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I've heard of people using birch sap, but the amout to boil off to get any sweet syrup is more than 16 to 1.  I do not have that kind of patience.

Do you know why they boil the maple sap outside (maybe with a roof and some walls).  Because boiling it in an indoor kitchen will peel wallpaper off the walls and leave cabinets and all surfaces very sticky!  A neighbor, born in Maine and still living here, said her husband did it the first time.  I don't think she ever forgave him.

Sunrise, a great cup of coffee and my husband.

I wanted to make mead for my daughter's mother-in-law, but first I would need rosehips. Recipe from TV show, "Alaska, the Last Frontier."

I buy my mom "real maple syrup" at local craft fairs,, and yes it is pricey. But we don't use much so I am glad to do it! I have had maple butter in NE,, it was awesome!

My uncle lived in VT so we always had real maple syrup growing up. I was aghast when I found out my new husband used that faux stuff. Luckily he was an easy convert. Ive always wonder SANTA birch syrup tastes like. I spent the afternoon cleaning garden beds. It felt so good to be outside. I love the spring feeling of hope and lovely gardens.

National Puppy Day!

I got one. I got a puppy. I got her from a shelter. She may be 2 or 3 years old, not sure, but she will always be a puppy to me. A dog is truly man's best friend. Sandy is my therapy dog. She keeps me sane when things get too crazy and stressful with my Alz. mother.

Sometimes dogs are better to be around than people.
I love my puppies too. :)

Polarbear, congratulations! That is such wonderful news.

Yep, being loved unconditionally sets so many things right.

I call my dog my third man.

Even though we're getting showers here, I'm grateful for the warmer weather. It seems spring is officially here, for this week anyway, hopefully to stay! :)

Puppies and dogs rule!

Cat are better than everything!

My bird is a fine companion!

Cats own us, we're supposed to pretend we don't notice.

I have always believed:
Dogs have masters
Cats have servants

No wonder I'm tired; I have 6 cats!

Mally, that would cause exhaustion. 6, wow, it must be a circus when they all get to feeling their tuna.😺

That is great news Polarbear. Dogs are so wonderful at helping us when we need it:)

I have cats. I always heard, dogs have families. Cats have sevants. My cats think they own the house...I just let them believe it. LOL!

And I have four of them!

Relaxing with a glass of wine and salty snack.

I haven't changed. I'm the same as I was before-only in a different way. Judy Holliday

The mud was dried up enough that I was able to walk a little on the river trail today. Running water, bird songs, gentle temperatures (13°C), the first tiny signs of growing things... balm for the soul.

I've spent the last couple of hours on YouTube listening to CCR, Bob Segar, Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Rolling Stones, Ike and Tina, Janis Joplin... basically following wherever the links took me. Oh man, there's no place to go and party and dance any more, I miss those days.

I do that, too, CW. I regularly go on listening trails on YouTube. They have good algorithms to bring up other music related to what you're listening to. My listening trails usually include Queen, and 90s "butt rock" that I can sing at the top of my lungs. :-) I love Chicago for many reasons, but one of the reasons is because I can get out and go dancing any night of the week! But mostly I just go home and go to sleep. Tonight, hopefully I will go to a favorite dive bar to hear some DJs. It's a showcase for the launch of Chicago Techno Radio. I don't lack for nightlife choices, that's for sure! :-)

Empty tomb.

Happy Easter Send - oh, and all the rest of you too!

Don't know if everyone gets the channel FX but they have a short series on Bob Fosse and Gwen Verdon running
Michelle Williams plays Verdon and she's really quite good

Yeah, Cwillie! I forget who it was who dislikes private messages, maybe it was you?
It was a happy day!

Googling all those song and movie references. I have already watched Madame Secretary all episodes that were available to me. Yesterday, , there was an island
that disappeared into the ocean......

There's this fun Netflix series called Imposters that I just found a couple days ago. I can't stop watching to see what happens next! I love it when a show draws me in like that. I've often tried to watch a friend's Netflix recommendation that's supposed to be a good show, and then I find that I'm not that interested in continuing watching. This was different for me, as it was so much fun to watch from the first episode.

I haven't heard of Imposters.? Friends never kept my interest either. I like scary hauntings and drama movies, lol. What do you all like to watch?

Toblerone, toblerone and more toblerone. Once you've eaten 3/4 you may as well eat the rest, right?
(I feel a little sick, but it went down soooo good)

Send: The dynamic of that tv show is going to change next season - Madam POTUS!

I enjoy sci fi - all the Star trek I've seen before, but now I see them on Netflixs , they are familiar, but I can't remember how it ends, or even where each scene ends up.  One advantage of being 72! But I will try Madame Potus and Imposter. Have you seen Travelers?

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