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Wasn't she stunning as a girl - did you notice the photo?


I had typed a intro there but it s not there now.

So...... centenarians marry. 😯

Saw the video, such a sweet couple!

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my children and my wife
I thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.
From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea
From Detroit down to Houston
And New York to L.A.
Where's pride in every American heart
And it's time we stand and say
That I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.

pumpkin pie on the 4th of July

sprouts has it on sale for $2.99

Thank goodness the pumpkin pies were not all gone!

I survived another BIG quake!
Breaking: Southern California has experienced another large earthquake. Preliminary @USGSBigQuakes reports put it at a 7.1 magnitude quake.
@ 8:17 p.m. PAT, lasted 3+ minutes.
Hope those nearer the epicenter are okay. RIDGECREST.

Are we still shaking?

These small ones.....some are only seconds apart.
y/m/d h:m:s deg deg km

map 0.7 2019/08/07 05:46:20 35.692N 117.666W 11.5 8 km ( 5 mi) N of Ridgecrest, CA
map 1.1 2019/08/07 05:43:07 35.751N 117.559W 6.8 14 km ( 9 mi) W of Searles Valley, CA
map 0.8 2019/08/07 05:42:46 35.766N 117.554W 1.6 14 km ( 8 mi) W of Searles Valley, CA
map 1.2 2019/08/07 05:37:56 35.611N 117.451W 6.2 18 km (11 mi) SSW of Searles Valley, CA
map 1.6 2019/08/07 05:31:43 35.738N 117.561W 1.1 15 km ( 9 mi) WSW of Searles Valley, CA
map 1.0 2019/08/07 05:21:00 35.671N 117.510W 4.8 14 km ( 9 mi) SW of Searles Valley, CA
map 0.6 2019/08/07 05:13:46 38.820N 122.815W 3.6 7 km ( 4 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
map 0.6 2019/08/07 05:07:26 38.792N 122.727W 1.5 3 km ( 2 mi) ENE of The Geysers, CA
map 0.8 2019/08/07 05:00:50 38.838N 122.878W 2.4 12 km ( 8 mi) WNW of The Geysers, CA
map 0.0 2019/08/07 05:00:41 36.972N 116.120W 9.5 57 km (35 mi) E of Beatty, NV
map 0.5 2019/08/07 04:55:34 35.915N 117.725W 1.2 17 km (10 mi) E of Little Lake, CA
map 1.0 2019/08/07 04:45:37 36.131N 117.852W 4.5 13 km ( 8 mi) NE of Coso Junction, CA
map 1.2 2019/08/07 04:43:01 35.930N 117.714W 6.2 17 km (11 mi) E of Little Lake, CA
map 0.9 2019/08/07 04:42:19 35.906N 117.684W 2.3 20 km (13 mi) E of Little Lake, CA
map 1.9 2019/08/07 04:34:17 35.724N 117.556W 2.5 15 km ( 9 mi) WSW of Searles Valley, CA
map 0.8 2019/08/07 04:32:17 35.876N 117.668W 6.7 23 km (14 mi) ESE of Little Lake, CA
map 1.3 2019/08/07 04:29:30 36.047N 117.318W 0.2 32 km (20 mi) N of Trona, CA
map 1.0 2019/08/07 04:28:48 37.640N 118.949W 3.4 3 km ( 2 mi) E of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.3 2019/08/07 04:27:04 37.644N 118.947W 4.8 3 km ( 2 mi) ENE of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.4 2019/08/07 04:25:38 37.642N 118.949W 4.3 3 km ( 2 mi) ENE of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 0.3 2019/08/07 04:24:22 33.612N 116.802W 6.3 14 km ( 8 mi) WNW of Anza, CA
map 2.0 2019/08/07 04:24:08 35.905N 117.709W 1.5 18 km (11 mi) E of Little Lake, CA
map 1.5 2019/08/07 04:16:32 35.668N 117.476W 7.9 13 km ( 8 mi) SSW of Searles Valley, CA
map 1.9 2019/08/07 04:09:39 35.865N 117.704W 2.6 20 km (12 mi) ESE of Little Lake, CA
map 0.9 2019/08/07 04:08:27 37.639N 118.948W 3.6 3 km ( 2 mi) E of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.1 2019/08/07 04:07:34 37.637N 118.946W 3.1 3 km ( 2 mi) E of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.8 2019/08/07 04:06:34 37.643N 118.945W 4.9 3 km ( 2 mi) ENE of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.6 2019/08/07 04:03:29 37.644N 118.946W 5.0 3 km ( 2 mi) ENE of Mammoth Lakes, CA
map 1.9 2019/08/07 04:00:50 36.588N 121.182W 2.5

But surely those aren't your favourite things Send.

Surviving is my favorite part.

Feeling the earth move is like an E ticket to Disneyland.

Thanks for the song Cwillie!

Long walks along the ocean. Shopping.

Welcome Bellator!
You will find quite a few threads are meant for stress relief, to just lighten up a bit when we just can't make it to the ocean.

I would love to just walk on the beach right now.

Nicholas Sparks' novels. Just finishing the true story of Tru & Hope - "Every Breath."

SLEEP! I adore a whole night of sleep 💤. Gosh, my life is boring, huh?

NHWM - no your life is not boring because you want to sleep. Sleep is essential. I can't function when I don't have enough and must take a nap. Lack of sleep will lead to a host of health problems, physical and mental.

Thanks Polarbear, I never sleep good...ever! You just remind me that I really need to sleep.🌜⭐


can you finish this line from the movie

ah heck, if I have to eat catfish the rest of my life, can't I at least ....

I will, I will!
“If I gotta eat catfish heads all my life, can't I have 'em off a plate ONCE?”

“Drive on, Alfred” to indicate not wanting to get involved in a mess unrelated to us.

Polar: Without sleep, I am a zombie. LOL. Oh, wait - not the joke thread. more LOL.

Congrats, Glad

there used to be a favorite fish restaurant that served a whole catfish

I always would offer a dollar to any in our party if they’d order it

never had any takers 😂

Sleep is also one of my favorite things when it happens.

Sleeping is also one of my favorite things too, when I can!

Gin, Vodka, Wine, and Beer. Not all at one time!

Lord of the Rings, Star Wars are two of my favorite things. I’m a big nerd.

If I could actually get away I’d love to go to a sci-fi and comic book convention. I gave up on it because mother in law I’m caregiver to thinks my interests are “dumb” and women aren’t supposed to like sci-fi or comics. I’m supposed to be another boring Jerry Springer watching bland gossiping basic brat.

Anyway beam me up, Scotty—too many illogical people on this planet!

Sci-fi is great!

I told Alexa to beam me up just to see my mom’s face when she heard the Star Trek theme. Hahaha

Lord of the Rings is fantastic! Beautifully written and the movie was beautifully filmed. You have excellent taste.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” — Matthew 25:35-36."

Caregivers are good people!

Answered prayers, my favorite thing.
God gets all the credit!

Fish cooked with heads still on, I cannot manage. Will never forget when in college, the dining room one day had trout with the heads still on. Nobody had much of anything that day. The fish heads kinda grossed everyone out!

Finally, after 2.5 years in this rural area, found someone to cut my hair. It has always been long, still is. I am just very picky about someone trying something new. Today, as a walk in, cut six inches from my hair that was within a few inches of my waist, and I am 5'10" tall! This woman did a great job! Feeling almost human again, and much lighter! She could even tell where to part my hair, it will not part in the middle and that is where most hair stylists usually try to part it for a cut. Then I am very unhappy if it is done that way. One side will end up being an inch and a half longer than the other side. So happy with the way it turned out!

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