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smeshque, yummmmmmmie, caramel popcorn.

I make a cheaters caramel corn with brown sugar in my oil and then pop the corn in it. So much easier and almost as delicious. Just like making kettle corn, just brown sugar instead of powdered sugar.

Isthisreal- I will definitely try that. Roughly how much brown sugar would you add to the oil? If that works for me that would be so much easier. I like that.

I use 1/4 cup oil, 1/2 cup dark brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon Celtic sea salt and 1/4 popcorn.

5 quart pot with a steam vent.

Add oil and start on medium heat, I cook with gas. Once the oil gets hot, usually within 3 minutes add sugar and salt and stir, add popcorn and shake the pan, pretty continuously. This will pop within 3 to 5 minutes depending on how fresh the corn is.

Keep the pot moving and dump after it stops popping or the sugar burns.

Let me know how you enjoy it.

Isthisreal- Thank you, I will definitely try that out and I will let you know. Maybe Saturday I can make some. :)

Smeshque and isthisreal: Now I want some of the yummy caramel popcorn! I use this Kettle Corn Company in the next county over from mine. It's only like $10 for a 2.5 gallon bucket. I just sent some before my friend had lost her 4 year old disabled child to her.

LL, you can substitute powdered sugar for the brown sugar and use a bit more salt and have the best ever fresh kettle corn.

I used to buy it until I discovered that it is made with corn syrup and I try to avoid that as much as possible. I worry about anything corn nowadays.

Let us know how you enjoy the caramel corn.

I'm really lucky to have a friend that works at a popcorn place here in town.She gives me a discount on whichever kind I want and she gives me huge trashbags full of old popcorn to give to my birds,she calls "chat".
My favorite kind is caramel,but even the plain is delicious.It's all good~


Watching the birds as they feed their chicks
My very old clock that I managed to fix
Having a clean tidy room that I like to be in
These are a few of my favourite things

Tightly made beds with crisp ironed sheets
A week that goes by without people to meet
Watching the swans as they glide silently away
This is a favourite of mine every day

Mulling over albums with pictures of Dad
Remembering all the fun times he and I had
Laughing and giggling and speaking pig latin
While mum scowled and snarled in her blouses of satin

When she kicks off
When she starts to scoff
When I'm feeling blue
I'll simply remember that this is a phase
And then talk to all of you

Because you really are my life line xxx thank you



Great topic!

Unfortunately, chocolate tops the list for immediate gratification and redirection of thoughts, but it generally results in a headache later.

Best of all therapy though is getting out in the yard and gardening, or even just puttering around. Years ago a little rabbit became so friendly it accepted whole wheat bread from my hand. Then one day it moseyed up to my foot and just took a nap! The contact and connection with this furry little creature was just so soothing.

Once a butterfly landed on my hand. It was an amazing experience.

Music is of course high on the list. Reading, whether garden magazines or favorite author's novels is right up there.

Garden crafting, needlework (embroidery and quilting) are also favorite activities, as are cooking and kitchen puttering. Especially enjoyable is just impromptu activity - making something special - hearty soups in the winter, fresh veggie salad combinations in the summer.

Sometimes just a glass or cup of heated cider is enough to rechannel thoughts.

Sending cards to family and friends is a nice way to start the day. Just looking through beautiful cards is relaxing, writing the message helps the "reach out and touch" need, and the envelopes after decoration with lovely address labels, coordinating theme stamps to the extent possible, and other colorful stamps are nice just to view and indulge in some real enjoyment of the blend of colors and objects.

I usually choose a theme especially for the person. A relative who also loves military planes get a card with a Purple Heart or similar postage stamp, VFW or other military charity address label, with plenty of either stamps or glued on cut-outs of our favorite planes. It's not quite as exhilarating as going to an air show, but it creates that same sense of excitement.

Rubber stamps used to be a favorite for decorating envelopes. I had two of a charming Victorian cottage, in the summer and in the winter. For summer correspondence, I used rubber stamps and various colored ink pads of flowers; for winter I used reindeer, snowflakes and sleighs. Sometimes the envelopes were so pretty I didn't want to send them!

This is a little off the chosen topic, but I'm speaking also to those things that give me pleasure and induce relaxation.

I'm anxious to see where this post goes, thinking it will around and around as we each share and stray a little bit from the original questions.


In the movie "The Wedding Planner" someone used the phase "Is there's a problem in the room", and since then my best friend and I will use that whenever there is a situation, such as a boss who is being unreasonable, only we understand, and start giggling.


My favorite time of the day is when I feed the birds and then watch them come in with my Mother peering out our kitchen window.And I love to play mini concerts on my marimba for my Mother.She always has me play "Love Makes The World Go Round.Alot of times I think of Caberet and Zippity Do Daa..


Thanks Send and I remember~
Feeding the birds is still one of my favorite things~


My favorite things are my Sisters, all three of them, and thank God I have them, we are so close we don't need words, they can read my face whan things get rough, and they are so protective of me, they will swoop me away, and after 32 years, my husband understands the and appreciats them for this! My four kids, so different, all of them, 3 boys and a girl. All grown up and self sufficient! My 2 gorgeous Grandson's, so funny, the little imps. My Ny wonderful husband, who would have ever thought that 31 years ago when we were two crazy kids, divorced, each with 2 kid's of our own, so the card's were even then stacked against us, that we would enter this phase of our lives, and be stronger for all the "drama" that so often tears people apart, he is my sometimes grumpy Rock! And mt little Charlie-girl (thats her intmy Avatar) who brings to me such unconditional love and joy 24/7. I had the best parents, and the memories to last a lifetime, and with my Favorite things, we will get through this too! It certainly helps to reinforce that not all is rough right now with Senior Caring. Great thread! Love to you all, and Jude, you made my day! I love to learn a little more of each one of you in a different joyful way!



My favourite things:
The smell of grass after it rains
The way raindrops sit on leaves
Snow when it is pristine and white
The sun setting over the sea
Corn fields waving in the breeze
New borns - every single one of them human or animal

Things that scare me
The look of sadness I see in my Mum's eyes sometimes
Her frailness
Her utter dependence on me
Despite all the angst the trust she places in me not to harm her in any way
The potential to hurt her when I have to help her move



Freshly fallen snow that covers everything in a pristine blanket of white.
Crystals in snow which appear to be rhinestones or diamonds.

The myriad colors of leaves in the fall.

The soft patter of rain as it touches the house.



The wet cobbles shiny from gentle rain
Horses groomed and ready for a show
Kicking up the leaves in the autumn (fall)
Making sand castles on the beach
Standing on the shore feeling the sea wash the sand from underneath your feet
Hearing little children giggle
Laying by the ocean listen to the waves crashing on the rock or lapping on the shore
The mewl of a kitten calling for its mama
Young lambs friskily jumping in the fields

Have you noticed that what we love is nature?


Send, your messaging function has been disabled; I can't respond to your latest message.

Oh popcorn malfunction I use a 1/2 cup of popcorn. Not 1/4.

Good Morning everyone!
GA, I will write to you. Thanks for your support.

Reallyreal, One can never have too much popcorn or pretty avatars. But only one account per person on AC is allowed. One can change their screen name, but not to deceive others. imo.

The community moderators know everything. They are great!

I know that people change their screen name all the time, my question was how can you have a thread under a different name? Is that because it was a different account?

Don't really care why, just curious how.

IsThisRealyReal, people can create multiple identities; they're called "sock puppets."    All they need to do is use different personal data, some of which is fictional.    If they have multiple computers as some people do, their IP addresses are also different, so that's not a way of identifying or linking them.

On one legal forum I really enjoyed, way back in the mid 1990s, the attorneys were clever and not only "socked" regularly but created multiple conflicting identities, exploring their talents for pretending to be entirely different people, including those of the opposite gender.

I think maybe they were actor wannabees.   Or just bored with their legal work.

I would have thought the sugar would burn before the corn is popped, I'll have to give that a try. Not that I should be adding sugar to my popcorn.

GA and ReallyReal,
OR, maybe those 'actor wannabees' had 'multiple personality disorders'.

ReallyReal, I can understand intellectual curiosity as a pursuit, but are you looking for 'how' to do this yourself? Because I am the last person you should be asking. Not going to be my favorite topic, mostly because in general, people do not like to admit ignorance, I would have to ask my dH. If one moves on from one screen name, the honest thing would be to never use it again, imo.
The Admins helped me with this a long time ago.

I like your idea of avoiding corn syrup. And making some caramel, not for my popcorn (it is corn), but to drizzle over ice cream. Yum? OR, we could all meet at a Coldstone Creamery for our ice cream and caramel.

Thinking how making my own caramel would happen in my home...
It will burn, there will be a smell, and a very difficult pan to clean up!

Do you have an ice cream place nearby? I am so done with donuts for now!

If you have multiple computers, they don’t all have different IP addresses if connected to the same router. They will have the same external IP address. That external IP address is what forums like this track & use to link accounts.


I think my daughter makes caramel from condensed milk. It’s supposed to be easy and yummy.

Send, organic non gmo popcorn is what I use.

This brown sugar, salt and oil would not make caramel, it is a cheaters caramel corn.

Look up using condensed milk to make caramel, that would be an easy ice cream topper. Super simple, like double boiler to brown the milk. My friend just does it in the can for apple dip.

So you had a different name and account at some point in time and that is why you have a thread with a different name. Okay, got it. No I am not interested in more than one account. I say what I mean and I mean what I say, I don't hide behind aliases. I am also not into creating any confusion by answering from multiple accounts, as has happened here before. Too deceptive in my opinion and I don't roll that way. I see people answering as someone else and I don't have the patience to entertain those types of games. Not saying that is the case with you, yours is obviously complicated. I was thinking that there was something I wasn't understanding on the site.


Anything you cook sounds yummy! You should write a cookbook.

Thanx Need, I just modify recipes to our taste or I try things, not always successful 🤒. More than a few nights ordering take out or having soup.

Good thing that my husband is game.

isthisrealyreal: I didn't actually eat any of the Kettle Caramel popcorn. I sent it to my friend whose 4 year old disabled daughter had just died on January 13. She went to be with Jesus. Still quite sad.

Caramel popcorn, blech. Now chocolate popcorn. Mmmmm.

I would make other comments, but it is dying, thank goodness, so I will leave it alone.

Hostessing responsibility?! 😆

You are correct to laugh about my comment concerning 'hostessing responsibility'.

I no longer feel responsible at all for any threads I had started. Maybe people can stop addressing comments to me in this regard.

In light of NHWM's comment on 'Jokes needed to lighten our day', she is absolutely right, this is not Family Feud, and I am not the boss. Did not think I was.

Quoting NHWM/Jokes needed....."not a joke per say":
What would your family act like on Family Feud? I know somebody’s momma would try to be the host of the show, right? They all think they are still the boss! 😂

Send, I have to say the Steve Harvey would have tons of material for jokes if my family was on Feud! Lord, we would be very comical! Gotta laugh sometimes or else I would cry myself to sleep every night!

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