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All things chocolate - especially milk and dark! I will eat white but, it's not my favorite.

Love going to our Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (now if only I could live in the Rocky Mountain State of Colorado) and indulge in the myriads of fudge, candies and chocolate covered gourmet apples -rocky road being one of my favorites!

Chocolate cakes, pies, ice creams, cookies, doughnuts, cheesecakes, chocolate covered strawberries and cherries, mocha flavored coffees...

While in Alaska, my mom and I visited "Alaska Wild Berry Products" where they house the world's largest Chocolate Waterfall - 20' high using 3,000 pounds of chocolate. There's a neat picture of it on the website's homepage.

Ahhh, I'm going to my pantry and have a piece of chocolate!

Everything Bermuda
Everything sunflowers
Everything Lennon


Ooooh, I've never been to Bermuda but, I've seen beautiful pictures of it - just stay out of the triangle :)

Ahhh, sunflowers - sounds familiar; real ones, knick knacks, garden decor...

My husband likes Lennon.

NobodyGetsIt: We've been to Bermuda x3 and no issue with the <> - We retuned! ROFL.
Good for your DH.


Bermuda three times?? You lucky lady!

You "retuned????" Just kidding - ROFL!!

NobodyGetsIt: My poor vision got me! That was supposed to read "We *RETURNED*."
Going to Bermuda was YEARS ago before mother got to age 80. "Because what happened if mother took ill when we were away on a trip." That mindset turned out to be VERY wrong as now we're elders ourselves.


I'm glad you "returned" but hey, you could have felt like being "retuned!" upon your "return" - I thought it was funny nonetheless.

I think I had the same mindset (prior to COVID) about my husband and I going somewhere - the "what if..." scenario. And now, not only are we older but the pandemic has really made us feel we lost out on many of our traveling opportunities. My biggest lesson from this pandemic is "procrastination" even in the simplest of things.

I've made it a habit to check a web cam on a local beach a few times each day, I love to see how the weather changes the colours and waves, plus it's fun to spy on all the beach goers too.

The T.V. shows derived from the literary classics are amazing, teaching history and the social graces of the times.
Downton Abbey and Pride and Prejudice are but a few.

What amazed me was the sibling rivalry, gossip, and class differences, so very similar to today. Be careful though, one could learn too much about putting on airs accidentally mimicking bad behavior.

In Downton Abbey, one sister wrote to a foreign embassy to cause a scandal about her sister; the other sister ended that sister's engagement prospects with a word to her fiancee. Such hate!

In Pride and Prejudice, the main character was just as guilty of prejudice than those she wrote about, hated for their gossip and prejudice.

Send, please don't rely too heavily on the historical authenticity of Downton Abbey.*

Please do read Pride and Prejudice in the original, though - it's worth the getting used to. "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortune must be in want of a wife..." Jane Austen is *fun* :)

In Northanger Abbey, the young men are obsessively competitive about how fast their horse-drawn carriages are. You're right, nothing really changes.

*Claim to fame - my son was an extra in (?) Matthew's stag night scene. The producers trawled the area for anyone who had his own dinner jacket!

Countrymouse: Pride & Prejudice is stellar.

NobodyGetsIt: It's all good. You are young enough to travel, but I understand completely.💞

Pride and Prejudice was required reading in high school.

The movies call it "artistic license" when rewriting history for Downton Abbey.

Imagine that, your son's jacket fit the times. Lol.

NobodyGetsIt: Just checking on you and your mother, but I am unable to message you. Praying.

Hi "Llamalover47,"

No need to worry, we're doing fine. I haven't been posting comments other than when I saw "JoAnn29's," prayer request for her grandson and posted a couple days ago on the "On My Mind" thread about a YouTube video called "WHEN LIFE BREAKS YOU..." I had shut my Profile page down so that's why I couldn't receive messages. I've periodically looked at questions and just happened to see a message from a couple of people on a thread so I told them I would reset my messages for a day or two so we could exchange messages. I've been catching up on a lot of you tube videos that I enjoy!

I hope all is well for you, your husband, Marty and Cathy! :)

NobodyGetsIt: I am glad to hear that you are well. DH and are well. No, SIL is very unwell.

Hi "Llamalover47,"

Glad to hear you and your husband are still doing good. I know your SIL isn't doing good and won't be getting better. I just wish they could get the help they need so desperately since the kids won't pitch in. It still is a sad situation they're in - I wish I had ideas. Have they ever tried working with a social worker from a local "Area of Aging Agency" to either get guidance and/or resources?

NobodyGetsIt: Thank you. No, SIL and BIL won't be doing that. Good grief - they don't even get routine exams.


That's a shame and I still think it's a very sad and stressful situation but, I guess the chips will end up falling where they may. You can lead a horse to water but, you can't make them drink - I'm still worried for them.

I like music... And I used to sing in a choir
I love reading
I love taking pictures of flowers and insects
I like dogs... I would like having one
I would like to travel... But it isn't possible now... But I am getting organized!

Seeing my daughter fall in love with her new surroundings. She is so excited about her move to Denver!

I miss her but love hearing how happy she is. Today she visited her friend who moved to Vail. The joy she felt over seeing the mountains was contagious.

I loved hearing and feeling her joy about how beautiful the mountains are!

I love the wind in my hair this time of year, I'm not sure what makes it different from the wind other times of the year but it is. Too bad it is a portent of winter.

Having my 8 year old grandson over for the evening and overnight, ordering in pizza and mozzarella sticks and letting him play soccer video games on my tablet. And then reading him books as he falls asleep.


That sounds like a great night you have planned - the pizza/mozzarella sticks, having him play games on your tablet and then topping off the evening by reading to him as he falls asleep. It doesn't get any better than that. I don't know which one of you will have more fun! Sounds quite relaxing and comforting as well.



🎂My birthday is coming up soon! I will be 65 years young!

I love a delicious brunch! Going to have brunch with our oldest daughter tomorrow. Going to a great spot on Magazine St. One of my favorite areas in New Orleans.

Wish our younger daughter could join us but she has recently moved to Denver! She is loving seeing the fall foliage. Such a treat for her. We don’t get to see fall colors here like many others do in cooler climates.

Goodnight all! Sweet dreams.

NHWM: Happy Early and young Birthday to you. Welcome to Medicare.😀💞💞💞 And have a great brunch out tomorrow with your oldest daughter!

NHWM, I want to wish you a very special 65th Happy Birthday. Now you will get to have free things and enjoy all the discounts. Have a wonderful blessed day!


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