologist who is currently doing general medicine in her hospital. She is also responsible for scheduling which doctors will see which patients that come in over the weekend the following week.

I am a university student, so I do not have a job, I was due to start my job search this month and graduate in June.

I am doing my best to isolate myself. I do provide care to my grandson a few days a week. I have to drive 40 minutes to pick him up. I am noticing far less traffic on the highway. I only stop for fuel and I have disposable gloves I wear when I pump gas. Everything is pay at the pump here, so I do not need to enter the building to pay.

Truth be told, I worry about the number of people that go to visit my grandson's parents in their apartment. They do not appear to comprehend that they are not practising social isolation and could put baby at risk.

Countrymouse - The man choosing option B... If you go to Instagram and find Diane Keatons offical account - she has posted that video. It’s pretty funny.

Working from home doesn't work for some. Nephew 3 was still out delivering furniture yesterday but they were dropping at the door, people had to figure out how to get the items inside on their own or they could cancel - I expect that all deliveries will end soon. Nephew 1 is in the urban building industry - some trades are still working but he is having difficulty keeping projects moving forward and needs to be on site to troubleshoot as difficulties arise.
I'm in a rural area and obviously farm and agribusiness operations are essentially unchanged, cows need milking and eggs need collecting etc, but I wonder about about the next step, is the dairy making and packaging cheese and yogurt, is Dr Oetker churning out pizza?

I'm a special needs para. We have a strong union and a good contract, thank goodness. We are still being paid and are doing professional development activities and lessons, online from home. Not all school districts are taking care of their paras. Our teachers are putting together lessons plans for students to work on at home. I suspect in time the paras will be asked to help with managing the lessons but I'm not sure. I would like to help the students I work with some how so I hope so.
My husband is an adjunct professor and his school s having the professors create and teach online classes for their students. We both work another job managing an estate and it's 20 acre grounds. We work outside without any people around so as long as our employer can pay we are good there.
Right now we are ok. We shall see when the school year ends.

All three of my adult sons are still working. Two from home, one does maintenance for a large commercial building.

We are working from home since last week. Neighbors all working at home too. Only open businesses are grocery stores and pharmacies. Restaurants are open for take out only. We are still able to get food, still able to get medications, and still able to work. I think this time might be forcing some people to look at issues they were otherwise able to avoid, and wonder one if one year from now there will be a huge spike in divorces or a huge baby boom.

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