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Stand face to face with the younger me
All of the mistakes
All of the heartbreak
Here's what I'd do differently
I'd love like I'm not scared
Give when it's not fair
Live life for another
Take time for a brother
Fight for the weak ones
Speak out for freedom
Find faith in the battle
Stand tall but above it all
Fix my eyes on you, on you
I learned the lines and talked the talk (Everybody knows that, everybody knows that)
But the road less traveled is hard to walk (Everybody knows that, everybody knows)
It takes a soldier
Who knows his orders
To walk the walk I'm supposed to walk
And love like I'm not scared
Give when it's not fair
Live life for another
Take time for a brother
Fight for the weak ones
Speak out for freedom
Find faith.......

Thank you Send for finding these beautiful words. I need them more than ever.

You are so very welcome, CDN.
Be encouraged!

When the dog bites
When the bee stings

Thank you to Mr Wein, my old music teacher, for making us learn all those old show tunes.
I simply remember my favourite things, and then I don't feel so bad!

Thank you for the encouraging words Send! We all need some brightness in our day.

My favorite thing today is Hallmark movies. Wish everyone could get a happy ending.

Hi ho, hi ho
It's off to bed I go

What a great teacher Mr. Wein was cwillie...I would've Loved him.Show tunes are one of my favorite things too,especially Cabaret and Phantom and Iv'e always Loved Frank Sinatra too.Did you know that before each performance that Frank gave,he would drink Turtle Soup to soothe his vocal cords?

Went to see the Girls Trip movie with my sister and it had some good laughs. I hadn't enjoyed a movie in a long time. The last one I really enjoyed was While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock!

Try to Remember

Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain so yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a young and callow fellow,
Try to remember and if you remember then follow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That no one wept except the willow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That dreams were kept beside your pillow.
Try to remember when life was so tender
That love was an ember about to billow.
Try to remember and if you remember then follow.

Does anyone remember the tune to that song?

Yes, I remember. Such a nice sweet old song...............Sigh!

Send, I remember that song, and the soft, mellow tones of it. Wasn't that a theme song to a movie with one of the popular stars of the last generation, and with Audrey Hepburn? I googled it but couldn't find the movie of which I was thinking.

Whenever I hum the tune, a vision of an amorous couple standing on a paved overhang, with a calm, gentle sea at the base of the cliff somewhere on the coast of Europe comes to mind.

One of my favorite "things" occurred yesterday, and has been occurring when I go to the laundry mat. Although I'm thankful, I'm wondering if I'm somehow conveying an image of an old woman who now needs basic help!

Folks have not only held open the door as I'm carrying laundry in (and usually most of them don't even look up as others enter and leave) but at least 4 times people have offered to carry the laundry out to the car.

Yesterday I was at a gas station getting ready to fill a tire that was low, a truck full of men pulled in and a young man came over to the car and asked if I would like him to fill the tires with air. As soon as he finished, the truck left. They seemed to have no other business there so I thought perhaps they saw me checking the air and decided to stop and help.

I've even had offers from other women to help unload the groceries in the car.

How thoughtful, considerate, and nice to know that someone is willing to take the time out to help an old lady!

Another favorite event is occurring right now. The wind sometimes just tussles the trees and branches, and at other times becomes stronger and gives them a much more vigorous shaking. The air is chilled, reminiscent of October, and reminds me that hopefully the hot and muggy days of Summer are gone.

Autumn and Halloween decorations are already in the stores, and my thoughts are turning to gathering grapevines for freshly made wreaths, wandering a local park to collect yet another batch of pine cones that will add to my already substantial collection, awaking to chilly mornings when hot chocolate is justified, and just enjoying perhaps the most colorful season of the year.

Trees have been turning color for the last few weeks; a few overachievers are actually about 50% covered in fall shades, especially the deep burgundy and reddish colors.

Yesterday I was treated to the wonderful fragrance of rain, from the day before. Puzzled how it could have entered the car and brought sush a fresh scent, I realized I had forgotten to keep the duct tape patch on a big swath at the base of the front windshield that's opened at the bottom and allows the rain to come it.

As a result, the floor mat on the driver's side brought the sweet smell of rain right into the car, to help welcome me and provide fragrance as I headed out for a day of caregiving chores.

And, at least I won't have to wash that portion of the car mat!

Many songs, lots of movies with words "September".
So nice to hear that people are being kind to you,GA.

Good to remember gentler times Gershun.

Thank you for your responses.

See you in September
See you when the summer is through
By Happenings

Great songs especially Try to Remember

Good Night,Sleep Tight and Pleasant dreams to you~

One of my favorite things is buttercream frosting. Thinking of getting a delicious cupcake from my favorite bakery tonight.

Is that going to be the reward for eating the broiled tofu and veggies cdnreader?

Hi cwillie,

LOL - yeah, I think so.:-) I also have cupcakes on the brain. I have such a weakness for sweets.

I wish I were a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.
'Cause how can you be grumpy,
When the sun shines out your bum?

Some favorites at this time of year:

There's been even more color change since my last post. The excitement of fall colors always improves my mood and stimulates the "daydream" section of my brain.

I love seeing small or larger changes in leaf color from one day to the next, as well as the perfect way they blend together in an almost constantly changing mixture of lovely autumn colors.

I love the unique fragrance of leaves as they begin their descent from a lofty perch on a tree down to the ground, preparing to blanket it in their warmth over the winter. There's a special fragrance of Fall, just as there is of rain, a kind of a fragrance that invites me to stop and enjoy it and forget about what other things I had planned to do. It's the mental fragrance "of a moment in time."

The aroma of fresh cider, or going out into an apple orchard to pick apples always stimulates my appetite (perhaps I should avoid this as my appetite has enough stimulation already).

Bought some pumpkin scones yesterday with great anticipation of enjoying them with coffee or cider, but was disappointed that they're basically bland and flavorless. But I'm stimulated to find a good pumpkin scone recipe. The aroma of pumpkin baking in the oven is beyond description.

Squirrels are amusing, busily scampering about gathering acorns for their winter storage, but I'd prefer they didn't create their own freezers in my garden.

The sun is still warm, but it's a different kind of warmth in the fall than in the summer. Now it's like a soft fleece blanket or a nice knitted or crocheted throw (maybe even a Granny Square one like I used to make), which is comforting not just from its warmth but because it reminds me of good times when I could leisurely knit or crochet and dream of other pieces I'd make when I got old, sitting in a rocking chair and falling asleep off and on, waking periodically to see dainty snowflakes drifting down as Winter creeps in.

I'm reminded of when I worked in downtown Detroit, and visited Hudson's book store on my lunch hour, arriving with charge card and strong arms, and leaving with issues of Mon Tricot, knitting magazines, sometimes novels, and plans for many knitted or crocheted items. I still reminisce back to creation of plans not yet realized as I find dozens of crochet magazines in my book shelves. It's another "moment in time".

Fresh fabric, new Fall and Christmas designs, in my favorite fabric store are also exciting. Wandering through the many aisles of fabric bolts stirs my imagination - by the time I've left, my project list has expanded to even more projects that I'll never ever be able to start or finish. But I can dream, even if I don't get anything made.

Still, it's time for another mental health break and visit to Jo-ann Fabrics for the latest in cloth. And these are "Women Caves", decorated of course in lovely colors, soft fabrics and the always exciting Fall pattern books filled with costumes for which I've bought patterns and probably will never make unless I get a job as a costumer for plays.

But then I couldn't spend so much time on this Forum.

P.S to CDN Reader - I love buttercream frosting!

P.S. to CWillie - broiled tofu? Um, I think I'll be polite and refrain from commenting!

Hi GardenArtist,

I love your list! It was a great pick me up today.

Thank you. Me, too. I love cupcakes and buttercream frosting. So good. It was me that went to the cooking class with broiled tofu!:-) If you can believe it, it wasn't too bad. LOL

CDN, I'm always glad when someone is made happy!

A few weeks ago I indulgded and bought some little mini cupcakes - I haven't been baking much b/c of time constraints. They were carrot cake, with I think a whipped cream frosting. Carrot cake has always been a family favorite. They're delicious! The spice scent is so aromatic that I feel good just inhaling the odor before even eating them.


Mmmm, mini cupcakes. Of course they're so small you get to have more than one, right?

CWilllie, absolutely! One mustn't suffer because the cupcakes are small.

GardenArtist-in the fall-when and if it ever arrives for real-trader Joes has pumpkin butter to put on top of tasteless scones.
Cwillie-You made it awake today-hoping you feel better. If the cupcakes are small, they go down easier, icing coverage overall is greater, imo. Have some!

I still love to see the moon up in the daytime sky. I don't think I can ever get tired of it. I prefer to see it in the daytime than at night.

Currently my favorite thing is finding books of authors that I'm collecting as a set to read - going on sale at $0.99 or free. My heart always hops a little when I see it's 100% discount.... I was reading the Amazon forum when I learned something very valuable from a poster. She said that she would put all the books she's interested in getting in her Wishlist. And then she will check it daily to see if it goes on sale..I've been slowly going through my Book Lists (authors alphabetically in black ink, Series name in purple ink, books I have in blue ink, books I need to buy in red ink and how much it costs.)... I've been slowly adding the red ink books in my wish lists (currently only 4 -wishlist 1, wishlist 2, wishlist 3,...) I have been having great success in getting free ebooks on a lot of my wish lists.

The smell of bacon cooking in the morning. The sound of soft gentle rain as leaves flutter to the ground and a puppy pouncing on the pile of leaves running in circles in the crisp morning air. I love going to apple farms in the autumn. A warehouse full of bins of different varieties of apples, paragon, delicious, pink ladies, etc., the smell of all those apples. They always have fresh baked apple pies and cider for sale too. I shall miss apple hill in California, not just the apples but the drive is so pretty winding in and around the hills with autumn colors.

Send, I haven't been to Trader Joe's in years! I recall when one opened in my sister's area and had a wonderful free sampling, with enough samples for a meal. One was the best cranberry sauce/relish I've ever had. It was simple, with just cranberries and oranges, and something else which I've forgotten. For years I've planned to make that during cranberry season.

I don't even remember if TJ had pumpkin butter, but I'll try it. I'm thinking also that if I find a good recipe, I can make it. Imagine the fragrance of pumpkin puree, pumpkin butter, pumpkin muffins and anything else pumpkin wafting through the house on a chilly day.

I saw a pumpkin only recipe magazine at the grocery store and managed to only pick it up a few times and look at it before the recipe section of my memory reminded me that I have too many recipe books already.

Pumpkins (and gourds) are already in the stores. They change and highlight the produce aisles with their bright orange colors. Reminds me that maybe today will be the day to rummage around in the studio and find some silk fall leaves to make a wreath, since I've managed to misplace the one I made several years ago which I really liked.

And since I'm on a roll this morning, I'll share what made the wreath so special. I used saved popsicle sticks to make a fence, then glued on a black cat. Little pumpkins were either glued or stuck into the wreath at the base of the fence. I had a lot of fun designing that simple wreath.

And I really, really liked that wreath. I just wish I knew what I did with it. I might have to get out all my dozens of boxes of quilt material to look for it. Going through quilting material is a real challenge - my mind starts spinning with new ideas that I'll never implement.

Glad, what are your favorite interests in books? Fiction? Nonfiction? Favorite authors? Sounds like you're pretty thorough with your book inventory.

Ever read any of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books?

Sharyn, are you moving from California? You've described the apple season so well; I too love those fresh fragrances.

One really great grocery store recently was acquired by Krogers, which could have been clever in adapting it to a specialty store. But all the stores were shut down.

That's the only store at which I could find Northern Spies, which my mother always used for baking apple pies and apple turnovers. Spies just aren't carried by the other supermarkets.

Guess I'll have to take a trip to a cider mill to get some.

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