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Let it shine til Jesus comes.
I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine til Jesus comes.
I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Comedy, music (Love Pandora), being out in nature, spending time with
genuine people

*Watching the pelicans fly in formation over the ocean in Puerto Vallarta. (I feel my soul soaring with them.)

*A large, soft, warm chocolate chip cookie and a cup of French roast coffee.

*A massage by a therapist who knows where to go and how hard/soft to do it.

*A deserted freeway and a full gas tank.

*"Kisses" from my 7 fur babies.

*Sleeping in-(not 'having' to get up at 5 am).

SueC~I Love your list of favorite things.The best one is the kisses from your furbabies....Oh,the joy the babies bring~

We only have cold showers and no air conditioner at home. I’m spending the night at sis. I haven’t had a hot shower in a long time. Tonight, I made the water as hot as bearable and wanted to stay there for a long, long time. I felt my body loosening, relaxing. At this moment, tonight, my favorite thing is hot showers and an air conditioned house! Tonight, No worries about waking up soaking wet with sweat from a deep sleep.

Wish I could like your post twice Book

Book, it's funny what we take for granted until we don't have it. Having a hot water shower is something a friend of mine, who went to Puerto Rico to help with repairs after hurricane, said was quite the luxury there in some areas.

LuckyLu, my Old Man Cat is really endearing lately. He will see that I'm going to walk by "his chair" and he will hurry to get onto it so that his head is about my hand level and maybe I'll give him some rubs. I feel bad that I don't give him all the rubs he wants but he wants a LOT of them! I think both the cats would be content to be in bed with me, being petted, nearly all day and night, seems to be their favorite thing. Aww. 💕

Ali....That IS dear and you bet,they'd love it if you stayed in bed all day with 'em.To spend the day with mine and not have to go anywhere is awesome to me.I talk to my babies all the time and when my dH isn't here,sometimes I sing to 'em.The best time of the day is when I go back to tuck them in for the night though.Theyr'e all sleepy and lovey-dovey and I sing "Jesus Loves Me" and "My Little Babies"(a song I made up) to them and all their motors come on and it's just wonderful.I wish I could sleep with my 3 little kittens,but I still haven't yet because of my old cat,Odom.It's his time to be out free in the house,when the babies are put up and he sleeps with me on the couch and MaMa Bootsie sleeps above me.Yeah,the kitties are great Ali~

I just LOVE one of the cartoons my kittens watch everyday.There's always a positive lesson in it and it starts off with the best little song.The bird's name is "Peep" and he lives in a can and he sings:

Well it's a sunny day
I feel brand new
There's about a million things that I can do
whoa whoa~Would you like to do them too?
Well it's a big wide world and it's waiting for me and you!
Let's look around
What will we see?
Round every corner,there's a discovery
There's no place I'd rather be
It's a big wide world and it's waiting for you and me~

It's just one of our favorite things.....

My little dog is a rescue and he can be a bit aloof - he likes to curl up on the bed with me but he doesn't cuddle. But once I'm laying down to sleep, he curls right into me. I wonder if he still remembers the months of being out in the wild and being scared in the night. After a long day, I love having the runt next to me.

Can a person ride their bike in the rain?

Large bird running down the middle of the street. 14-16 inches long, grey, brownish.
Rare happening in our neighborhood.❗️❗️
It is a roadrunner, just ahead of the mailman.


U r so funny!

Peep Peep❗️❗️

My doggy was like that. She would lay down at the foot of our bed, facing away from us.
A purebred rescue, she later became more affectionate, but always faced away.

Long time ago......

Just step aside or you might end of up in a heap

One of my favorite things: An interesting sky. Perhaps clear in one direction and ominous in the other. Or clouds that look like sweater texture. Or that wacky pink-orange glow after a late-afternoon rain.

I didn't realize that our dishwasher was one of my favorite things until I lost it for the last month and Iv'e had to do all the dishes,mainly cat plates by hand.Iv'e started all my days doing dishes and ending all my days doing dishes day after day for so long,but today the man brought the parts and fixed it and now I'm back in business and I can finally get on to other chores instead of dumb dishes.

Meow Meow!!

-A fire in the fireplace on a cold ( Brrr) day.
-Rainbows following the rain. Once we seen both ends of a beautiful rainbow. It was amazing.
-When the doves, dragonflies and bats all come out in the eve in summer to devour mosquitoes and bugs.
-When the butterflies and geese migrate and each day for a while we see thousands and thousands.
-When the deer come out of the woods in the evening
These are a few of my favorite things.

Tweet, tweet.
That bird tweets more than the president!

Wishing that I had repaired the dishwasher instead of removing it years ago. I would like a dishwasher.
That was something my dH would do, load the dishwasher.

Dodger baseball in the playoffs
although it's not the same without Vin Scully

butterflies everywhere in my yard, ladybugs showing up in random places including my house. pennies, heads up also showing up here and there.

Owen!!! Owen!!! Its time for my spongebath Owen!

Way to go Dodgers 💙
way to go ⚾️👏

Ms Madge,

High Five! Just saw your team win. Congrats!🎉

Dragnet. I used to listen to it on the radio many many years ago and picked it up on a TV station last week. I much prefer it to the blood and gore murder mysteries of today. It was followed by Hopalong Cassidy who I hope to watch again, Yay for the good ol' days.

Dick Van Duke on YouTube. Watch it as i am going to sleep and I do so laughing. Lots of old shows are on YouTube.

I Love Lucy. I love the old Lucy reruns. She was definitely a gifted comedienne.

Mash, Cheers, Frazier and Seinfeld

Mash, NCIS, Madame Secretary, Bluebloods, and Bones.

Hubs has a set of Mash on VHS tapes.

My good friends here on AC!

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