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Mina, welcome to the laughter club. I certainly did a lot of that as I pictured a truck engine torn down in someone's living room! What makes it even better is the Goop and paper towels.

You didn't describe the kitchen...should I even dare to ask?

Perhaps his comment about your friend being a "fat chick" (chick is such an insulting word in my opinion) is why his living room serves as a garage instead of a room for entertaining friends. I'm guessing he's still single!

I'll bet if he ever dates he comes for his date in his truck.

You're right, laughter is great for health. Mine is pretty good after reading this thread and the posts.

OK, Windy, GA and all are truly entertaining me. I literally laughed out loud...and GA your comment about the guy who stored tires in his living room made me remember an experience I hadn't thought about in years. Back in college (a gazillion years ago) my BF and I visited his friend. Now I genuinely liked Leo...he was quite a character, but somewhat lacking in basic social skills. The door to his apt. opened directly into the living room. Not 1 stick of furniture. There was, however, a fully torn down truck engine spread out across the floor boards. Leo greeted us with, "Hey, pull down some chairs". He was serious. In a far corner there were 4 or 5 big, overstuffed, upholstered armchairs piled 1 on top of another right up to the ceiling. I once (as in 1 time only) used Leo's bathroom. It was actually quite clean BUT there was no towels. There was however, a large can of GOOP ( now there's a guys favorite thing) and a big pile of those purple industrial type paper towels (wow...another guys favorite thing) know....the kind you used to find in gas station restrooms (maybe another guys favorite thing?!). Leo had a mad crush on my BFF. She was mightily P.O'd tho when she found out he had inquired after her by saying to me, "Hey, where's your cute know...the fat chick." LOL...OK, I guess I am somewhat off topic BUT you guys did make me literally Laugh Out Loud and that is definitely one of my favorite things...and quite good for your health, also!

ahhh...beef jerky and booze...good stuff....I'm not a hunter so I'm saying no to the head on the wall...but most of the men in my extended family have them...

Windy, you'd fit right in with the men in my clan - not a Christmas goes by without someone getting beef jerky, someone getting some booze, and the deer head hanging in our living room even has a name. And bacon is its own food group.
Report noooo...don't encourage Windy about the fireworks...there is a guy up the street who, on ANY possible occasion....gets those fireworks going...he also loves playing with some type of "cannon" that he built....scary...and worse, it literally shakes the windows on our house when he starts firing that thing...

GA....The one I buy is by Yellow Eagle Lodge and it is actually Blueberry Muffin...but I found this at Big Lots of all places....the price was much better and I don't know that I've seen it at any of the local specialty stores...The Pumpkin Pie Spice and there is another one..Apple Cobbler, that is by Dunkin Donuts...all three are ground coffees and when they are perking...mmmmmm......they really are wonderful!!!

ALSO!!! Yay!!! I got my Jackson Perkins catalogue yesterday !!! LOVE it...another favorite thing!

Windy...hey, I buy a LOT of cool stuff from our Tractor Supply of my favorite things!!! I keep telling my friends they ought to go..they have some awesome tshirts and boots for well as other neat treats!!!

Hope and Massach, I've never heard of blueberry coffee. Is it instant? Or is it a Starbucks treat? Where do you find it - in a grocery store or specialty store?

Well, Windy, you're providing my entertainment for today!

Here are some other "guy" things to consider - might as well be all inclusive.

Firecrackers, lots of them and all kinds. Start setting them off a few weeks before July 4th and continue for a few weeks afterward. Set them off late at night to disturb the neighbors who need to get up early the next day.

All sorts of lawn equipment - the more the better. Start at 7:30 or 8:00 am and wake up the neighbors. Do this 2x weekly so that the lawn never has a chance to grow.

Then be sure to water it afterward so that it does grow enough to be mowed in a few days.

Saturday and Sunday mornings are also good times to rotate tires; the sound of whatever that power tool is to loosen the lug nuts, as well as the thumping of the tires on the driveway once removed is always pleasant about 7:30 Saturday or Sunday morning.

But the best yet is tuning up the car; spend hours doing it, and again, always on the weekend so working neighbors can spend their days off listening to the sound of an engine running and being surged.

And yes, these are based on neighbor's activities.

I think you ought to start a "Guy's Favorite Things" thread. And how about the things that men find challenging about women - such as the massive assortment of lotions and powders in the bathroom closet? Huge collections of shoes in closets. And, yes, I'm guilty of those traits as well.

You're right, I left out some good stuff: loud guns, four wheel drive trucks, weekend in Vegas with the boys, fixing cars after several beers.

Best ever Man/Reneck joke:

You might be a redneck if you wife has ever said, "Honey will you please move that transmission so I can take a bath!"

Windy....what, no man caves? No massive Ford 250 trucks?

At least you'd have a garage for your man stuff. I once dated a guy who kept spare tires in his living room. Yuck.

I had a wonderful surprise in the mail today - one of my very favorite things: the first fall garden catalogue! I know what I'm going to be doing today. I also need to get busy and call the garden suppliers I haven't yet ordered catalogues from so I can have the biggest supply source from which to choose.

OK Ladies. Time for some GUY Favorite things:

Sourmash bourbon, smelly cigars, beef jerky, strip joints, rusty old trucks, shiny new Harleys, garage full of tools, old tractors, women's beach volleyball, re runs of bay watch, restaurants with deer heads on the walls, a fast bass boat, beer fridge in the garage, Ice Road Trucker marathons, pants with very elastic waistbands, buying all your clothes at Tractor Supply, giving your wife snow tires for x mas, and FINALLY.........Finding a women who would ever put up with all this!

Wow, I thought I was the only one who tried the "Blueberry Cobbler" coffee! It is as you say, sooooo good. I also like regular coffee most of the time, but when I used to have friends over for coffee, I would sprinkle a little cinnamon into the grounds for a special treat, but when I found this BC, and a few other flavors (pumpkin pie too), I thought "why didn't I try this before?" Bring on the cool weather! Thanks for sharing!

All my favorite people are here too! Don't know what I would have done without my AC friends these past three years, it took me a year to find this sight.

Thanks everyone, guess my avatar will have to wait, but with other's advice, I am learning. Noticed my DH had ordered software for the photo transfers, but he is caregiving tonight and won't be available, guess I will make an appointment with him. So glad you are here. Thanks, u r my favorite people!

Oh, oh, oh!!! I found some "Blueberry cobbler" coffee and it is soooo good. It is like you can enjoy blueberry pie without the calories....I usually prefer to stick to the regular coffee coffee, but sometimes get a hankering for the flavored ones...pumpkin pie spice is a favorite and I have a pack at the ready just waiting for the first burst of really cool weather......

LOL....that tends to favor my daily appearance a lot these days.. :) I love my butterfly.but sometimes it's fun to shake it up a bit.. :)

I agree about the kittens and puppes...their little wobbly legs...working to find their way and seeing them toddle onward, never giving up..until at last..tada!!!

I can be pretty well entertained just going outside with my cup of coffee....there is always something amazing about matter what time of day...the sound of the birds, the breeze...the smell of rain when it is headed our way..

Day before yesterday I was way off in the distance I could hear the thunder rumbling...such a peaceful sound...I may be dull to a lot of folks but I am pretty amazed just being out and about in my own front yard....

Hope, I too love watching animals, including little kittens and puppies floundering around trying to develop their walking legs. They're just so adorable.

I think animals with their different eye focus can see things we never could - especially little bugs that make good baseballs and footballs to knock around.

BTW, that's quite an interesting avatar you have now!

GA...I love watching their antics as well...such busy little bees with all their intensity...This morning I noticed mine out beside the driveway watching intensely ...something was in the hedges...There they sat...all watching...from the look of them there could have been an ax murdered in there...I took my coffee out there to watch them and see if I could find out what was so amazing in there...turns out all I saw moving was a whole lot of nothing...haha....I'm sure there must have been something there...they continued to watch....and after a while, at the same time, just turned and walked away...maybe the game was "made you look"...cats are fascinating little characters.. :)

Ladee, are you saying the face of the old woman is charcoal? You must be very skilled - that's a complex picture with beautiful depth, shading and color distinction. Are you a professional artist?

BTW, has anyone ever seen Deirdre Scherer's quilts of elderly people? They're quite unusual, very powerful and often emotional. I've never seen any quilts that specifically focus on an age related population.

SendMe, I thought of your comments as I watched one of the neighborhood cats make the rounds of my garden the last few days.

One year there were 8 cats that visited my garden. Now it's only 3. One is a beautiful tortoiseshell, another a sleek black one, and another is a fluffy Maine Coon. Two live next door, I think the third might be a visitor or a new arrival.

On Monday, the Tortoiseshell took her usual route down the center path of teh garden to the border between the first and second beds (the white and lilac beds), then made a turn, which I've seen her do repeatedly in the past. Then she just disappears. Perhaps she's found a nice little place to nap.

Later I saw her up by the fern bed next to the garage, in typical feline hunting pose. She was absolutely still, slightly crouched with one leg forward preparing for action as she studiously watched something in between the ferns.

Suddenly she pounced, then pounced again and was quickly using her front paws to capture her prize. Then she backed up and strolled, with a purpose, a few feet away and began the ritual again. Apparently the prize had escaped. She went through the same stalking and waiting behavior, pounced again, stood back, apparently reassessed the situation and decided instead to go for a stroll. Good job but no prize; time to look elsewhere?

The intensity of a stalking feline is amazing.

She came back yesterday and instead of stalking found something in the grass to play with, batting it up and down, forward and backward, sometimes leaping a bit to catch her little tiny prey in mid air.

She was certainly a busy little cat this week. And it was amusing, and very calming, to watch this little drama in the back yard. It's always amazing to me that animals find so much in a yard that we humans miss, although I don't mind missing anything that she might consider a meal.

Sendme, it is a picture, it was how I was feeling that day... but I have done this one in charcoal and would like to eventually have to time to sculpt that awesome face....has someone shared how to change your avatar??? If not let me know... it isn't hard.....

Ladee, your latest avitar is very interesting. Is this some of your art? Or a real picture of someone? You are blessed with the technology to be able to change avitars. I will work on finding out how to do that some more, starting with Stacey's earlier suggestions.

Glad and Garden, your precious dog stories reminded me of watching the dog (and cat too) that I have had lap up their water. If you watch them, it is very entertaining, even when they dunk their snouts into the water to retrieve a lost kibble.
So very cute, everyone's pet stories have become my favorite thing to read.
I just answered a most difficult question, going to try for dinner now. I really feel for others who have the most difficult life/death and living with illness decisions haunting them every day. These people are brave! I am not denying that the ones whose issues are close to mine aren't the cause of extra concern, but just give me a huge bucket of sand to stick my head into like an ostrich, at least until this summer ends. You all are amazing for what you do, for what you sacrifice, and for how you care. You too Oregongirl!

Spending time with my cousin, a rare opportunity, is one of my favorite things. She's a successful and interesting artist, especially with watercolors, and very funny!

GardenArtist-I will have to look for that plaque, lol!! Perfect for every kitchen.

A good book, rock n roll music, the good kind. Cats. being creative with my art. People that make me laugh.Long time friends. Quite. People that are REAL.

Sharyn, my sister had a plaque that read:

"Life is short. Eat desserts first." Over the years I've seen that repeated in many magazines and on forums.

So have that chocolate for breakfast and don't regret it!

Dessert sounds pretty good even though its time for breakfast, chocolate!!

Ahh...Sharon...sweet words to my ears!! YOU are one of my favorite people!! So kind and willing to reach out.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts....i love dessert! Just dont let hubby know we are both on a diet ( yuck).

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