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Thanks guys!
Glad to know there’s a song! I will google it later.

I was going to put in a call to the North Pole to see if they could fix MsMadge up!

I think we’ve all wanted odd things for Christmas as kids.

Baby Hippos are cute!

Found it. Listened. LOL. How cute is that?!? Awwww

The hippo song is cute! Dominic the Donkey is a cute song too.

For a playlist, Countrymouse,
Manheim Steamroller
"Carol of the Bells"

I have a soft spot for the music of an old Canadian country/folk singer Stompin' Tom Connors, if you like to tap your toes check YouTube for Merry Christmas Everybody, then if you like you can stick around and watch and listen to him Live at the Horseshoe Tavern.

Thanks cwillie, I will check it out.

My favorite thing right is eggnog lattes from Starbucks! I'm also loving molasses cookies!

Dominic The Donkey is a cute one.

Carol of the Bells by Trans Siberian Express is my go to song to pump me up for Christmas shopping, baking, you name it.

Carol of the Bells has to be my favorite.

MsMadge, did you hear the news today? You know that favorite song of yours about the hippopotamus? The young girl who sang it in 1953, Gayla Peevey, age 10. A few days ago, she welcomed another hippo to her city's zoo.

A longtime client of mine, Japanese, dropped by today. Every year, around this time, she always delivers a small token of thank you - bean cakes from Japan. She gave my 2 bosses a small box. She gave me the large one. She said that it's a very delicious candy. I reassured her that all her goodies are delicious.... Like all things new and foreign, it will take a while for my taste buds to accept the taste... Last year, I put away the box and didn't open it until weeks later. OMGoodness! It was spoilt. It was one of those boxed goodies that needed to be opened and partaken immediately. I had assumed (you know the saying about that) it was a regular boxed candies that usually are individually wrapped. Typical Japanese style. I was soooo wrong!!! So, this time, when I came home, I opened the box. Just in case.... Every time I learned to like the bean cake, she delivers another kind. I sure miss those other favorites that I've learned to like so much! (ahem.. I never share these treasures with family in all the years clients gifted to me..even when I was in my early 20s.)

On the box is: "Mamador", que contiene leche y mantequilla, es dulce que nos recuerda la suavidad de madres las que cantaban las poesias en los dias de nuestra infancia.... {okay, off to google translate..}

Book, a few years ago, a friend brought bacon wrapped dates to a Super Bowl party. I kept my consumption to a polite level until I noticed few people were eating them. They were the best dates ever - fresh, moist. Turns out a client of hers was from a Middle Eastern country and brought the office a 10# box. Since non of her co workers liked them, she got the box. I lost count of how many I ate that day....

For the last two years my colleague gifts me with the best crushed walnut and chocolate chip cookies. I refuse to share with anyone!:-) I try to savour each cookie but its hard.

Nom-nom-nom-nom-nom CDN!

There is a Youtube video "pig eating crisps" - that's me with the millionaire's shortbread!

I was at fave sis' house today. I'm feeling so guilty for spending money on purchases. I finally told her that I bought several realistic dolls. And one of them is very expensive. Sis had this sympathetic look and said, "Oh, you bought a doll to be your family?"

I stared at her confused. She said that her coworker is like me - single, no children. So her coworker bought a realistic baby doll, changes it, feeds it, etc.. like a real baby.

I looked at sis with horror. No!! Two of the realistic dolls will be used to guard against the bad spirits. I'm going to set them to face all entrances and ask them to guard the entrances from the bad spirits. And the 3rd one... I gave her a sheepish look and said, "I always regretted getting rid of my realistic twin dolls because you were afraid of them."

Sis looked apologetic and said, "I was always sorry that you got rid of them because I was afraid of them. It's my fault that I watch horror movies. That's why you're not afraid of dolls because you always avoided watching scary movies." Sis shuddered... She's still scared of dolls - especially those that looks so real...

I told sis that the 3rd doll is Not going to be treated like family. It's just a doll that I want. Hehehe... I'm currently window shopping on Ebay for it's eye glass frames because it doesn't come with eye glasses.

Dear Countrymouse,

I'm with you when it comes to loving shortbread as well. Its the time of year for it, so I think its okay to indulge a bit.:-)

I'm a shortbread lover as well. Unfortunately, I indulge in it all year 'round.

Nanaimo bars. Definitely one of my favourite things.

Have you guys ever had Nanaimo bars? Canadian specialty. Mmmmm. My grandma used to make 'em. She said they were expensive to make so she only made them at Christmas. The store bought ones are garbage in comparison.

Have you guys ever been to Nanaimo? Lovely place on Vancouver Island. Vancouver Island is also one of my favourite things. :-)

Also....BUMPing this over the troll threads. :-)

Hi Dorianne,

Happy to meet another Canadian. Yes, I love those Nanaimo bars! But I haven't yet visited Vancouver Island.

Just tonight I had pizza with bacon, spicy chicken and pineapple. Its one of my favorites.

Mmmmm, nanaimo bars. I've only made them once, I think the store bought ones are just fine (well, most of them). I did a west coast trip with my girlfriends about a hundred years ago and we spent some time on the island, but I don't remember Nanaimo. We must have passed through to get to Pacific Rim park though?

cdnreader, what province are you in? I'm in BC - born in the interior, raised in Vancouver, settled in the interior.

cwillie - you might be lucky to have a good supplier of Nanaimo bars - all we get here are the President's Choice ones that come frozen. Not even close to grandma's! Or maybe it's my memories, lol...

Hi Dorianne,

We are neighbors and I'm in the province next door.:-) Still have family in Vancouver but I haven't been out to visit since 2008. Driving through Golden always freaks me out.

When you mentioned Nanaimo bars, I haven't seen them in awhile but I will have to go and look for them this weekend. Crazy to think Christmas is only 5 days away.

Ooh, yeah, that is a scary route for driving! BFF's son and daughter-in-law are living in Edmonton but thinking of taking that route to come home for Christmas....because it has better cell service! I couldn't believe it! But then I don't have a toddler that needs to be entertained, lol. I hope they come down the other way, though.

I don't know if it's the same in AB, but our Superstores and Extra Foods sell big flats of frozen Nanaimo bars.

I agree that the PC nanaimo bars are disappointing. Every little bakery here sells them though, and I think maybe the ones from M&M were pretty good too.

Oh, M&M! I never thought to look there but now I am! It's almost right across the road from mom's place, lol.

Ok so I picked up a box of Nanaimo bars from M&M this evening. Good but....still not as good as grandma's!

What I remember most about hers was how thick the layer of chocolate on top was. And it was real, melt-all-over-your-fingers chocolate. And the base was chewier, and there was just something about the buttercream that's different. Damn, I wish I'd gotten her to teach me how to make them her way!

Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus
Lay down his sweet head
The stars in the sky
Look down where he lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay
The cattle are lowing
The poor baby wakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying he makes
I love thee Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle
'Til morning is nigh
Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus
Lay down his sweet head
The stars in the heavens
Look down where he lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on…

Now sing we, now rejoice,
Now raise to heaven our voice;
He from whom joy streameth
Poor in a manger lies;
Not so brightly beameth
The sun in yonder skies.
Thou my Savior art!
Thou my Savior art!

Dear Dorianne and cwillie,

Thanks for the suggestions. I still haven't found my bars yet, but maybe later in the week.

Merry Christmas everyone! Wishing you all love and peace.

I am a teacher and have spent one of my two precious weeks off making sure things are okay for my mom. My dad died about a year and a half ago and as my mom puts it she got all the money and I the responsiblity. My sister helps sort of but we've become estranged. Yesterday I drove 7 hours to take my mom to her v remote home. I'm here with her today enduring well meaning but torturing remarks when all I want to do is go home (another seven hour drive). Today she just wants mt to take care of myself, drink tea and hang out). I just want some time by myself. I feel I have no right to complain about anything but it doesn't stop me from complaining in my head.

I am a teacher and have spent one of my two precious weeks off making sure things are okay for my mom. My dad died about a year and a half ago and as my mom puts it she got all the money and I the responsiblity. My sister helps sort of but we've become estranged. Yesterday I drove 7 hours to take my mom to her v remote home. I'm here with her today enduring well meaning but torturing remarks when all I want to do is go home (another seven hour drive). Today she just wants me to take care of myself (drink tea and hang out). I just want some time by myself. I feel I have no right to complain about anything but it doesn't stop me from complaining in my head.

My favourite thing is bumping threads above troll threads!

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