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I'm Fine Thank You
There is nothing the matter with me
I'm as healthy as can be.
I have arthritis in both my knees
And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze,
My pulse is weak and my blood is thin,
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
Arch supports I have for my feet,
Or I wouldn't be able to go on the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
But every morning I find I'm all right,
My memory is failing, my head's in a spin
But I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
The moral is this - as my tale I unfold,
That for you and me who are growing old,
It's better to say, "I'm fine" with a grin,
Than to let folks know the shape we're in.
How do I know that my youth is all spent?
Well my 'get up and go' has got up and went.
But I don't really mind when I think with a grin,
Of all the grand places 'my get up' has been.
Old age is golden, I've heard it said,
But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed,
With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in the cup,
My eyes on the table until I wake up.
Ere sleep overtakes me, I think to myself
Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf?
When I was young, my slippers were red;
I could kick my heels right over my head.
When I got older, my slippers were blue;
But still I could dance the whole night through.
But now I am old, my slippers are black;
I walk to the store and puff my way back.
I get up each day and dust off my wits,
And pick up the paper and read the 'obits'.
If my name is still missing, I know I'm not dead -
So I have a good breakfast and go back to bed.

I love that Send!

Send, how funny...and so it😳

FINE = Feelings I'm Not Expressing

Helping others.

The neuroscience of singing shows that when we sing our neurotransmitters connect in new and different ways. It fires up the right temporal lobe of our brain, releasing endorphins that make us smarter, healthier, happier and more creative. When we sing with other people this effect is amplified.

Another reason to go to church.

I sang in chorus at school. Loved harmonizing! Was great. I absolutely loved it. I did theater too. It’s a lot of fun.

My 85 year old friend decided that she wanted to try acting, so she auditioned for the part of Hannah in the Christmas play simon peter and actually got the part.

She was more mentally bright for months after the challenge.

Need, you should find a singing group.


That would be fun. 😊

I love that your friend got the part. It’s a lot of fun. I always had butterflies just before going out on stage. But once I got out there it was great. It really helped me have a focus for my emotions as a kid. A teacher had suggested it to me. At first I told her no. She asked me to reconsider and she was right. It became a positive experience for me.

"The hills are alive, with the sound of music".

I need an open space to retreat to, with an edelweiss growing up from the rocks.

Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

Jesus, Our Lord and Savior!

Jesus, our Lord and Savior!

Let's keep this going! Great Sendhelp and smeshque. Without HIM, we can do nothing.

Thank you for your negative take on the thread MY FAVORITE THINGS,
Sanchez, aka Mckimball, aka Salutem.

Not your favorite god, I guess.

Send - thanks for the heads up. I just skipped reading the 2 comments from that poster. Saved me some time.

I have a lot of favorite things, including when posters recognize a troll for what it is, and call its bluff.    Those kind of people need mental help.   To me, they reflect aberrant personalities, inability to get along with people, and obsessive focus on themselves and their need to manipulate.

On a more positive note, today is one of those quiet peaceful days, with only an occasional rain drop breaking that silence.  The snow has been melting, revealing more of the precious earth that supports us, in so many ways.    Little black squirrels are scampering around, perhaps either finding more space to hide their precious acorns, or retrieving them for today's meals.

The temperatures hover around freezing, creating tiny icy crystals of some of the raindrops which sparkle like diamonds and remind us of how much beauty exists in this season.

Today is a good day to wrap up in a quilt and read a gardening magazine or a good book.  I'll do both, accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate, or coffee if I'm not too lazy to make a pot.

And so, good Saturday morning to all (except trolls).

Warm mornings breezes filled up with bird song.

Knowing Jesus, my Savior and Lord!

Trusting that Jesus will see me safely through today.

Sanchez may be a troll but s/he's not wrong about the inappropriateness of so much christian fervour on AgingCare, this site should feel welcoming to people from all faiths. Come on you guys, you have your own threads.

FULLTANK by Bo Sanchez 415: Why were you born? Why do you exist?

Hey, Sanchez:  I'm not a Christian, but I see no need to criticize it, or any religion or its practitioners.  

You need to analyze why you're fixated on this issue.  

I think you need to find something to do that's helpful to people; there's a tremendous reward in that, and in being generous and helping people (and animals in need).

Think about what you can productively do with the time you're spending on being critical and offensive.

Well, I'm a Christian and as a Christian have just as much right to talk about God as a football lover has to talk about football or a gardener has to talk about gardening, etc. etc. In fact I hate football but if you want to discuss it on here or any other thread who am I to stop you. Same goes with God. You might hate God but I have every right to talk about him as much as I want. So does Send or anyone else on here. So if it bothers you that much turn to another thread where they talk about things you do agree with but be forewarned, this is a free country and someone might possibly bring up another topic you don't care for on that thread. That's called living in a free society in case you haven't figured that out yet.

Seriously! I am shocked that you would be so critical because regular posters are posting honest answers on a thread that specifically asks what are your favorite things.

I know that I was not made welcome when I first came here and you were one that went out of your way to ensure that I didn't feel welcome. So be careful accusing others of the very thing that you do.

C Willie, I take offense at the "you have your own threads" As far as I can tell from posting on this forum for a number of years now, most threads somehow end up branching off into all sorts of different topics than what the original OP asked. So those of us who love God are supposed to stay within some invisible margins that no one told us about?

If the what's for dinner thread can branch off into talk of what have you or the whine thread or the Dysfunction thread, etc. then I guess every thread is fair game right? Or am I wrong?

I've always let people say what they want within reason on any thread so what's good for the goose as they say.

I say this to you Willie with much respect.

"No Try, Do or no do" Yoda in Star Wars

"Make it so. Captain" Picard in Star Trek The Next Generation.

My Tae Kwan Do belts and Samurai swords

My power lifting trophies

My library

My Man Cave

One of my favorite things is my bathtub! I have love bubble baths since I was a little girl. Soaking in a bubble bath is like a warm hug 😊

I'll admit I can be judgmental and short tempered - I know I've made posts I later regret - but I don't think I've ever gone out of my way to be mean to anyone, if I have I apologize.

As for my previous comment on religion - I don't care about the occasional religious reference, but when they have nothing to do with dealing with caregiving and they show up in multiples it begins to sound like proselytizing I think it crosses the line. And nobody can deny there are a couple of threads devoted to christianity where those who are like minded can sing praises to your hearts content.

Of course there are other beliefs, other religions, and even believing in nothing can be a religion.
We never hear from anyone else what they believe, except in the context of hating christians. I am sincerely interested in hearing what others believe.
But not hate towards any christians or any religions, or any peoples. No hate!
And, please take your discussions to another thread/discussion, as the topic of this one is MY FAVORITE THINGS. I designed it that way. This thread is my thread, this thread is your thread, this thread is made for you and me. There is a sense of a hostessing responsibility when someone starts a thread, either a discussion, or a question. Don't make me come back here when I am busy, please. I love you. We all have a good track record of positive comments on this thread.

And as anyone can see, us caregivers are a loyal bunch, sticking together on this forum for years. We don't bail just because of a disagreement. If any troll or hater tries to cause division among us, some of us will track you down and expose your lies.

Thanks Gershun for your comments, as well as everyone else. My hubs says others will take offense if I don't name them. NOT.

You are loved and respected, one of our favorite members. Always.

New car smell, caramel popcorn( which is why I do not make it much :), and when everyone is asleep for the night.

Send, the thread says anonymous 281963 how do you start a thread under a different name?

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