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Happy Birthday NHWM!

What kind of ice cream is your favorite?

My birthday is the 21st but thanks ahead of time!

I had mentioned to another poster that I was also an October baby. So I guess people thought it was my birthday.

Send, I love mocha ice cream. I like all flavors though. I adore gelato!

Always feel better after having some ice cream!

Try celebrating your Birthday month, all month long is fun.
Treat yourself nice!

As caregivers, and former caregivers, we may need to find new ways to celebrate just about anything.

Maybe we should reinstate sending home made cards and letters in the snail-mail? That was always fun to receive in the mailbox.
I have kept so many cards, and even hand-written letters from my parents, so many years ago.

I splurged on some haagen daz when it was on sale but when I look at the calorie count I'm afraid to eat it.

(Is it your birthday month Send or are you just celebrating for someone else?)

I am celebrating Canada Day, however, any reason will do!
Happy Canada Day , CWillie! 🇨🇦

Isn't it about the time of year when the migratory birds gather en masse'?

And, celebrating my elder's October birthday, because he is no longer alive to celebrate. 🎂

As for calories, and the huge expense, this is a justified investment.
imo. Only Haagen Dazs will do when it is a celebration! imo.

Today is actually Canadian Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadians out there. Maybe it is pumpkin ice cream?

Canada Day is July 12, I think.

You are right Glad!
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all our Canadian friends! 🦃

It's July 1st Glad 🤣

I have no pumpkin pie, or pumpkin ice cream either. (Is that a thing? If not I think it should be).

I read or saw on the news that one of the big ice cream manufactures was making it. But, if you can't find it

In the U.S. pumpkin at Thanksgiving (in November) is really a thing. It gets embarrassing, and if you indulge, you may feel like swearing off pumpkin forever.
Pumpkin Spiced Latte is only one thing that becomes popular.

Pumpkin whipped cream, and not just desserts!

Pumpkin Beer
Nothing says fall quite like pumpkins and beer, and American craft breweries have done a superb job of combining the two. It’s tough to find anything that hasn’t been “pumpkin spiced,” and beers are no different. Pumpkin flavored beers have caught the attention of craft beer and pumpkin lovers everywhere, partially because the flavors can be implemented in several beer styles. Whether you’re interested in trying pumpkin amber ales, IPAs or pumpkin stouts, there are plenty of options from American craft brewers for you to explore.

What day and date is Thanksgiving in the U.S., Glad?

Baskin-Robbins Is Welcoming Fall With New Pumpkin Cheesecake Ice Cream. ... The seasonal flavor includes both pumpkin- and cheese-flavored ice creams that are mixed with ginger snap cookie pieces and a cinnamon cream-cheese-flavored ribbon.

Last Thursday of November. 26th this year. Any smart comebacks?

Maybe any 'gourd' will do?
I have heard that one can eat decorative gourds.
Gourds are among the oldest cultivated plants. They were the early water bottles of the Egyptians, and have been used for utensils, storage containers, and dippers for centuries.
Botanically speaking, there’s really no difference between gourds, squash, and pumpkins. They all belong to the family Cucurbitaceae. 

You have one in your garden, Cwillie?

Thanksiving in the U.S. is so very far away!

I will be sick of pumpkins by then Glad!

And, pumpkin cookies
pumpkin cakes
pumpkin breads
Pumpkin Harvest Beef Stew
Steak and Winter Pumpkin Panzanella
Pumpkin Mac n' Cheese
Pumpkin Rice
Pumpkin Curry Chicken over Cashew Rice
Pumpkin Chicken Chili
Pumpkin pancakes
Pumpkin cheesecake
*Coco's Pumpkin Harvest Pie *
Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate
and, pumpkin people!
People who are out of their gourds! Lol.

I love pumpkin. And squash. And OMG just reading about that Baskin-Robbins pumpkin cheesecake ice cream is making me drool 🤤.
What I don't love is store bought pumpkin pie, and besides I do. not. need. a. whole. pie. 🥧🤤

I love pumpkin pie but don’t make it. I adore pumpkin ice cream. It taste like frozen pumpkin pie!

I like to make pumpkin bread. I have to share with my neighbor though because we don’t eat enough to consume it all. It would get thrown in the trash if I didn’t share.

I am wondering if I could freeze it. Have never tried it. My neighbor loves my pumpkin bread so I always give half of the loaf to her.

I have always wanted to try pumpkin pancakes for a weekend morning. I have looked at some recipes for them.

You left out Thai curried pumpkin soup Send. OMG sooo good!

(And sure you can freeze pumpkin bread NHWM!)

Adding Turkey to the pumpkin or squash soup this year! A whole meal, next to the salad with pumpkin seeds on top.

I could freeze the soup if my freezer was not so full of Haagen Dazs.

I really don’t like flavored cheesecake. Not pumpkin or any other flavor.

I have eclectic taste. I really do. I like diversity. I have a few exceptions. Two come to mind that I am an extreme purist about, coffee and cheesecake!

I detest sickeningly sweet coffee. I don’t put any sugar or flavoring in my coffee. I like the taste of coffee and don’t like the distraction of other flavors in it.

My best friend claims these things enhance the flavor. Obviously, we agreed to disagree and love having coffee together but we have opposite taste!

As for cheesecake, well the same for bagels, New York has the best! In my opinion traditional New York cheesecake cannot be improved on.

I don’t like flavored bagels either! Give me plain bagels with a touch of cream cheese and maybe a drizzle of honey.

Haagen Daz is excellent! Good for you for packing it in your freezer, Send!

Thanks, cwille. I am one of those people who loves it warm right out of the oven! Yum!

I have never tried pumpkin soup. Have to try it. Lots of things to do with pumpkin! They are pretty as decoration and I love creative pumpkin carvings! I have seen them painted with cool designs too!

My favorite movie scenes can be googled!

movie Moonstruck scene I'm confused

Thanks Alva! Very funny that.

The real answer to the girlfriend who's future Mil prevents her son from marrying.

Got flannel sheets out. Feel wonderful on a very cold night getting down to 2 degrees tonight. And I LOVE my garage, no snow or ice scraping in the morning.🏂🍜😤🎅🎅🎅

DH, who is a native Marylander, needed heat turned on for first time today, a cold, rainy day. I probably could have roughed it, but nah.

Yeaaa! Flannel sheets! With two warm kitties on top....

If you think flannel sheets are nice you should try the fleece ones - 10X better!

I don't think I would like fleece sheets. I don't like anything fleece. Too much polyester, too much static in a dry climate. Static make me crazy!

I was worried about setting off miniature electrical storms with my sheets too Gladimhere especially since my house can get desert dry in the winter, but it hasn't been a problem. The best thing about these sheets is they always feel warm, no climbing into a cold bed or cold spots beyond your little nest of body heat - not good for people who are hot blooded but wonderful for the perpetually chilly like me!

I like a cool sheet, but then I am a native New Englander. I don't even own sweaters. Too hot for my liking.

Would like to have some pumpkin bread.
Apple butter.
And a thick tender steak.

Not all at once.

Sometimes. I wonder what all you younger ones would do without elders around to remind you of history.

In 1969, Credence Clearwater Revival sang these words-sounds just like what is happening now!

Bad Moon Rising
Creedence Clearwater Revival

I see the bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today
Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin
Well don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise, all right
Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye
Well don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise
Don't come around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise.

Blue Moon on the rise October 31st, 2020

My avatar today is not my pastor, not my church, but here is a happy man with some good things to say.

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